Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

(N.B: For Mystii's '30 Drabbles in 30 Days' challenge)

In Between Days
By Silver Sailor Ganymede

I. Sapphires

Blaise bought her sapphires for her birthday.

It wouldn't have annoyed her if he hadn't given them to her and then said, "I know these are your favourites. Look how well I know you, love."

They weren't. She had never liked sapphires; blue clashed hideously with her eyes. Emeralds would have been better, or jade – even rubies. Rubies would have stood out wonderfully. Sapphires just clashed.

She smiled and said thank you to Blaise for the present anyway. It would have hurt too much to admit that she didn't like them.

Daphne Greengrass hated sapphires, but right now she hated Blaise even more. He claimed to love her but he didn't know her at all.