Hey there!~ So, the other day I was thinking 'geeze, I'm obsessed with Hetalia…' and I decided to write down some of the typical "You know you're obsessed when…" So that's what we have here.

These may or may not all be true about myself, but regardless I hope you enjoy. If someone has already written one of these, I have not seen it yet—so, I apologize if there are duplicates of any kind. No offense was meant. All apologies will be said now: "I'm sorry!"

So… Axis Powers Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himuruya.

You know you're a little too obsessed with Hetalia when…

1. You start eating more worldly foods.

2. It is no longer called "spaghetti and meatballs" but "Pasta"

3. You request "Wurst" for dinner.

4. You make a special trip down the International foods aisle in the supermarket and laugh.

5. You suddenly become interested in history and world affairs.

6. People from the country are merely referred to by the country's name.

7. You (quietly) cheer "PASTA!" when you go down that aisle in the supermarket.

8. You only watched the Olympics because of your favorite characters were competing against each other, and then got really into it.

9. You instantly saw the resemblance between Ivan Braiginski and ice skater, Evgeni Plushenko.

10. When the Olympics were on, you cheered for "Alfred" or "Matthew" instead of "the Americans" or "Canadians."

11. You were afraid none of the athletes would be able to find the venue site for the Winter Olympics 2010.

12. You're secretly afraid for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Everyone will become one with Russia…

13. You automatically assume every French man is a bisexual pervert.

14. You read history books because your favorite character is the star (e.g. The Rise and Fall of Prussia)

15. You learned/remembered more from Hetalia History than you did from your fifteen history teachers and textbooks.

16. You buy/want shirts supporting other counties (British flag) because it makes sense to you and only you.

17. You see if your hair can do the Hetalia curl/cowlick.

18. You find yourself craving McDonalds or a hamburger whenever Alfred hosts a meeting.

19. You realize that what were once funny stereotypes are actually true.

20. You realize that "Yes…My country is just like (enter country name here)"

21. You connected that Alfred F. Jones was named after the American saying, "Keeping up with the Jones'"

22. You can't help but sing The Delicious Tomato Song every time you cook with tomatoes!

23. You know all or most of the lyrics to the character's themes, probably better than the Voice Actors themselves do.

24. You took a moment (or several) to Fangirl/Fanboy when you heard that FUNimation got rights to APH. (squeals, jumps, and all) If not for the fact that it's in English as much as it is that you'll own a hard copy of the Japanese episodes.


Piece of Useless information #1. I share my birthday with Latvia! November 18.

Thanks for reading guys!

Well I hope you enjoyed, if even a little bit of that. I wrote it a while ago (you can tell from the Olympic ones) just deciding to post now. It does nothing sitting in the hard drive.

If this inspires you to write your own, feel free to. I can either put up a second chapter of this with a compilation of yours (Just PM me) , or you can post another story of your own (giving this one credit) (or not.) But just tell me about it so I can read it too!