It has been so long since I've touched anything Lana/Dean related in writing.

I miss them.

I based my NaNoWriMo around basically turning Hunting Demons into something I could publish, so it changed drastically, but it meant going back and just…I miss my babies.

I don't know what that means yet and you guys should check out my AO3 account because I'm going to be most active there.

Do I write a new one? Do I start over? Do I pick up where I left off? All I know is that this is a OneShot, and that if I do Lana/Dean, it's probably going to be a, pick up, or a revamp them completely and start something new and epic because I've finally caught up on the show again and I just…Dean needs his Lana.

I'm also viding them again, so, yeah.

Plus I wanna bring Mama Winchester back in fic form too and write reactions about Dean having like three kids. Writing their kids in Season Twelve would be so much fun! Especially because think about it: Johnny would be 9 and can you imagine his sass? Maybe I'll just write like three or four in different timelines, I don't know, I just miss my babies.

Without further ado…have some feels.

WARNINGS: Language



Being apart from Dean was always hard.

Lana was the type of person that threw herself into a relationship and that was that, and while it had taken Dean a while to outwardly show that kind of commitment back, he had. They'd gotten through a miscarriage, and then through him going to Hell and her finding out more about her 'antichrist' powers and then she'd betrayed him. Killing Lilith? She hadn't known it would bring about the actual breaking of the last seal, but there it was.

All because she was protecting her son.

Out sprang Lucifer, and all their issues started, which wasn't good at all, because even though everyone understood what Lana had done, everything changed. She was pregnant again, and she hadn't been happy about it at all, which had made Dean upset. They'd been trying for a second kid, and then Lucifer had come out and Lana had been so deadest against that again. That baby had already been on its way by then, however, and they couldn't take it back and Lana had to suck it up.

It was odd for Kate and Sam, actually, to see Lana moody while Dean was excited, but things were kind of hard all around. Raising a child while also having to demon hunt, made things really frustrating, and when Dean was off doing the more dangerous hunts, and Lana had to stay at home instead, tensions ran really high. Now, she was waiting for Dean to come back, feeling exhausted and emotional, but that was the pregnancy that was hitting her, and she remembered four months along pretty well.

"Momma?" Johnny asked, playing with the fire truck that Dean had bought him for his second Christmas. "Daddy…"

Lana's ears perked up at that, both of them hearing the sound of the Impala as it rolled into the driveway. Clapping her hands happily, Lana went toward the door after swooping Johnny up into her arms, the two year old always happier when his father came home. Sam and Kate were taking a break from them unless Dean needed help or Lana wanted to see them, at Kate's place, she knew. It was hard without them, but they had to live their own lives, right?

This whole year had just been so damn stressful.

The door opened before Dean could even put the key into the lock, and he smiled, happy to see that they were so excited to see him. Even now, Dean couldn't believe that he was so blessed with a wife and a son, when everything that he did was for hunting. It was crazy that someone as wonderful as Lana had fallen in love with him, and stood by him even when he was an idiot: Johnny was their miracle.

"Well hello to you two, too," Dean said, taking Johnny when he reached for him even though he cringed.

That made Lana's smile immediately fade, but she tried to fake one for Johnny's sake as Dean snuggled his son and she locked the front door behind him. Stealing a kiss from his wife, Dean sent her a 'sorry' look with his eyes before he set Johnny down and then took off his coat. Lana moved Johnny over to play with his toys as she went to go and get the first aid kit, Dean taking off his button up and taking a breath as he sat down, letting Lana start to fix him up when she came back.

He could tell that she was more upset he was hurt, than upset that he had gotten hurt hunting, but everything just felt so awful these days. There's was so much fighting, and having to look over their shoulders, and with the whole Sam and Lucifer thing that may have to happen, and the him being a vessel and not wanting to, and Adam coming back…what were they supposed to do? Everything was just so messed up and normalcy seemed to escape them.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean exclaimed loudly, Lana sending him a look as Johnny looked up from playing with his blocks.

At first Dean matched Lana's annoyed look with a look of pain and anger of his own, but when Johnny laughed, Dean looked sheepish. He knew how Lana felt about him cursing in front of his son and he had a feeling that since she was in fact the one stitching up his hunting inflicted wound, he needed to calm down and apologize. Johnny started putting some more giant legos together to build a wall as Dean looked over at him again, Lana taking a deep breath, Dean knowing she was going to lecture him now.

After being married for almost three years, and being acquainted with her for almost five, he knew when she was about to lecture him. There were facets of his personality that she found adorable and other facets that she called him on and honestly he was the same way with her—they were always bantering and yet there were moments when he had his 'Chick Flick' moments.

"Next word he learns is going to be that 'b' word you just said." Lana told him, shaking her head, her eyes growing wide when Dean interrupted her.

"You say that word too." Dean pointed out, wincing when she poured a little bit of whiskey over his wound.

"I've come up with a solution though." Lana continued, shaking her head. "We're just going to stop being mad."

Dean raised his eyebrows. "That's your solution?! Lanni…I expected more from you."

Lana rolled her eyes and finished stitching up Dean's shoulder, thinking over all of the words that she wanted to say and trying to figure out how to say them. There was a lot on her mind and after jump-starting the Apocalypse, she really just wanted to put things behind them all and there was only one way she could think of—to push it all under the rug. Normally Lana wanted to actually face things, but it seemed to her that all of the hostility these days stemmed from her freeing Lucifer without realizing she was doing it and she just wanted to get her life back on track.

