No Beta. All mistakes are my own. Very Mature. You were warned.
Percy was confused.
How had everything gotten so out of fast?
A knock sounded at the door just as Zeus was going to open his mouth. Percy wasn't sure if it was a blessing or a curse, "Yes?"
Zeus backed away from him slightly, looking a little irritated at the knocking on the door.
Apollo's handsome feature's poked inside the room and he grinned, "Hey lunch is starting soon and we want to play poker!"
Percy kept his eyes on Apollo and he realized that he wanted away from Zeus. He couldn't stand to be this close to him especially with how confused he was. So he ran away with Apollo, ignoring Zeus when the man called out to him.
Poker was fun, because Hermes cheated and Apollo called him out. Somehow they got Athena involved and Percy kind of liked her. She was scary and powerful but she was also funny and cunning, plus she won every round.
"So Perseus, how is Hera's mission going?"
He could feel himself blushing but he tried to play it off and just shrugged, "She didn't tell me much, I'm just trying to get to know Zeus, thats really all I can do."
And as he said the words he realized how true they where. He couldn't run from Zeus, he was supposed to be a companion to the God. Damn... his life sucked.
After the poker game he made the excuse of having a headache to escape and walk back to his room.
How was he supposed to control his feelings and still be a companion to Zeus...
"Perseus, are you going to run away again?"
He shut the bedroom door blushing when he realized Zeus was exactly were he had left him, "I'm sorry. I just...I didn't know what to do."
The lips were on him again, hungry and needy. Percy moaned, opening his mouth to the God, pressing as close as he could, "What are we doing?"
He heard Zeus moan and then start to kiss down his neck, "I do not know."
That about summed up what he was feeling and he pushed the God away, "I can't...I can't be some 'plaything' for you."
Zeus looked confused, "What?"
Percy winced, "You don't really have the best track record and you're Hera. She asked me to be there for you, to be a friend. How do i betray her?"
The confused expression on Zeus's face was replaced with anger, "I would never use you like that. I don't know what's going on right now but anyone I've ever been with it was for a reason. Hera and I...we've grown apart. I look at her and i don't see the same person that i used to love. I'm not perfect."
Percy knew that, even Gods were wrong some of the time. "Slow."
Zeus's expression switched to confusion again, and he rubbed his hands across his face, "You talk in riddles, Perseus."
Percy felt his body light up at the full use of his name and he cleared his throat, "I'm...can we take it slow? I want to know you..."
The way the Ruler of the God's looked at him sent the blood right back into his cheeks and before he could react, those full lips were pressed against his, "I would love that."
So swinging from a rope into a beautiful, crystal blue lake wasn't how Percy thought his first date would go. Dinner and a movie were standard but he couldn't help feeling like this was ten times better...and not because he had a half naked God waiting for him to drop into the warm water.
"What books do you read?"
They were floating on their backs, lightly bumping into each other, "I like James Patterson."
Percy laughed out loud, "Really? That's so...modern."
He could almost feel the god roll his eyes, "I do try to keep up with the times Perseus."
They swam around for a few minutes longer before he was being challenged to race to the shore. He lost...of course, "That's cheating. I'm only a demigod, you are full blown magical."
He glanced over at Zeus and felt himself being drawn to the god. His body wanted to cuddle up close and his brain wanted to soak up every possible thing it could about Zeus. It was a new feeling for Percy.
"Would you come and see me...even when Hera gets back, and if you still...stay with her. Would you still be my friend?"
Zeus's grey eyes turned to his, they were smoldering and he had to remind himself to breathe, "I hope it doesn't come to that. I hope-."
Percy didn't really want to here it. He asked the question but he didn't want to hear promises that would be painful if the god didn't keep them. So he leaned forward and captured the god's lips. When had Zeus become so important?
The tug was even stronger and he felt himself melting into the warm arms wrapping around him, "Why is this happening? Why can't i stay away from your mouth?"
Zeus growled low and the noise shot straight down to Percy's groin, "I don't know, but why are we complaining?"
