
"Sweetie, you'll be alright, I promise you."

I gave my mother a skeptical look as we walked through the terminal, flanked by our body guard, Rob. Everyone we passed stared at us in awe, pointing like all gaga starstruck fans do. As normal as this was for us, it didn't make it any less annoying. Thankfully Rob's so intimidating looking that nobody would mob my mother for an autograph.

You see, my mom is a very famous actress/singer/dancer. She's mainly a Broadway star, but as of recently she's been starring in a lot of movies. People love her, people adore her, people idolize her. Hell people want to be her, and me just because I'm her daughter. Heck they bought 7 million copies of her latest shows soundtrack just to show it. Now she was going off on a tour with her newest production that she's tarring as the lead in. I'm sincerely happy for her and very proud, but there's a very big downside on my part.

"I still don't see why I can't just stay here in New York!" I pleaded to my mother.

She gave me a sympathetic look and wrapped her arm around my shoulder as comfort. "Babe,I know this move sucks, but I can't let you stay here by yourself. I'm gonna be in the West Coast a lot, so its better this way." she smiled and nudged me. "Plus you got into Hollywood Arts, its great!"

I gave her that same skeptical look. Hollywood Arts High school was a pretty big deal for any kid wanting to get in on the show biz world. As happy as I was that I got in, I did not want to leave New York. It was my home, the place I grew up. Its where my best friend was! I'm leaving it for California! I feel like such a dirty traitor right now.

I cringed when they announced that my flight was boarding over the intercom. My mom pulled me into a bone crushing bear hug that she only ever gave me. I teared up a bit, hugging her immediately. God, I would miss her sooo much. My mother was my best friend. I had no girlfriends, just a homosexual male best friend. My mom was my go to person on everything. She was cool like that, but at the same time stern. My mom mixed in with a best friend.

She wiped her eyes and held me out to arms length, giving me a teary smile. "You call me everyday too! I ant to know everything that happens at school. Don't give your aunt a hard time, god knows she deserves it though." we both laughed at that. "And don't worry about a thing. You got everything you need. Plus Rob," he nodded his head and smiled kindly at that before the gruff look came back.

I nodded at her words and wiped away the tears streaming down my cheeks. "I got it mom."

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "I'll miss you baby bear."

I smiled at that. "I'll miss you too, mama bear."

She hugged me one last time before ushering me off to board. I looked back at her as Rob and I moved to get on the plane. She waved back at me, tears flowing down her face. I was missing her already.

"Hey Rob, think you can pin down my cousin when we get there?" I joked as we settled into our seats in first class. (my mom insisted)

He chuckled. "With pleasure."

I smiled and stared out of the window at New York as it slowly faded from my view. Goodbye New York...hello hell.