Just Haven't Met You Yet

Garrus Vakarian was bored. Of course, filling out paperwork and putting together data files always bored the Turian, but he just wanted to get going. If his boss accepted his meager findings on Seren, or even better gave him more time, it could be the biggest break in his career at C-Sec.

"Hey, Vakarian!"

Blinking his ice blue eyes, Garrus glanced up from the upload bar on his data pad to see another Turian leaning against the doorway to his office. Quickly, Garrus flared his mandibles in a smile as he stood. "Caius, what are you doing here? I thought you were helping with an arrest."

Shrugging his broad shoulders, the other Turian stepped closer. "Eh, they didn't need me. Thought I'd come by, walk you to the Citadel Tower. I know you're presenting your findings on Seren today."

Deftly, he snatched the data pad up, Garrus nodded. "Sure. I could use a way to kill time anyway."

The pair made their way through the halls of C-Sec, Caius nudged Garrus, a devious glint sparkling in his eyes. "So…how was the date last night?"

With a heavy groan, Garrus shook his head. "Caius, that was the worst encounter of my life. We had nothing in common."

Pouting, Caius shook his head. "Garrus, you say that about every woman I set you up with. Come on man, is there something wrong with them or what?"

In a gesture of defeat, Garrus shook his head as they stepped into the elevator that would take the pair to the main offices in the wards. "No, no, it's nothing like that. I mean, I appreciate what you're doing but…"

"But you feel like there isn't a woman out there for you?"

Garrus sighed, rubbing the leathery hide at the back of his neck. "No, nothing like that. I'm just not surprised that nothing has lasted yet."

Confused, Caius tilted his head and pressed his mandibles close to his jaw. "I don't understand Vakarian."

Staring out at the walls that rushed past them on their descent, Garrus shrugged. "I dunno… I feel like I talk myself into being in love, and then I just get let down."

The other Turian tried to catch his friend's ice blue eyes as he leaned forward. "I'm sensing a 'but' here…"

"Come on Commander, there has to be at least one man you've been with who was husband material."

Chuckling, Commander Erin Shepard stepped out of the Normandy's airlock, glancing back at her LT, Kaidan Alenko and Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams. "Not really. After getting my heart broken so many times, I just stopped keeping track."

The dark haired woman fell in stride with her commander. "But you have had some boyfriends, right?"

Poor Kaidan. This conversation was going places he didn't want it to go at all and now there was no stopping it. The brunette commander pushed a few strands behind her ear. "Well yeah, but after so many bad ones, I ended up being the one to talk myself out of the relationship because I'd get so worked up about it. I felt like I would make a million excuses to get out of there."

The trio stepped into the elevator that would take them to the C-Sec academy, watching the walls slide past them as they conversed. Kaidan finally spoke up, his tone hesistant. "But you do think there is someone out there, right Commander?"

As the doors opened into the C-Sec offices, Erin turned and beamed at her team. "Of course. I know that someday I'll meet someone and it'll all turn out. And when we're together, he'll make me work so that we both can work it out."

Rolling her eyes, Ashley smiled. "Trust my commander to be such an idealist."

As the elevator opened onto the main floor, Garrus took the lead, a gleam entering his eyes. "In the past I always tried so hard not to lose a relationship. When they didn't work out, I thought that was it, but I realize that I hadn't thought of every possibility."

The two headed past the elevator to the docking bays as they began to hiss open, while Garrus took the stairs up to the wards two at a time. Caius struggled to keep up, panting at the top of the stairs. "Ok, I'll bite Vakarian. What is this new possibility."

Garrus seemed to stand a little taller, a triumphant look about him. "I just haven't met her yet."

With a deadpan look, Caius straightened. "Are you serious?"

Garrus once more took the lead, heading for the door to the procedium with a nod. "It sounds crazy, but I know that when I meet her, I'll give so much more than I get from her. Sure, I might have to wait, but part of it is luck anyways."

Following his friend, Caius sighed. "Garrus, women aren't just going to fall out of the sky and be right for you. What if this girl is someone you've already met, but it just wasn't right at the time?"

The blue eyed Turian set his jaw. "No way. I can feel it. When it's right, she'll come out of nowhere and into my life."

"But what if he's taken? Wouldn't it be better to aim for someone who isn't already involved?" Kaidan seemed to be pleading with the commander. It was a little sad really, considering how poorly hidden his affections were.

Erin gazed up at the artificial blue sky above them, thoughtful but determined. "Nobody calls me for an easy job Kaidan, why should love be any different? I'll never give up, and after that it's just time."

Ashley stared at her commander's back, her arms laced over her chest. "The universe is a really big place commander. You'll be waiting a long time for that guy to just come waltzing into your life."

Turning, Shepard's clear blue eyes sparkled with mischief. "Wherever he is, I'll find him. And when we're together, it'll be amazing."

