A/n: *Dated : 03/06/2010*: Well here it is, my first Merlin story!

Soundtrack: Synchronity - Yuki Makino OR Doctor who OST: Doomsday [These are the two soundtracks that I listened to as i wrote/re-wrote the chapter]

Disclaimer: I dont own Merlin! (this is also the only time i'm going to be posting the disclaimer:) )

*Edited on: 26/03/2012*



Screams filled the air. They penetrated the very walls of the grand castle that loomed over the people. The sky was tainted a bloody red and smoke rose high above the battlements.


That was the only word that could ever describe what befell the great kingdom of Albion.

It all started when the King died, King Balinor. He died just at the end of Midsummer. The bells tolled, signalling the death of their king. All flags at half mast, beginning the week long mourning period. After that period, a coronation would take place, which would signal the crowning of the King-to-be, Prince Emrys.

Prince Emrys, known as Merlin to his family and closest friends, was well loved by his people. There is no comparing the pride that the people exuded when they spoke of him. Sad as they were when Kink Balinor died, the people couldn't wait for Prince Emrys to take up the crown.

But, on the day of the coronation it all went terribly wrong.

Years ago, the High Priestess Nimueh left Albion and was never seen again. They say that she had fallen from the ways of the Old Religion and was unfit to be a Priestess. They say that King Balinor had banished her on the grounds of High Treason because she tried to kidnap Prince Emrys when he was a baby.

The sayings are true. She had tried to kidnap Prince Emrys but no one knew why, only guessed that she had tried to kidnap him for his power. Even as a baby Prince Emrys' magical power was great- special, they called it, one of a kind. And so Nimueh craved that power for her own- why, no one knew, as she was powerful in her own right, only that she craved it.

For years after she was banished she hadn't given up on claiming Prince Emrys' power. But every single plan of hers was always thwarted. And one day, the attempts stopped and everyone thought that she had given up, but no, she was only waiting for the right time to strike, gathering followers as time went by.

No one realised.

No one knew.

But they were taken by surprise for, on the day of Prince Emrys' coronation, Albion was attacked.

With every one's attention focused on their Prince's coronation, there was no one to stop her army from marching toward the citadel. All patrols were called back as per tradition. All guards were allowed to leave their posts for that one night, to witness the Prince's coronation and to take part in the celebrations.

It was then, that she struck.

Her army marched forward, unchecked through the kingdom. Without trouble she reached the capitol. The people were the first to see them, a great army that cut down any in their path. An army of creatures that could have only been summoned from the deepest pits of Death itself. An army, that soon overwhelmed the city below the citadel.

The knights of Albion rallied together and made a stand at the gates of the Citadel. But nothing would have made them ready for the sight that they saw. Not one of them would have ever wanted to face such creatures in combat. But they would fight. For their Prince. For their homes. And fight they did. Sparks of Magic illuminated the sky; the clash of metal against metal filled the air, as did the stench of blood. But the Nimueh's creatures did not seem to die, for when one was cut down another would rise in its place and soon Albion's knights where exhausted and their numbers depleting.

Then their Prince's voice spoke to them in their minds.

'Retreat, brave knights! I will give you time to escape. Go! Now!'

As soon as the last word was spoken a bright light engulfed the capitol city, blinding everyone belonging to Nimueh's army.

'I will call upon you soon. I beg you, remain in hiding till then.'

The brave knights of Albion obeyed and retreated.

Nimueh rose victorious.

Once the citadel was secure Nimueh walked up to the Throne and picked up the crown that lay abandoned on the ground.

Nimueh smirked, 'This isn't over for you Emrys! This is just the beginning.' She sent that thought out to Prince Emrys as she stooped down to pick up the crown, transforming it into a circlet before placing it on her head. As one, her army knelt, recognising Nimueh as their Queen.

"Long live the Queen!" They said as one, knowing that it was what she expected.

Far away, on a cliff overlooking Albion, a lone figure stood, his cape billowing in the wind. Tears ran down his pale cheeks as he witnessed the destruction of his kingdom. He watched as his knights retreated, using his magic to bring up a view of the citadel from where he stood. He saw Nimueh crown herself. He heard the words that she forced into his mind. He heard the words 'Long live the Queen!' ring out through the citadel.

Too much.

It was all too much.

He crashed to his knees, his fury and grief coursing through him but unable to do anything with it.

'I'm sorry Father. I failed you.'

"Sire?" whispered a voice behind him. "We must leave, quickly."

Prince Emrys' mind barely registered the voice. Then he recognised it, it was the voice of the king's champion, Lancelot.

Emrys nodded once and rose. Turned around and started following Lancelot, before he paused and glanced back. Looking once more at his kingdom, he whispered vehemently into the wind, "I will be back." before following Lancelot again, this time at a run.

A/N: Please do tell me what you think! It would make my day!