Me: We made it to chapter five everybody! Good work team!

Nami: Are you paying us for this?

Me: No,but you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you contributed to my work!

Nami: (grumbling) I'd still prefer the money.

Me:I need someone to say the disclamer.

Luffy:(waving hand like a little kid) PICK ME! PICK ME!

Me:Who to choose,who to choose?

Luffy:(jumping up and down) Pick me dammitt!

Me: Hmmmm...Robin, say the disclamer!

Luffy:Oh come on!

Robin:Storm Goddess does not own One Piece.

Luffy:You have got to be screwin with me!

Convincing The Peach

Normal Pov:

Luffy had just finished a meal at the Rusty Anchor Pub. Plates,saucers,and platters were stacked as far as the eye could see,many who had seen him eat the enormous amount of food lost their appettites. "Man that was a good meal",Luffy sighed patting his belly. "Hey Mister",he hollerd to the bartender. "What is it young man", the elderly bartender replied.

"Were looking for a girl"

"Do you know what she looks like"the bartender questioned.

"She's a little shorter than me,has long silver hair,and wears big clunky flip-flops",Nami answerd for her captain

"Hmmm,ah yes I remember her! Pretty young thing came in her asking for a job,but I turned her down because the bartender at the Red Arrow Bar said she was a walking disaster that destroyed her pub. In fact she left just about a minute before you arrived"

"Did you see which way she went",Nami asked

"She went down Shanna st., its where most of the shops are located"

"Alright,lets go!",Luffy jumped up from the table.

The group followed their hyperactive captain down Shanna street and back. "Crap",she's not here",Luffy whined

"Well it's better if we leave this place and pretend we saw nothing",advised Zoro

"Like hell,you stupid moss-head!",Sanji barked at Zoro,"She might be starving or perverts may have kidnapped the lovely Peaches so they can do horrible things to her!

"Um guys"

"That woman acts as if she was raised by gorrillas,I feel sorry for the perverts that capture her,she may berate them to death",Zoro shot back.

"You only say that because she pointed out the obvuis flaw in your attitude"

"Shut up you thick skulled idiots!",Nami yelled as she hit them both over the head,"Look over there!" She pointed to a bench only a few feet away from them where Peaches was sleeping peacfully in an un-ladylike position.

"She was there...the whole frickin time?",Zoro excaimed.

Luffy rushed over to her and started poking her in the cheek. Poke, poke, poke,poke

A"nngh'',came from her," Get away Batman before I sock you straight in the face" Everyone stared at her

"Why Mister Boregard I do declare,flowers..for me?",she continued to make odd statements in her dream state.

"Hey wake up",Luffy slapped her cheeks softly.

"Oh George,lets wait until we get to the bedroom for you to be rough with me."

Everyones eyes widend

Nami got a bucket of water from one of the shop owners and splashed it on her.

"Hmm what, did you set the fridge on fire again dad?",she looked at her surroundings and at the people in front of her," Oh, its you guys

She pushed herself up into a more appropraite position.

"Whaddya guys want",she asked while rubbing the remains of sleep from her eyes.

"I want you to join my crew",he asked.

"The answers still no"

"Just leave it Luffy,were better off without her",Zoro commented

"Oh so you think I'm not good enough for your damn crew ?",she said snorting

"I just think that a woman who was raised by gorillas isn't exactly the best choice",he shot back

"I could say the same for you,mister raised in a cabbage patch!"

As the argument started to heat up,Ussop swore he could see heat raidiating from their skin.

"Evil wench!"

"Rat assed bastard!"

They both stared each other down,flames flickering in their eyes."I'm going to make you suffer",she hissed.

She turned away from him and walked over to Luffy.

"Straw Hat,I'm going to join your damn crew!",she barked

"Awesome!",Luffy yelled,punching his fist in the air.

Looking over her shoulder at Zoro ,she mouthed the words,"You will feel my wrath"

Robin noticed this and chuckled a bit,"Well this will certanly be interesting",she said softly to herself.

Peaches Pov:

"No one who says I'm not needed gets off scot free",I though venimously as we walked to the straw hat's ship."I will make sure of that"

Me:Dun,dun,duuuun! I know this is a bit of a cliffhanger and I'm sorry,but,I will update 's to all you lovely reveiwers,you are appreciated!

Peaches:Next chapter,Zoro's going to get it! (Polish's big bazooka)

Zoro:As if you could get me.

Peaches:Let me show you a little technique Nami taught me. PEACHES SUPER HAPPY FIST! (Takes of her clothes and hugs Zoro)"Please be gentle with me",she says in an innocent voice.

Zoro:(Is on the ground coverd in nosebleed blood and can't comment right now)

Peaches:(Puts clothes back on) Maybe I shouldn't have listend to Nami.(Looks over at Sanji on the ground coverd in blood) What happend to him?

Me:He came in while you were doing your happy fist.

Sanji:So ...happy

Me:Alright Nami,your on.

Nami:Please read and reveiw everybody!