Disclaimer: I wish I wrote Twilight, but since I didn't, that means that none of this belongs to me. If anyone comes across a spare Jake, please let me know, I'm in need of one :-)

Thank you so much to KingCall for putting up with my unpredictable moods, giggles and whining, this is for you :)


I got the impression Charlie had been standing by the window or pacing the room for a while before we arrived as he opened the door to our surprised faces almost before I had time to breathe and then chuckled at our expressions.

As his eyes moved from me to Jake, I saw his eyes twinkle. I knew that both he and Billy had always hoped and expected us to end up together so I shouldn't have been surprised, but it was still nice to see that I had his approval.

His manner hadn't changed, and he gestured us inside with a gruff welcome.

I smiled at him and let go of Jake's hand to hug him. I couldn't help myself, I'd been gone a long time and didn't really realise how much I'd missed him. He patted me awkwardly, clearly not sure how to respond to this unexpected display of affection and we were saved from any further embarrassment by Sue, who chose to walk through at that moment.

She smiled warmly at both me and Jake, before enveloping us in her arms one at a time; Jake first and then me once I'd collected myself enough to let go of poor Charlie. I smiled shyly, not really sure where I stood with this woman who so clearly loved my Dad - you could see the light in her eyes as she stepped into the room, and I was glad, given all the things she had been through in the last few years.

Even though I hadn't been around, I'd still kept in touch with Charlie, and he'd told me how Harry had passed on and that Sue's kids - Seth and Leah - had grown up and flown the nest and how hard it had been for her.

She smiled at me warmly and sincerely as I stepped back and took Jake's hand again, firmly cementing my thoughts that Charlie was well-looked after and then ushered us further into the house.

I could see the woman's touches that the house had clearly lacked when I was living there, and was glad that Sue had so firmly taken Charlie under her wing and was looking after him so thoroughly when I hadn't.

Jake squeezed my hand gently, obviously aware of the thoughts swirling in my head and I smiled in thanks.

As we walked through to the front room, Sue turned to us and smiled again.

"How have you two been?" she asked gently. I gulped, and Jake answered for me, a smile in his voice.

"Never better, thank you Sue." She nodded and looked at me as I became aware of the tell-tale blush that was once again staining my cheeks. I wished I had grown out of it, but it had plagued me my entire life and always caught me out.

She smiled at me, the look in her eye said she knew there was something we weren't telling her but that she wouldn't press it.

Charlie however was not one to beat about the bush, and jumped in.

"I didn't know you two were still in touch."

"Well…" I started, and again Jake saved my blushes.

"We were on and off, but I was the first person Bells met when she arrived yesterday." It was his turn to blush as he realised his mistake as soon as the words left his mouth, and Charlie simply raised an eyebrow in response.


I nodded, wondering how to get out of any further questions, realising it was probably futile. We were both consenting adults after all, so what was there to be ashamed of or embarrassed by?

"Yes Dad, I met Jake when I arrived yesterday and I've been with him ever since."

It was Charlie's turn to look abashed, and he cleared his throat embarrassed but seemingly pleased. Jake chuckled and pulled me towards him and wrapped an arm round my waist.

"Charlie, you know I'd never hurt Bella, don't you?" he almost pleaded. Charlie nodded in response and Sue beamed at us.

"Of course, Honey." she replied for Charlie, who seemed to still be sorting details out in his head. At Sue's words, he shook his head and then nodded and Jake chuckled nervously, waiting to hear what Charlie would say.

My dad cleared his throat and then spoke.

"Jake, I realise its early days, but I know you've always loved my daughter and I couldn't be happier," he sighed softly and then grinned "I just wish I'd got to see her first."

Jake and I stared at Charlie open-mouthed before I recollected myself and reached over to shut Jake's mouth after shutting mine myself, making both Sue and Charlie smile.

Jake nodded and looked abashed, before apologising, falling over his word in haste.

Charlie chuckled softly.

"Jacob, you're like a son to me, but you're annoying at the moment. Shut up." Jake obliged, and it was mine and Sue's turn to smile at each other.

"I expect you have the same power over him" she joked. I laughed with her.

"Not quite," I assured her. "I think it might be something to do with me not owning I gun. Charlie always used to threaten people with it." Sue laughed and Jake joined in, nodding.

"Yeah, never get on the wrong side of Charlie is the rule that we all stuck to. He has a gun." The last bit said in mock fear, eyes wide and hands expressive. I laughed at him and reached up to stroke his jaw softly before turning to Charlie eyes blazing in mock fury.

"You hurt him and you'll have me to deal with."