Kaidan studied the commander with his dark eyes, hope gleaming in their depths. "Sounds like he'll be a soldier of some sort…someone on the crew?"

The dark haired soldier nudged Kaidan in the ribs, a smirk spread across her face. "Don't you wish?"

Ignoring the pair, Erin paused to study the lake that ran along the walkway. "I guess that's one possibility…but I'm trying to see all of them. He could be anyone…a crewmate, a civilian, maybe even a superior."

"You do know that fraternization isn't exactly welcomed in the Alliance, no matter if you're commanding officer or not." Ashley pointed out, peering down at the shimmering water below them.

With a shake of her head, the commander leaned back, watching a pair of Turian officers hurry past them towards the Citadel Tower. Of course she knew that, she'd been serving since she was eighteen, but the thought always gave her a little thrill. Let it never be said that the commander took the safest route. "Well, you know what they say. All's fair in love and war. Either way, I'm not too concerned. I haven't met him yet, but when I do, we'll get it right the first time."

Kaidan motioned towards the Citadel Tower as he straightened up. "Come on, we don't want to be too late."

Hurrying past a trio of humans that seemed to be captivated by the lake, Caius shook his head at Garrus. "Man, you're way too idealistic. Love just isn't like that."

Garrus twitched his mandibles into a frown. "Well, what about you and Cassia? You love her, and after you met her you changed, right?"

Poor Caius would have been blushing if he'd had the ability. "Well, yeah. She made me a better Turian…a better man."

Elegantly sidestepping into the elevator, Garrus transferred his data pad from one talon to the other. "See? That's how I know it's her. Being in love with her will change me…make me better. And it'll all turn out because we both will work to make sure it works out."

With one of his free talons Caius rubbed his fringe, slightly skeptical of his friend. "I see your point, but Garrus, Cassia and I have had our fair share of fights too. It's not like it's all great. You will have disagreements."

Adamantly, Garrus shook his head with a triumphant smirk. "We won't need to fight. We'll know better and eventually, we'll be united."

With a ping, the elevator doors slid open, and Caius sighed, waving a hand. "Go on, present your findings to the Executor. I wish you luck…with everything."

Nodding, Garrus turned to go, pausing halfway through the motion as Caius called after him.

"Oh, Garrus! I hear that human, Commander Shepard, she's on the Citadel today. Maybe you'll run into her!"

Allowing himself a melodious chuckle, the Turian turned and made his way towards his boss, already forming his argument as he went.

The ride up the council chamber was surprisingly quiet. Shepard could feel Kaidan's eyes on her back, while Ashley stared at Kaidan. Talk about awkward love triangles…poor Kaidan. She just didn't like him like that…although the commander was more than willing to give her Gunnery Chief a shot at the biotic.

Leading the way out onto the floor, Erin paused. Up ahead, two Turians seemed to be in the midst of a disagreement. One wore the traditional blue and black armor of C-Sec while the other seemed to be wearing a more official uniform, leading the commander to believe that this was a work matter.

"Dammit, just give me a little more time!"

As she approached, the other Turian waved a hand. "Absolutely not. Your investigation is over Officer Vakarian."

Garrus froze mid turn. Standing before him was a human female with short, chocolate brown hair and light blue eyes. Quickly recalling the few vids he'd seen on the extranet, Garrus nodded. "Commander Shepard? Garrus Vakarian. I was in charge of the C-Sec investigation into Seren."

Erin took a moment to study the Turian before her. His skin was a light tan-gray, and his face was covered in bold cobalt blue tattoos. With a quick gesture towards the other Turian, she frowned. "Why'd he stop you? Did you find anything useful?"

The Turian felt disappointed as he shook his head. Here he was, conversing with Commander Shepard and he couldn't even give her anything useful. "No. As a Spectre, Seren's activities are mostly classified. But I know he's up to something."

Loudly clearing his throat, Kaidan nodded at the brunette. "Commander, we should go. Captain Anderson should be waiting for us."

"You should go. Good luck with the council."

Commander Shepard smiled, catching Garrus's talon with her hand. "It was a pleasure meeting you Officer Vakarian."

Flaring his mandibles in surprise, Garrus nodded. "Garrus. And the pleasure was mine Commander."

Garrus paused, chancing a look back as he moved towards the elevator. Despite her fame, Commander Shepard was a confident woman…and she didn't seem to mind he was an alien either. Curling his talons into his palm, he watched her for a few more seconds before turning towards the elevator.

The commander paused on the steps, taking a moment glanced back to where Garrus waited for the elevator. He was polite and professional…and quite charming for a Turian. With a quick peek at her hand, she smiled. His grip had been firm and surprisingly warm. Making her way up the steps, she let the smile broaden a little. She just hoped that she would get the chance to see him again.

I just haven't met you yet…