Of Thieves and Bandits
WolfRunner: HI! It's me again! I'm back with another story. However this time it's Yu Yu Hakusho this time.
Hiei: About damn time
WolfRunner: Shut up Hiei, anyway, Bakura's also in this because I like him; I mean he has an awesome laugh in four different languages. I'm going to try and make it as humorous as possible, however this be an adventure story, so it may be dark at times. Cause dark humor is hilarious.
Hiei: Well at least we have one thing in common.
WolfRunner: Two, give the disclaimers and you get Sweet Snow.
Hiei: *perks up* Sweet Snow? Okay! WolfRunner does not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Yugioh *Attacks WolfRunner for the Ice Cream*
A violent explosion ripped across the ship, jerking the Spirits Detectives out of their seats. Yusuke crawled back into the captain's chair.
"What happen?" He asked Kurama, Kurama looked at the HUD in his seat.
"Someone set up us the bomb." He explained, a slight beeping noise was heard around the ship, "We get signal."
"What?" Yusuke asked.
"Main screen turn on." Kurama said, and Koenma's giant head appeared on the screen. Yusuke stood up.
"It's you!" He yelled
"How are you Gentlemen? All your base are belong to us." Koenma explained, "You are on the way to destruction."
"What you say?" Yusuke all but screamed at Koenma.
"You have no chance to survive. Make your time. Ha ha ha." And with that the screen turned blank. All the heads went to Yusuke.
"What should we do Captain Urameshi?" Hiei asked. His named seemed to echo throughout the ship
"URAMESHI WAKE UP!" Kuwabara's annoying voice pierced Yusuke's dream. Yusuke woke up in a jolt. On instinct, he flew out of bed, which was bad because Kuwabara's head was right there. Both their heads collided with each other. Yusuke fell back to his bed. Kuwabara fell off the bed.
"OW! Kuwabara what the hell are you doing here?" Yusuke asked irritably, making a mental note never to eat bad pizza while watching stuff on the internet again.
"Koenma wants to see us." Yusuke groaned, what would Pacifier Breath want with him at five in the morning? He pulled the covers off of him and quickly pulled on some clothes. He turned to Kuwabara.
"Alright let's go."
As usual, Koenma's place was bustling with activity, ogres were running around with papers the size of mountains in their arms. Yusuke and Kuwabara walked up to Koenma's door to see a familiar sight of blood red hair and black hair. Kurama was leaning against the door with his hands his school uniform's pockets. Hiei was standing with a bored look on his face. Kurama looked up and saw Yusuke and Kuwabara and smiled.
"Hello, Yusuke, Kuwabara." Kurama greeted them as they walked up.
"Hn." Hiei, translation; 'Hi'.
"Hey, what's up? Why aren't we going in yet?" Yusuke asked, Kurama shrugged.
"George said that Koenma had a certain visitor to take care of first." George being Koenma's faithful blue ogre with tiger pants. After a certain amount of time, the door was opened and Koenma was putting his head in his hands in a defeated manner. He looked up when the door slammed.
"Oh, thank goodness, we desperately need your help!" Koenma said.
"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Hiei asked sarcastically. Koenma glared at him but said nothing.
"All right, now what was so important that you had to wake me up so early in the morning?" Yusuke asked, Koenma nodded and pointed his remote at the screen. On the screen a tall man with an Egyptian tan stood tall and proud. He had medium length white hair that stood out in every direction. Underneath his violet eyes, he had a long scar that went down to his chin with two other stokes crossing through it. His face a casual smirk with a touch of evil among it.
"This is Akefia; he lived 3000 years ago in ancient Egypt." Koenma explained.
"I've heard of him," Kurama said, "He is a rather famous bandit for all three worlds." Hiei scoffed
"You mean this ningen managed to impress even the demons? I doubt it."
"Anyway, back to business," Koenma interrupted, "As Kurama said, yes he was a renowned thief. 3000 years ago he managed to release a power S class demon called Zorc. Zorc was defeated and Akefia was killed."