"You're still mad about Lucifer, aren't you?" Lana asked him honestly, starting to clean up the bloody and clean gauze as Johnny held his teddy bear to him on the floor.

Dean took a deep breath. "Well, yeah…but I know that you only did it to save our son."

"That doesn't change the fact that I let Lucifer out and now we have an actual Apocalypse on our hands that I feel personally responsible for." Lana responded curtly, taking another deep breath and then watching as Dean pulled his sleeve down over the bandage. "I just…everything's a little crazy right now and after that trip to the future that you took—I'm kind of just out of options on what to do. I don't want that future to be us at all."

"I don't either." Dean admitted, thinking back to when he saw how unhappy he and Lana were in the future—how ready to quit she was because Lucifer was threatening their child. "It was a pretty crappy life."

"Yeah…so let's get drunk and have a date night or something—well you can get drunk…I can't." She told him, resting her hand on her stomach and running her fingers along it happily. "I'm still feeling guilty about the beer I had last month…and the week after it…I really wish I had known I was pregnant then. At such an early stage of development I ingested alcohol."

Dean couldn't help but chuckle, the corners of his mouth crinkling up into a goofy smile that Lana had missed this last little while. After the Lilith fiasco, Lana and Dean had started to find their way back to each other, goofing around, trying for another kid, minimizing hunting—but then Johnny had been kidnapped and suddenly everything was different. Lana had to kill Lilith to get her son back and sadly that had been the last seal…and it was as if all bets were off.

There was no more trying for kids—in fact there were hardly full conversations that took place. The conversations that did seem to take place always ending in fighting and yelling and soon the two realized that Johnny deserved more than a broken home and so talking just ceased unless they had to address each other. It took a trip into the future, set up by Zachariah, to remind Dean that Lana was his life, and that he had to try if he wanted to keep his family…it was also what made them aware that they had stopped trying too late and baby number 2 was already on her way.

"You think I'm funny?" Lana asked him, smiling a little as she gave him a look and then laughed herself when he shrugged and Johnny laughed too. "I'm just saying that maybe had we been facing each other more, we might have noticed there was a child on its way since we'd originally been planning to have one."

Dean shrugged a little again. "If you remember correctly about all of these alternate universes and time travels we've been part of, apparently you have smooth pregnancies when you have girls—that would account for the very mild nausea and the headaches that only happened when you were under a lot of stress."

"Yeah…true…a little girl—I hope she looks like me." Lana told him, winking and laughing as he reached out and pulled her onto his lap, wincing at the strain it put on his shoulder. "Dean Winchester! You have to be more careful! You're going to pull your stitches and that's not okay…I don't want to have to stitch you up again."

Dean rolled his eyes and kissed her softly, pressing his chapped lips to hers, reveling in the softness and warmth of them. Johnny just watched as Lana resituated herself on Dean's lap, and then got up and walked over to them when Dean, nipped at her bottom lip, tired of being mad at his wife. His head snapped in the direction of his son though when Johnny tugged on his pant leg, Lana's cheeks flushing, an awkward laugh coming out of her mouth.

"Come here, Johnny-Bear." Lana told him, reaching down and picking him up, setting him on her lap. "Mommy and Daddy just need to talk a little bit."

Johnny nodded. "I'm hungy."

"Come to think of it, I'm a little starved myself right now." Dean admitted, nodding slowly, and rustling his son's blonde hair. "Waffles?"

"Dean, it's dinner-time!" Lana chastised as Johnny's eyes lit up and he nodded vigorously, thoroughly enjoying his father's plan.

"Well for dinner tonight we're going to have waffles—tomorrow I'll cave and take you guys to the zoo." Dean told them, rolling his eyes. "I know how much you want to go."

Johnny started clapping, Lana clapping with him, kissing Johnny's head and getting off of Dean's lap, heading into the kitchen. She made toaster waffles for Johnny and a sandwich for her and Dean, all of them eating before they went through their normal bedtime routine with Johnny. Of course he didn't want to go to bed because his father was home, but he was tired and after he got into bed, Lana led Dean into their bedroom and started to change while he sat on the end of the bed and watched her.

"I hate hunting on my own," Dean admitted with a sigh, running his hand down his face. "How do I ask Sam though? Kate is so angry with me that she won't even pick up when I call her."

Lana sighed as she chewed on her lip and pulled her tank top on for bed. "She's only mad because you hurt Sam's feelings so bad and she's madly in love with your brother. Just…we'll all go and see her and she'll change her mind."

"You promised that you wouldn't hunt anymore because of this," he said as she moved toward him, resting his hands on her tiny four month bump.

Smiling a little as he leaned forward to kiss her stomach, her fingers went into his hair. "Look, we both know that I'm going to have to do something. I can't just sit on my ass while Lucifer keeps wreaking havoc and trying to get Sam to say 'yes'. I let him out, even if it was an accident and I have to help to force him back."

"Or you can let me do it," Dean offered, pulling her onto his lap and smiling when she straddled him, resting on his lap and kissing him. "Mmm…that definitely makes me feel better. I got wounded," he pouted.

Lana rolled her eyes playfully, but kissed her husband happily as he held her close, his lips trailing to her jaw and then to her neck. His hands ran along her shirt and starting to push it back up her body, Lana laughing and lifting her arms up to let him get it off.

"I just put that on," Lana told him, shaking her head even though she was happy to not be fighting with him right now.

Dean shrugged a bit. "It's like you don't know your husband or something."

"I get to be on top first…" she whispered, winking at him.

"As you wish," he chuckled as he laid back on the bed.

Feedback is always appreciated! I just missed my babies and there will be more from me soon!