
Chapter I: Subject Omega

Subject Delta swam as hard as he could to reach the edge of the life boat, his weight threatening to pull him down to the dark murky depths. As the life boat started to launch he realized that he was just to heavy and that he had to lose a couple of hundred pounds and fast . He quickly disconnected his Drill arm attachment, the oversized mining Drill plummeted at an alarming rate and crashed into the life boat's cockpit. Delta grabbed onto the railing of the life boat just as it started to launch.

As Delta crawled towards the cockpit of the life boat he saw inside the control center of the bathysphere. Sofia Lamb was struggling to keep her head above water. She would not last long as water was pouring into the room quickly. Delta looked over to his right and saw Eleanor still clad in her Big Sister suit swim over to her mother. She stared into her mother's eyes for a moment then pulled out a breathing apparatus and put it on her mother's face. Eleanor spotted the massive form of her father through the window of the room, still struggling to hang on to the railing of the ship. She swam over to him and put her hand on the spot where his was. Even after ten years the size difference between their hands was still there. His was still massive and hers was still lithe. Even without words one could understand the feelings of the other. They both at the same time looked up.

Next stop the surface.

The first thing Delta saw when he opened his eyes was the beautiful face of his daughter, he had succeeded. He had redeemed himself. He had redeemed himself from his failure. He was not able to protect her, he was forced to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. He was to weak and even as he marched through Rapture getting stronger and stronger with every new area he came across he never forgave himself for that. Although Sophia Lamb had caused Eleanor and himself great pain she did help Eleanor in a major way. She reversed the physiological conditioning that all Little Sisters are forced to go through from Eleanor's psyche, if she had not done that Eleanor would probably be just as insane and blood thirsty as any other Big Sister. Eleanor looked down at her father and began to speak.

"Father you taught me that evil is just a word." She lifted Delta's helmeted head onto her lap. She then took the helmet in both her hands and pulled it off. Subject Delta had no hair and his skin was surprisingly dark. He had broad shoulders and a chiseled chin. He lacked eyebrows though and his eyes were glowing a slight yellow. Eleanor thought that he resembled one of those art deco statues that are placed throughout Rapture. She rubbed the left side of his cheek affectionately.

"Under the skin its simple pain. You never hurt anyone even if they did deserve. So father I will follow in your footsteps. You and I…we are Utopia. Father I can save you! I can-" Subject Delta gave out a low moan and shook his head. Eleanor then started to break out into tears, her lower lip quivering. She buried her face into Delta's chest and stated in a broken hearted voice just above a whisper.

"Then your memory will be with me….always."

The yellow ethereal light that emitted from Delta's eyes slowly faded away. Subject Delta was dead.

Eleanor hugged Delta's cold lifeless form tightly and pleaded for him to come back to her. She pounded on his chest and cried and cursed. But she knew that he was not coming back. Why? Why did he have to leave her again? She was so confused, what did he want her to see? Just as she was about to go into another round of fresh tears she heard a deep rumbling roar, her eyes widened.

"…Daddy?" She gazed at her father but he was cold and still. She then heard her mother's shrill scream. She jumped up and ran to the door leading to the cockpit of the submersible. She opened it and jumped down, her metal boots hitting the floor with a loud clank. Eleanor's eyes widened at the scene she had just entered.

Holding her mother by the neck was an Alpha Series Big Daddy. Its suit, unlike most of the others, seemed to be in prime condition. The Big Daddy looked almost exactly like Subject Delta except that its armor was black instead of bronze. The light emitting from its porthole was blood red. The Alpha Series threw Sofia Lamb across the room, sending her crashing into one of the cockpit's windows. The Alpha Series looked to its right and spotted Subject Delta's Drill. It growled and walked over to the menacing weapon and attached it to its right arm. It then took slow deliberate steps towards Sofia Lamb.

"Mommy! Daddy's goings to hurt the mean lady!" One of the Little Sisters said hiding behind one of the chairs.

Eleanor quickly stood in front of her mother with her right hand raised. The hand was bursting with flame. Eleanor had no clue on how the Alpha Series was able to sneak into the life boat, she knew that they were generally faster and more stealthier than the production model Big Daddies but she should have been able to sense it. Just as she was about to let her fire blast loose the Big Daddy did something she and Sofia would have never expected it to. It spoke.

"Eleanor why are you protecting that…bitch?" Eleanor's eyes widened and she finally noticed the symbol on the Alpha Series left arm.


"Augustus Sinclair?" Eleanor was very surprised, she had thought her father had killed him in order to escape from the security lockdown at the prison. Sinclair laughed.

"Even old dogs can learn new tricks." And with that Sinclair disappeared in a cloud of red.