He looked all five foot of me up and down and guffawed.

"Oh Bells, you're not exactly a match for me, but I promise I won't!"

At this point, Sue came back in from the kitchen, from where mouth-watering smells were drifting and ushered us in, where food was laid out on the table in abundance. We sat down, me and Jake on one side and Sue and Charlie on the other.

"Help yourselves," she gestured to the table. "It's not particularly fancy, but its food." Charlie twinkled at her.

"But it's made by you, and I love your food, there's nothing like it," turning to me, he apologised "Sorry Bells." I nodded in acquiescence.

"Wow, no wonder he kept you," I joked to Sue, "he used to say no one could ever beat my cooking." She joined in my laughter, and soon the four of us were laughing, joking, talking and eating together as if we'd never been apart. I could see why Charlie had fallen for Sue, she was smart and held her own against him, and the love-light in both their eyes was testimony to the connection they shared. Her ring winked in the sunlight slanting across the table, and I stopped conversation as I gasped. Charlie turned to look at me, seeing where my eyes had landed. I smiled up at him and he cleared his throat.

"Um," he began "I… well; I wanted to tell you in person." Sue reached out and took his hand. "We're getting married."

I clapped my hands in a very un-Bella-like reaction. Charlie let out a breath, obviously waiting for the fireworks or temper-tantrum that never came, unsurprisingly since I wasn't 16 any more. I smiled at the two of them.

"Dad, Sue, I'm so happy for you. In the same way that you blessed me and Jake Dad," I replied "I bless you two. You look perfect together, may life be bliss." I grinned and Jake smiled broadly at me.

"You don't know how much that means to me, to both of us" Sue returned "Charlie's been talking of nothing else, he's been on edge thinking you were going to bite his head off for weeks!" she laughed softly. I joined in, and the conversation resumed.

When at last we lapsed into silence Sue stood and I did so quickly too, offering to help clear up and wash up and offering Jake's services too.

Sue accepted and I helped her and Jake move everything off the table and into the sink. Jake dried as I washed; but before long it turned into chaos as he threw foam at me and I then reciprocated, the two of us giggling like teenagers as Charlie and Sue sat at the table and watched our antics, joining in the laughter. I realised I'd missed this; the sense of community and togetherness always present when I was growing up in Forks.

We sat around talking in the garden for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, me sitting in Jake's lap and Sue in Charlie's, content in each other's company.

As the sun began to sink, Jake and I stood.

"We probably ought to be heading home Dad," I smiled. He nodded.

"Come back soon, won't you?"

I smiled.

"Of course." I walked over to him and kissed his forehead softly. "You don't mind me not staying here?" He shook his head.

"No, Jacob will look after you, and anyway," he blushed slightly "you wouldn't want to be around your old Dad and his fiancée, would you? I mean, we've kind of got used to our space." he petered out. I groaned inwardly, realising the implications of his words. That was definitely something I didn't want to think about.

Jake chuckled at my expression. He'd got so good at reading me in such a short space of time.

Sue stood up to hug me, obviously fond of me even though I'd only known her a relatively short time. I smiled at her, knowing she'd done my Dad a world of good.

"Take care of him for me, won't you?" I said softly. She simply nodded in reply.

Jake walked over to hug both Charlie and Sue, and then they walked us to the door.

"How about you come round for dinner on Sunday?" Sue suggested. Today was Thursday; I mentally worked through my fairly non-existent schedule.

"That sounds wonderful, thank you" I smiled again, this woman's good nature was infectious. Jake nodded in agreement and we stepped outside into the balmy evening. For once it wasn't raining in Forks.

The two of them stood on the doorstep and waved to us as we wandered hand in hand down the street, not in a hurry and not talking, just enjoying the silence.

Once we were out of sight, Jake turned to me.

"Any plans for this evening?" I asked him, staring up at him and he smirked at me.

"I can think of many things I'd like to do to you, Miss Swan." he replied and my jaw dropped at his silky tone. He chuckled.

"You'll catch flies, and Bella and flies doesn't taste so good." I shut my mouth with a snap and smouldered at him, giving him my best bedroom eyes.

"Then what are we waiting for, Mr Black?"

A/N I know, I know; I'm mean, I ended on a cliff-hanger, but I did update awfully fast, so you can forgive me!

Just a reminder that if you're under 18, please stop reading, many stories are being pulled for this exact reason, its not fair to the authors who write and then are jeopardised, having nowhere to post their stories.

Shameless plugging of someone else's story: I'm currently reading purelyamuse's story For Him, part three in her series, its JxB, go read them in order, its much better than mine, and deserves lots of reviews!