"Then why are we bothering with him if he's dead?" Kuwabara asked.
"Because, we never found his spirit." Koenma answered simply, all of them gasped.
"Isn't that impossible?" Yusuke asked.
"That's what we thought too. However, after speaking to an expert, we believe he may have stored his spirit into power objects called Millennium Items."
"Millennium Items?" Kurama asked, "What is their purpose?"
"They have several uses, however two of them are able to hold spirits within them. Recently we found a large amount of unknown energy within a certain city. Our sources believe this is the work of Akefia. Your job is to hunt down Akefia and bring him here for judgment."
"If he could seal his spirit in an object, he maybe able to use that to his advantage." Kurama pondered out loud.
"What do you mean?" Yusuke asked.
"Well if what I hear is accurate, he may have possessed a human. Which would make our task a lot more complicated." Kurama said.
"How would that be? Can't we just split him from the host?" Yusuke asked,
"It would be tricky, but yes it can be done." Koenma nodded, "This is most likely a First Class Possession so it should be easier."
"What?" Kuwabara asked.
'There are two kinds of possessions," Kurama explained, "My case is called a Second Class, which involves being possessed while the host is still in the womb. The body takes both spirits in easily and often the two spirits merge. However most possessions are First Class, which is when the body is used to housing one spirit and often both spirits clash for control."
"Look let's just get this over with, which city is all this energy coming from?" Hiei snapped.
"Domino City, Japan." Yusuke and Kuwabara gasped.
"Suddenly this mission isn't turning out so bad." Yusuke said with a big grin on his face.
"What so special about this particular ningen city?" Hiei asked.
"Why is happens to be the gaming capital of the world!" Kuwabara said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Hometown of Duel Monsters and the King of Games! Sweet I could ask for his autograph!"
"Duel Monsters?" Hiei asked.
"It's a human card game that's popular in Japan at the moment. I admit that I have a deck myself." Kurama said.
"Well I wonder where Akefia is at the moment. Surely with that kind of face he could be easy to spot." Yusuke asked
Ryou looked down at the wooden doll in his hands through a curtain of white hair. He looked just like the person slumped over the table across from him. The Koe did it again. He took one of his friends and sealed his soul away into a doll. He felt a tear fall down his face but he didn't bother to wipe it off.
"I'm sorry Igi*" He sniffed. A laugh was heard within his head.
Why are you apologizing Yadonushi? Isn't this what you wanted? To play with your friends forever?
"This isn't what I meant!" Ryou cried, holding his hands to his head to try and stop Koe "I didn't what to hurt people!"
Silly Yadonushi, You shouldn't look a gifted horse in the mouth. The giver may get a bit…upset, and we don't want that do we?
"STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU PARASITE!" Ryou yelled, he then realized his mistake. He snapped his head up, oh no.
What was that? The Koe asked beneath a mask, but Ryou could tell h was angry, I'm sorry but I couldn't quite hear that, I believe however you had the gull to insult me.
"NO!" Ryou begged, "It was an accident! It just slipped out! Please."
Silly, Silly Yadonushi, you've gone and made me angry. And you know what happens when you make me angry. Suddenly the ring started glowing beneath Ryou's shirt. Ryou's nerves felt like they were on fire. Ryou doubled over in pain as he felt his consciousness slipping. He was taking over. Ryou put up his mental barriers to delay him.
It's too late Yadonushi Koe said, Get some rest now dear vessel
And Ryou fell into a void.
WolfRunner: Wow! First Chappie done! I'm sorry Ryou but stuff must happen, otherwise there's no plot.
WolfRunner: Anyway, please Rate, Review, all that Jazz. Also enjoy reading it because there is more to come whether you like it or not. Muhahahahahaha
*Igi means majesty in Japanese, at least that's what I hear, I could be wrong. I liked the word so I decieded to name someone that.