Hellraiser: Beyond the Gates of Hell
Disclaimer: Well, well, well... My first Hellraiser fic. Look at that. It's about time I did one of these. Remember this, readers: I take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but not flamers. So kindly step away if you feel such an urge. This story is going to be written for the fun in it, but I have done as much research as one can. Clive Barker owns all things flesh and blood in Hellraiser, but I own the plot and the few characters he DIDN'T make. Well, since I got the okay, I want to dedicate this fic to laura 101 and Blue Kitsune. They're real hardcore Hellraiser romance fans! Gotta love that!
"The flesh endures the storms of the present alone, the mind those of the past and future as well as the present."
"Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it."
-Thomas Jefferson
By: VampireQueenAkasha
We have such sights to show you...
Xilonen had been hidden from the remaining Cenobites and they searched high and low for her through the maze of hell. She didn't feel much like talking to anyone right now, holding on to her humanity for as long as she could, feeling it slowly slipping away between ghostly fingertips.
She ended up crossing paths with Alastor and his Gash. Not entirely the highlight of her day there either. She expected them to put up a fight too, but they actually stared at her, stunned looks on their faces. Even Alastor looked shocked.
"You have been made into quite a woman, Alice Cotton," he said.
Xilonen narrowed her eyes at them all. "If you wish to fight me, then go ahead," she told them, coldly, "Otherwise, just back it off or I'll take it off."
The threat made the males laugh at that. "Ooh, I think that I might like that!" Gehenna whispered.
Xilonen walked away with a sound of irritation, not planning on starting anything with them right now. She walked until she arrived at her favored "plant room" and just moved up to the living plants, stroking their pedals and vines. They almost purred at her touch and their bodies vibrated. She smiled at them, drawing comfort in their amusement.
"Hey! I found her!" came a voice from behind her who could only be Pistonhead.
Xilonen rolled her eyes and glared back at the grinning Cenobite. "How opposed are you to having that piston shoved up your ass?"
Pistonhead looked thoughtful for a moment before he grinned and licked his lips. "I'm open to it." He grunted when Dreamer came by and pushed his shoulder roughly. He glared at his companion furiously as she ushered him from the room. "You are such a cock blocker, you know that?"
"Do I have to kill you to stop you from being foolish?" Dreamer spat back.
Xilonen listened to the sounds of the Cenobite lovers as they walked down the halls with a dry chuckle of her own. Pinhead emerged from the doorway, tilting his head at the sight of the female here inside the room of familiarity.
"Ah. I figured as such. You did love this room." he mused.
Xilonen relaxed her shoulders. "What do you want?" her voice was weary.
"I have a gift for you, Xilonen, my love," he said, reaching behind him and gesturing to something with a snap of his fingers, "Consider it a wedding present." Behind him, a Cenobite pet emerged, slightly taller than the Chatter Beast and longer in body structure as well.
Xilonen looked shocked by the sight of the "animal" there. It looked almost like a panther in size and shape without its fur and skin; its eyes were covered with extra flesh that blinded it and teeth pulled back with hooks and wire, like Pinhead's Chatter Beast. There was a leather outfit strapped tightly to the creature's chest with spikes and straps, much like Pinhead's pet. It's meow - like sound was powerful and demonic.
She grinned and knelt down, reaching out with her arms. Immediately, the creature rushed into them and she laughed as she pet it's head. "Oh he's perfect!" she cried, "Oh thank you! I love him!"
Pinhead's nose curled at the display. It was hard to tell if he was amused or disgusted. "My, my, some things will never change ... "
The cat - creature made a strange purring sound and Xilonen smiled down at it, running her fingers over its human - like spine. "I'll call him Mahes!"
"Ahh. Lord of Massacre... Quite a name for a common pet."
Xilonen stood up and she smiled at him. She seemed to understand where this pet had come from and it gave her relief. The greatest relief she had ever known this time since her previous despair. Leaning in close, her chest sliding against his, she whispered, "Thank you."
Pinhead's arms moved to her shoulders and he spoke seriously and with bare jealousy. "Now then, do not think of him or speak of him in front of me again." He leaned his head forward and spoke his next words powerfully, "It is because you are mine and only mine."
Xilonen chuckled quietly and nodded her head. Pinhead raised a single finger and touched those pale white lips that he longed to taste since he had first watched her dream of him. "Allow for me to share this one simple taste of you..." he murmured, and his voice sounded lower, hungrier. "I have wanted to do much more than just taste a petty sample of your blood. I shall give this world's highest pleasure to you."
She smiled fiendishly and reached up to his chest, sliding her thumb into one of the many wounds there. It was a move that should have hurt, but instead, Pinhead stiffened in pleasure. He glared down at her and showed his teeth with a sharp hiss.
"Little vixen ... " he hissed.
Xilonen continued to grin before she pulled her finger away and walked toward the door, but not before giving him a sly look and putting all of her focus into looking as physically appealing as possible. She walked away and the Cenobite Lord followed with a hungry sound.
As the female Cenobite walked down the dark corridors, she began to ponder her life here from her pathetic one when she was human.
It's better this way. At least now I'm stronger.
She smirked and quickly broke out into a full run through the labyrinth.
... Or is it?