Foxemo and Catet

Summary: Sasuke, the Prince of the Uchiha Cat Kingdom, has fallen in love with Naruto, Prince of the Uzumaki Fox Kingdom, but will their love prevail when their parents try to separate the? Mpreg. RATED M: YOAI, LANGUAGE, and VIOLENCE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


Chapter 1

Sasuke's P.O.V.

When I got out of bed this morning, I felt surprisingly happy.

"That never happens."

Something was different. Today I felt more adventurous. I'm usually not adventurous, but I'm never as lazy as my friend Shikamaru, Prince of the Nara Tree Frog Kingdom. I felt like the slightest thing that could tick me off would be the reason for my sudden craving to get outside.

"It could be because I'm a cat or…"


"Or maybe it could be just that…"

"My name's Sasuke Uchiha, next heir to the Uchiha Cat Kingdom since my brother, Itachi Uchiha, has suddenly fallen ill. I am 16 and on my way out the door if my parent are going to talk with me about the thing I hate the most… Mating Season. For the past week my parents have been pressuring me non-stop about finding a good dominate to settle down with. Yes I am a submissive and I hate it. You see after our Kingdom was formed, over two thousand years ago, this all powerful wizard, whose name is taboo in or family, cursed the Uchihas. The curse randomly picks a generation and picks the person it wants to affect… and that person's place during mating season will be switched to submissive. The rumor my cousins use to tell me are that the wizard got tired of my family's egotistic dominance and put a submissive curse on us. Now thanks to that curse I have to be dominated and have to suffer from PMS, or at least that's what my friends call it."

I opened the door to the throne room, where my Father, King Fugaku Uchiha, and my Mother, Queen Mikoto Uchiha, sat waiting for me. My Father almost ignored me for most of my life. He put all his power and money into making Itachi the ultimate dominate, but when Itachi mysteriously feel ill, he's goal now is to make me the ultimate submissive because my mom can't have any more kids. My Mother on the over hand is the sweetest kindest person you'll ever meet. I only annoying thing about her is that her caring can get too out of hand and when she gets mad… she's scary.

"Mother. Father."

"Sasuke, now I know that, unlike your poor ill bother, you are a submissive and I know that that affects you rational thinking process. But don't worry, I will find the perfect dominate for my little cursed boy."

"What you're "FATHER" is trying to say is that, as you know mating season is in a month and we really think you should find a nice dominate on your own before~"

I never thought that there would be a day where I had to snap at my Mother, but looks like today's the day.


"Sasuke! Language!"


With that I ran out of the throne room and out the front door.

"I hate "HIM". He's only doing this because Itachi, the perfect, child is sick. If Itachi was still healthy, than he would've went on without even noticing me. Then everything would still be the same. Why did you have to get sick Brother? Why did things have to change?"

I ran, and ran, and ran until I found a nice shady tree to hide in.

"This should keep them from finding me."

I climbed in the tree, all the way to the top so they couldn't find me. When I settled on a thick branch, I wrapped my tail around me. Even though it's about an inch and a half thick, it's still comforting to me. Suddenly I heard a splash of water when both of my ears straightened up. I looked over in the direction where it was coming from. I followed the instinct that told me to jump toward the source.

Using my cat abilities I jumped from tree branch to tree branch until the salty scent of the ocean hit my nose. I stopped on the tree right before the ocean. When I looked through the leaves, my eyes widen at the site.

Just coming out of the water was a tall blond haired man with perfect tan skin, a perfect body, and a big wet orange tail. I had to turn away because he was completely naked. I could a blush spread across my face. I had never seen him before.

"I know you're there. Why don't you come down?"

"How did he know I was up here?"

Just when I was going to reply I completely forgot…

"I can't get down…"

"What? Why?" He said as he walked closer to the base of the tree.

"I'm a cat. Cats are good climbing up trees but not coming down."

"Well why don't you fall and I'll catch you?"

"Is he stupid?"

"I don't trust you."

"All right fine, I'll come up there."

I popped my head out of the bottom of the leaves to see him. "And how are you gonna do that?"

"Like this…"

The next thing I knew, he jumped half way up the tree trunk and then climbed the rest of the way. He was hanging on to the trunk and my grip was loose on the branch. We both stared into the others eyes. His eyes were like those you only read about in fairytales. He also had three whisker marks on each cheek and what looked like the softest, furriest tail and ears. His bright, vibrant blond hair was clinging to his face because it was still dripping wet. It made him look even more handsome then I thought.

"Yep, defiantly perfect."

I wanted to lean in closer to his face but my hand slipped and I started to fall.

"Usually cats can land on their feet, but…"

When I prepared to brace myself for the landing, two arms caught me before I hit the ground.

"See… I told you I'd catch you." He said as he put me down.

"How were you able to do that? I fell at least five seconds before you moved!" I said pointing a finger at him."

"I'm a fox. I'm just naturally fast."

He didn't say a word as he went to sit on the sand, in front of the ocean he just swam in. I couldn't help but to sit next to him.

"He's interesting. Who is he?"

"Thanks." I mumbled as I sat next to him. He was more laxed than I was. One hand supported him from behind, another was hanging off of his right knee, which was bent upward, his other leg was in a semi-crossed position, his back was hunched as he put all his weight on his left hand, his tail just swayed gently to an unknown rhythm, his ears were standing proud on top of his head with a small but genuine smile graced upon his face. If I wasn't sitting here with him, I would've thought I was starting into his portrait.

"He looks so relaxed while I look like a nervous wreck."

My chin was resting on my knees, which were pulled into my chest while both my arms and tail were wrapped around my body. My ears were pressed down, in a depressing fashion.

"We're complete opposites."

I jumped when I suddenly felt his left hand play with one of my ears.

"So… do you always have such pose and grace?" He asked with that same smile of his face.

"NO! I just got … a little distracted, is all."

"Looking at me."

I turned my face away from him so he wouldn't hopefully see my blush. My body tensed when his hand left my ear.

"It's ok. I won't lie… I was looking at you too."

My head, ears, and tail shot up when he said that.

"You were?"

"Yeah. I've got to admit… you're the most handsome boy I've ever met… and being a prince, that's a lot of people."

"You're a prince too?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah. I'm Prince Naruto of the Uzumaki Fox Kingdom. And who…" He stopped when he took my hand to kiss it, causing me to blush even more. "Did I have the pleasure of saving today?"


"What's your name?"

"Oh… It's Sasuke of the Uchiha Cat Kingdom."

"Ah, I've heard of you. By the way… How is Prince Itachi?" Naruto replied.

"He's turned ill. Wait, you knew my brother?"

"We were really close."

"How old are you?" I asked him.

"I just turned 19."

I was a little surprised but not shocked. He looks my age, but the way he hold himself is beyond that of my level.

"You don't look it." I replied.


"You don't look like your 19, but you act like it. You act so mature that I wasn't shocked when you said you age."

"Hn. Thanks for the compliment. How are you?"


"Interesting. I would've figured~"


"Well looks like I'd better be off. My mentor/ uncle is looking for me."

I didn't want him to go. We just met and we didn't even have time to get to know each other. I grabbed his wrist just before he speed off.

"When can I see you again?"

He smiled another genuine smile before kissing my hand again.

"Just be here tomorrow. Same time and bring a towel and swimwear. I have to go. Don't forget."

He slowly let go of my hand and began to speed off in the direction of the voice calling him, leaving nothing but a trail of sand behind him. I slowly waved my hand before I used my other hand to cup it.

"I promise I won't forget."

I started to walk home, knowing that my "Father" would bitch me for my language and running off, but I'm too high on Cloud Nine to care.