If you were a bird, which bird would you be? Why?

Mr. Yao Wang reread the prompt on the board as he erased it.

He sighed.

Today was a tiring day as usual; horny kids, bullshit questions, and, of course, lots of work.

"Work that I have to check, aru," he muttered sourly as he eyed that monstrous pile of work on top of his desk.

He put down the dry board eraser and went to his nice comfy teacher's chair behind his dark, mahogany desk.

"Aruuu," he sighed, "might as well read and check these shitty papers."

He looked through the papers, immediately putting papers like this to the side.

"Like, I totally want to be a B-E-A-UTIFUL bird, cause, like, I'm tots beautiful!"

Yao grimaced.

He could practically see the "hair flip" at the end of that horrid sentence.

He read the next one.

"If I were a bird, I would be an Eagle,"

Okay, this one is not that bad, Mr. Wang thought.

"Because Eagles are the HEROES!"

Oh Buddha! Yao was working with Joiners*(American High school, third years) not third graders!

He set that one to the side and got another one.

"Are there pasta birds?"

Hello, Face, meet Mr. Palm.

It was going to take all of his will-power not to hit this student over the head tomorrow.

His left eye twitched as he got the next paper, hoping it wasn't as bad as the other ones.

"If I were a bird, I would be an Ostrich,"

Mr. Wang's left eyebrow went up in confusion, and asked himself,

"Why would anyone want to be an Ostrich?"

He read on.

"They're just like me; awkward, out-of-place, and loud. But… most of all…"

Most of all what?

Yao read on, and he put the paper down in puzzlement.

"Why would a student write that?"

he questioned to himself.

The hours stretched on as Mr. Wang read all the other papers, and none were as confusing as that paper he had read.

He yawned as he took his reading glasses off his face.

He looked at the digital clock that was sitting next to the computer on his left side.

It was nine o'clock already.

Yao collected his stuff, getting ready to go, but before he left, he wrote something on the board.

He put down the dry erase marker and nodded at what he wrote.

He turned and glided towards the door and turned off the lights.

But, before he left he looked at what he wrote and whispered,

"I still can't believe that Lovino Vargas wrote that."

He then closed the door and left.

In a lone, dark classroom, where the moonlight crept through the window and lumminated onto the dry erase board, was Mr. Wang's prompt, practically shinning on the board.

And that very prompt read;

"Discussion: If I were a bird, I would be an Ostrich, because their just like me; awkward, out-of-place, and loud. But…most of all, if anyone ripped off my wings, I wouldn't be hurt or cry; I couldn't fly in the first place anyway."

Hope you liked the story so far! This is just the Intro, so yeah... it's short XD Did you guys figure out who wrote those other "shitty" papers? If you guys want to read more please review! Reviews are my Oxygen so don't cut off my supply, please! I need to Live! oh! and who do you guys want Lovino with? Feli, Antonio, or Alfred?