Title: The 5 Times Jared Had To Be Told To Kiss Kim And The 1 Time He Didn't

Author: geekluvsg

Rating: M to be on the safe side for minor suggestive adult themes (kissing)

Pairing: Jared/Kim

Summary: The 5 times Jared had to be told to kiss Kim and the 1 time he didn't

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight series or any of the characters.

Authors Note: I don't have a beta and therefore all mistakes are unintentional and just that, mistakes. I hope it is at least a little well written. I took many liberties with details when I couldn't find the information I was looking for (example: Jared's last name) and I may have even changed details of the original novels to fit with my stories I still hope you enjoy it.


The Christmas party at the Uley house was in full swing. Jared was convinced that the whole population of La Push was crammed into the living room to celebrate the holidays that evening. He didn't like it. The room felt unusually stuffy and his nose was inundated with the sharp smells of cologne, perfume, and food. His sensitive ears pounded with the all the chatter and music. Sensations seemed to bombard him from all sides. It felt like no matter which way he moved he was bumping into someone or something. It made him uncomfortable and only served to remind him that he was one of the largest men in the house. To make his situation worse he was stuck in conversation with Mrs. Cross, an elderly lady from his neighborhood, who had cornered him after Kim had gone to refresh her drink and proceeded to grill him about his relationship with Kim.

Jared tried to glance subtly around the room for an escape. Paul and Embry were talking heatedly in one corner no doubt arguing about the latest football game. Movement caught his attention and Jared couldn't help his smile when he saw Quil attempt to chase young Claire around the room but his large frame couldn't squeeze between the other guests as easily as Claire's could. She must have swiped his wallet again and was trying to hide it in the pile of stuffed animals in the other room. He nodded and "hmmmed" to something Mrs. Cross said but he wasn't paying any attention to her because his eyes landed on Kim who had just entered the room with fresh drinks for both of them. He turned his attention back to Mrs. Cross and quickly ended her one-sided conversation with him and moved across the room.

Kim smiled shyly as she watched him move toward her. He loved the way she smiled at him. It made him feel like he could take on an armored tank bare handed and come out of the confrontation without a scratch. He smiled back at her, "Thank you Kim. You saved me from the clutches of the evil Mrs. Cross"

"Poor baby," she teased and rubbed his shoulder and upper arm as he took a sip from the Styrofoam cup. Jared's nerves stood to attention. He watched Kim glance up to the ceiling several times and then back at him expectantly. He felt like she was trying to tell him something but he was distracted at the feel of her soft hand and wished they were some where more private so she might be convinced to run her fingers along something other than his bicep. For the life of him he couldn't figure it out what she was trying to not say and finally he just said, "Cold?" and he pulled her closer to his side. She wrapped her arms around him but shook her head at him.

"Not cold Jared. I'm waiting."

Jared was confused, "Waiting for what?"

"For you."

"For me to what?"

"For you to kiss her dear." Jared jerked around almost spilling his punch. Mrs. Cross was at his side and pointing up at the ceiling. For all his keen senses he didn't even notice her approach. "Mistletoe, dear, means you have to kiss her. So what are you waiting for?"

Jared looked up and sure enough there was a green sprig attached to the arch way with a festive red ribbon. "Don't you want to kiss your girl friend?"

Jared felt his skin prickle and had to fight back a snarky response but when he felt Kim stroke his hip he instantly calmed down. She had that effect on him. He sucked in a deep breath. "Yes Mrs. Cross. It's been what a half hour since I've had the pleasure of kissing you Kim?" He placed his cup down on a near by table, turned, and pulled Kim even closer. The kiss was slow but full of heat. He took his time tracing her lips with his tongue, lightly probing until she granted him access to her mouth. It was a mix of minty toothpaste and fruit punch. His heart beat a little faster when he felt her arms slide over his shoulders and tilt her head back slightly. Jared heard wolf whistles and knew the Pack was making all the noise and he pulled back before he could get too carried away. Kim buried her face in his shoulder. Jared grinned at the shocked look on Mrs. Cross's face. "Man, I love mistletoe! Merry Christmas!"