Ok, I originally wrote it on german and translated it afterwards, so if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes or strange formulations, please tell me and I'll correct it.

So now have fun:


Silently she sat there and stared at the wall.

A plain, white wall.

Everything in this room was white.

The roof, the blanket, the chairs, the table, even the bed she was lying in.

A white, comfortable bed.

The sun shone through the windows. It was a great day; the flowers were blooming and she heard the birds sing.

But she was bored..

She hadn't got anything to do beside searching for stains within this unbearable white room.

And that wasn't actually exciting.

Her body felt heavy, her throat hurt.

But she didn't know, why she was here.

Why was she in hospital?

Suddenly the door flew open and a man and a women rushed into the room.

The girl eyed them warily.

What could they want from her?

"Sela!", the woman exclaimed crying. "Sela, we've worried that much about you! Why didn't you contact us?"

~Sela?~, the girl thought confused.

The woman had come to her bed by now and was gently stroking her head, while the man was standing behind her.

The woman's tears made her feel remorseful. She didn't like tears.

"Eh..", she started and gently pulled back from the woman's hands.

"I don't want to be impolite, but who are you?", she asked.

Had fun?
If yes, then please let me know so. I know it was short but it was just the Prologue.
Tell me, if I should continue this, because it is difficult for me to translate it right.