A/N: Do not own Bleach at all. I just take credit for the plot.

Remember to Read and Review


Watching the rain fall around him, he did enjoy the calming affect it had. Everyone was inside to stay out of it. It made the outside quiet and he could allow his mind to wander and think about the future. It would be still some time before his plans could come in affect so the future king, Aizen Sosuke had to play the part of the kind hearted Division Five Captain of the Soul Society. He had waited a hundred year so far, what is a little more to what seems to be an unlimited life that the Shinigamis were granted. That is why he had to do a simple job, tracking down the Hollow known to them as the Grand Fisher. Quite powerful one that had not evolved into a Gillian yet, it had been giving them trouble as of late, eating the souls of young children.

It had been tracked down to this town and the Captain-Commander thought it best to send in a Captain to take of it. That is why he was here. A waste of time, but it was enjoyable to be out of Seireitei, to get away from everything. It took a lot of stress to plan a mass takeover of worlds after all.

As he was deep in thought, he was caught off of guard by the sudden increase of reiatsu.

Hitting him hard, Aizen double over in pain, gripping tight to his zanpakutō on his side. Normally, it would have not done this, but he was off guard. There was this sudden rise in someone's reiatsu, a rise that he never thought someone in the Human World would be able to do. There was also the familiar feeling of Hollow reiastsu. Aizen frown as he push his glasses back up his face. That would be the Hollow he was searching for.

Using flash step, Aizen appear on to the area immediately. There was this feeling he had deep down that this was the Hollow he was looking for. That feeling would be right as he spy the area and found who he was looking for. The Grand Fisher was attacking a young mother and her son by the sight of things to Aizen. The Hollow must have leaded them over with that lure on his head. The young woman was lying on the ground motionless, but no sign of her soul attach by the Chain of Fate. She was alive but unconscious.

Too bad the same couldn't be said for the young boy.

The child, Aizen could see him through the darkness and the rain by his bright orange hair color. Hovering over his mother, he was shaking her, begging her to wake up as the Hollow was laughing at him. But Aizen took notice that the boy's own Chain of Fate was expose and was indeed broken. The kid could not be safe and would be lost sooner if he did not move to destroy that Grand Fisher.

"What a yummy soul to devour!" laugh the Hollow, stalking to the orange hair boy.

"Kaachan! Wake up!" cry the boy, shaking his mother to get her awake.

"Shatter! Kyōka Suigetsu!"

Even though the moon was hidden behind the rain clouds, it seem to appear in the river as Aizen dove from his preach, landing in between the Grand Fisher and his would be meal. Holding Kyōka Suigetsu, Aizen held it to block for whatever the Grand Fisher would throw at him, "You have had your last meal, Hollow."

"A Shinigami! A Captain no less! It shall be a treat to devour you!" laugh Grand Fisher, launching at the trio.

But the Hollow found nothing there as he land on the ground. No human, no Shinigami, and not that little crying brat. Looking up, he growl as he saw that his meal was the other side of him, "How?"

"Something not worth my time to explain to you," said Aizen as he flash step towards the Hollow. With one swipe of his blade, he divide the mask so easily. He did not need to waste his reiatsu in defeating this one. Beside, once this was complete he could back.

Once the mask was broken the Hollow dissolve and disappear to be reborn in the Soul Society or face Hell, all depending on what the human soul committed good or bad things in its life. Once it disappear, Aizen though that the reiatsu he had sense would have disappear as well. It did, but he was able to get a better feeling.

Turning around, he knew at once that the reiatsu he had sense was coming from the boy himself. The little one didn't notice him or care. All he was busy doing was trying to get his mother to pay attention to him, to awake. A normal person would have soften at the sight. Aizen was not like most as he thought about how this young human would have such a high level of reiatsu before he even enter the Soul Society, a power that could have match some of the seated guard of the Gotei 13. If this was rare, Aizen could only imaged what it could be like if the boy was trained...

If Aizen could be able to use the boy...

"Kaachan...Kaachan," sob the boy as Aizen walk over and stood there quietly.

Like all children at their death, there was this period of emotion, that they did not realize that they were dead. The Shinigami Captain did not see the boy's body, but imaged that it lost in the river behind them.

"She is going to be ok, little one," Aizen said as he kneel down beside the orange hair boy.

The child turn to him with these dark brown eyes, brimming red with the tears he had been crying. His Chain of Fate clank as he move to stare at the Captain. Such an innocence held in them as the child look up at him as the one that save both of their lives, "W-W-W-Why can't she hear me?"

"She was injured when she tried to protect you from the Hollow," said Aizen with a kind smile on his face, being the calm voice that was need for this, "She will be ok. The noise will most likely bring the police to find her."

"W-W-W-What happen? What was that m-m-monster? W-W-What is this?" the boy snivel as he grasps the broken chain, pulling on it again.

Aizen quickly grab hold of the boy's hands so to stop him. Any damage the boy causes to it could speed up the chains fainting and the boy turning into a Hollow. Still with the gentle face on, he place his other hand on the boy's head in a fatherly matter, "This might be hard to understand but that is your Chain of Fate, something that connects your soul with your body..."

"But...But it is broken!" cry the boy as he try to pull on it but Aizen move quickly to have the boy sitting on his lap. Like a father holding a son, Aizen kept the boy there as he sob, more tears falling down his face as he freely cry. Aizen did not have time for this but to have the boy at least become friendly towards him, to become an ally in the future.

"Yes, it is broken and it means you are no longer part of the living world," Aizen said, which cause the boy to whimper more. Really, did he want to waste his time with this child for his reiatsu? It was a high level...

"B-B-But..." he whimper, looking up at Aizen with these big large brown eyes as he stares at the smiling face of Aizen.

"I know it is a shock, but you will be able to go to a better place," he said with a smile on his face, "You will find a wonderful peace there."

"I want Kaachan!" he wail

Aizen brush the orange hair in a gentle manner, "Do not worry or have fear. I will watch out for you there until she can. You can trust me"


"Yes, you can trust me."


"My name is Aizen Sosuke, what is yours?"

"K-K-K-Kurosaki Ichigo..."

"It is nice to meet you, Ichigo."

"You too, Aizen-san."