Percy chuckled, latching onto the tongue that slipped inside his mouth. It was like fire was coursing through his veins and as Zeus's hands found their way under his shirt, it was like lava.
He felt himself being pushed back into the ground and Zeus's hips connecting with his. "Perseus, if you want to take this slow you're going to have to stop me."
It was a horrible thought, his entire being was pushing him to stay wrapped up in this man, to lose himself completely, "What if i can't?"
He was met with a pair of grey eyes and a smile but a small whooshing noise cut off what ever words Zeus was about to say and Percy looked up, blushing as Hermes stood smirking a few feet away, "I was going to invite Perseus to be my date for the ball Aphrodite is planning, but I'm thinking he already has a date."
Zeus still had Percy pinned down, even though he was trying to squirm his way out. "You're right brother."
It took seconds for the messenger god to disappear with a wink. Percy covered his face and groaned, "Ohhh!"
Zeus chuckled, before leaning down and nibbling on Percy's ear, "Come on. I want you to teach me some things."
Percy blinked slightly and realized that they were back in his room sitting in front of a TV. "Umm...what do you want me to teach you?"
Zeus handed him a Xbox controller and plopped down next to him, "How do you play video games?"
It took a solid twenty minutes to teach Zeus how to use the controllers and another hour just to show him the basics of popular video games.
"Why do human's like this? It's violent and the graphics are...boring."
Percy burst out laughing, "I don't usually play them, I've seen and fought enough monsters in real life... I don't want to fight them on my spare time also."
Zeus leaned back and gave Percy a crooked smile that made his heart stutter, "What do you like to do then?"
He grinned, "Swimming, training, movies, eat...just normal things."
"Would you like to go...?"
Percy threw the god a confused look and saw the serious expression on Zeus's face, "Go where?"
Zeus set down his controller and slowly leaned forward, stopping inches from Percy's lips. Percy's heart was pounding in his ears and he looked down at the Zeus's lips before looking up into his eyes, "To the ball. Would you be my date?"
"As long as I don't have to wear a dress."
Percy didn't quite understand how they ended up on a veranda...alone, softly swaying to the music that lofted out into the warm air, "What am I supposed to do for you? I'm getting to know you but...i don't know what Hera really wanted me to do..."
Zeus watched him for a moment longer, "I don't know either. But i think...i think she wanted me to be happy and you make me happy."
Percy smiled and looked away blushing, "Well...I like spending time with you too. I just wish she had told me what i was supposed to do, just enjoy myself? When has a quest ever left me this happy?"
Zeus kissed his neck softly, causing Percy to suck in a deep breath, "This isn't a normal quest. And you deserve to be happy, for eternity."
Percy wasn't really sure if he heard the words right because Zeus's hands were skimming the waist line of his dress pants and he was having a hard time concentrating, "When I'm with you its like my body over heats, like all my nerve endings are super sensitive."
Zeus chuckled before claiming his mouth, tongue thrusting in and devouring him. Percy felt the wall pressing against him and Zeus pinning his hands above his head. He breathed deep, trying to see through the passion that was over riding his body but this vulnerable position was making him weak in the knees.
Zeus moaned his name before shoving his hand down his pants, and gripping his cock. Percy let out a loud moan and his hips jerked forward almost overloading with the sensations Zeus was causing.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it anymore...i just."
Percy cut him off, biting down on Zeus's lower lip before thrusting harder into the man's hand, "I...I need to feel you."
He had jacked off before but these larger, warm hands weren't his, they were rubbing and pulling and they weren't his hands.
Zeus pressed in closer, nibbling his way down Percy's neck and continuing to jack him off, softly grazing his thumb over the tip of Percy's member, "Come for me, my little ocean."
He was some what embarrassed at the speed with which he came but it was like the god knew ever place to touch him.
He slumped into the older man and was surprised to feel the God's semi hard cock through his pants. He grinned evilly and reached around to grab Zeus's ass, yanking him towards him and grinding, "Take me back to my room."
Oooohhh! Lots of hot steamy sex in the next chapter, followed by a visitor, an angry father, and then...duh duh duh, the finale!
Sorry for the wait, but stay tuned for more!