A/N: Okay so I had the inspiration for a new R + V story. It is AU and I hope that you enjoy. It begins before Tsukune starts his first year at the Academy and progresses from there. Please review and enjoy. Oh and the story itself is based off of the opening theme for episode 24 of Code Geass R1 (season 1). Check it out and find the English lyrics. They'll give you an idea of where this story is going.

Disclaimer: I do not own Rosario + Vampire.

Prologue: Spellcaster Council

Ruby Toujou was utterly confused. She had rarely ever seen her mistress leave the knoll that they lived on for any reason, least of all to attend a one of the Spellcaster Council's that occurred every month. So when the urgency in her mistress' voice became apparent, she knew that this was a serious matter.

"Ruby wait out here" the older woman commanded as she walked up to the door of the council room and pushed it open giving the younger witch a brief glimpse of Japan's top spellcasters.

Walking away from the now closed door Ruby made her way towards the seating area were she would wait for her mistress to return. When she entered the waiting area her eyes were drawn to a young man with dark brown hair asleep in one of the seats.

'He must be one of the apprentices' Ruby thought. 'Just like me.' Noticing that within the waiting area the seat right beside his was the only one open, Ruby reluctantly sat down, fairly uncomfortable with being this close to a man (after all she has barely any interaction with anyone outside of her master). Satisfied that he wasn't stirring Ruby sat patiently awaiting the return of her master.

"Hmm" the young man began to stir after another fifteen minutes before he woke up completely. Blinking a few times in an attempt to clear the morning crud from his eyes the young man looked around a few times before nearly jumping out of his skin.

"There weren't this many people here when sensei and I arrived" he stated in shock as he realised what had happened. "Crap I must have been out for at least an hour."

Ruby who hadn't realised the young man wake up also nearly jumped out of her skin when she noticed he was awake.

"Good Morning" Ruby began, attempting to be polite and introduce herself to the young man.

"Oh, hello" the young man said as he turned to face the witch.

Ruby blushed when he looked at her with his chocolate brown eyes causing her to stutter when she introduced herself.

"Hi...m...my name...i...is Ruby" she finally managed as she felt her cheeks heat up.

"Mine's Tsukune, it's nice to meet you Ruby" Tsukune said with a massive friendly yet gentle grin on his face. Extending his hand he noticed she shied away and retracted it. "Sorry, I'm not used to all of the spellcaster customs, but I am learning."

Ruby couldn't help but blush when she looked at the young man. His grin was brilliant and his eyes held warmth that she did not usually see. However she soon realised that Tsukune had got up and was wandering away and she let out a slight sigh. She believed that it was her nervousness which caused him to stop talking and she decided to just stay seated.

"That knoll used to be the home of numerous of our kind before the humans began building a city there" an enraged woman stated. "Why shouldn't we eliminate them and take back what is rightfully ours?"

"Because we have to be able to compromise or else we'll end up just as bad as the humans who stole your land" a black haired man stated from the head of the table.

"Well that just makes us weak and spineless" the woman said angrily as she sat back down.

"I'd like to disagree with that" a silvery blond haired man said as he stood up. "I believe that coexistence is the perfect ideal and it should be embraced like the three dark lords have stated."

The murmurs of agreement spread throughout the meeting hall leaving the woman currently alone in her ideals.

"Thank you Fai. Now can you tell me about your student's progress?" the black haired man asked the simmering woman.

"Of course, she's progressing very quickly and nicely. She should be ready to be registered as a full witch in just over a year" the woman said with a smirk on her face.

"Alright then. Fai, can you please detail how your student is progressing?" the man asked.

"Always a pleasure to" Fai began. "As you all know my student is a half blood. Because of that many people seem to think that he is weak and powerless, however I can easily say that those assumptions are incorrect as he has a great grasp on the concepts of magic and is working hard at becoming a full wizard. I believe that he will be ready for his registration by the time he graduates from Youkai Academy in three years."

"Thank you Fai. Now we must move onto the real reason behind this meeting. We have word that about something very intriguing for us all" the black haired man began.

Ruby stood up and followed Tsukune. She had gotten over her initial shyness and was determined to hold a full conversation with the young man. After all these meetings tended to last for hours at a time and she would rather have someone to speak with then be left alone for that duration.

"Excuse me" she called out upon reaching the spot where Tsukune had stopped.

"Oh, it's Ruby right?" Tsukune said.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you'd like to talk for a while. These meetings do take a while after all" Ruby said shyly.

"Alright, I don't mind. Usually I have to find some way to entertain myself while sensei does his thing in the meeting. It'd be nice to talk with someone for a change" Tsukune replied with a beaming grin.

Ruby was glad that he was willing to speak with her. Excitedly she began to speak gaining another grin from Tsukune which just encouraged her more. For the next hour they talked and wandered the halls of the rustic building. Once they heard the ringing of the bell that signified the end of the meeting the two quickly made their way back to the waiting room where their teachers would come to pick them up.

"Thank you for willingly talking with me today" Tsukune said catching Ruby quite off guard.

"N...no problem" the witch stammered in response.

"Ruby get over here now" a commanding female voice stated from the entrance to the meeting room.

"I'm sorry, but I've got to get going" the young witch stated as she turned to leave Tsukune.

"No problem, my sensei will probably be here at any moment" Tsukune stated as he began scanning the crowd for a familiar head of silvery blond hair.

"Ah Tsukune there you are" the voice of the person Tsukune was looking for stated with a grin as he walked out of the crowd. "Oh and who is this?"

Ruby who had still been standing there suddenly remembered to introduce herself. "My name is Ruby."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Ruby. Anyways Tsukune we have to get going if we're going to make it back home before nightfall" Tsukune's teacher said.

"Yes Fai-sensei" Tsukune agreed as he began following his teacher. "And as he said, it's a pleasure to meet you Ruby. I hope we do again sometime."

Ruby nodded as she watched the two males disappear into the crowd.

"Ruby get here now" a gruff female voice demanded causing Ruby to stir from her thoughts and turn to see her mistress approaching her. "We need to go immediately."

Ruby nodded in agreement and fell into step behind her mistress. However her thoughts were still on the boy she had just met.

End Prologue

A/N: Okay so there it is the prologue to Hitomi no Tsubasa. I do know that I introduced Ruby really early, but it is important to the progression of the story. Anyways there will be three parts to Hitomi no Tsubasa each one going through a year of Tsukune's life at the school. I do not have a set pairing for the first part so it will be Tsukune x Harem. In the other parts I will start making deeper developments of the relationships. Anyways please review and enjoy.

Nanashi Wanderer