Author's Note: This story is my take on the season three premiere, picking up the story in the fall in real-time. I always appreciate reviews and any comments you can give me, so go ahead and speak your mind!

Chapter One

Beckett slowly stirred from her sleep. She took a deep breath, taking in the crisp morning air, and smiled as she felt his warm arm wrap around from behind her.

"Good morning, detective." He whispered into her ear, before placing few gentle kisses on her neck.

Beckett turned herself to face him, smiling as they locked eyes. "Good morning, Castle."

"You know," Castle smirked, "I think we officially know each other well enough for you to start calling me 'Rick' when we're off the clock." He joked, studying her reaction before continuing, "Or 'Ricky', or 'Richard'… maybe even 'Big Rick'?"

Beckett laughed and replied, "How about 'Kitten'?" She smirked, victorious, as Castle shook his head in defeat.

"Well, 'Castle' it is…" He smiled as he continued, "Actually, it does sound kind of hot when you say it."

Beckett chuckled. "Really?" She asked, sarcastically, as she inched closer to him.

"Really." Castle replied, as his hand moved from her side and up into her hair, brushing a strand away from her face as he leaned in towards her.

He kissed her, almost as gently as the soft morning breeze that wafted in through the window, but with so much passion and feeling behind it that her heart instantly melted. She swore she could even hear a faint ringing in her ears.

She smiled as he pulled back away, locking eyes with her once again. I could definitely get used to this, she thought to herself as she leaned back in to him.

Their lips met once again, softly at first. Beckett swore she heard that ringing in her ears again and was amazed at the effect her had on her with such a simple kiss.

As each of them surrendered themselves to each other, their kiss deepened. The ringing in her ears got louder, distracting her somewhat.

Castle felt her attention slipping away, so he pulled her even closer to him as he gently ran his hands across her arms, coaxing her back into the passion of their kiss.

She responded in kind, returning her full attention to him and running her hands over his chest and shoulders. But the ringing just got louder.

Suddenly, Beckett's brow furrowed as she realized what it was…

The detective woke with a start, propping herself up on her elbows as she tried to regain control over her breathing. She looked around her empty room, as if to prove to herself that it had all just been a dream. It seemed she had done the same thing many mornings over the past few months, each time hoping that maybe it would be real, though it never was.

Beckett looked over at her ringing cell phone. Well, THAT'S real, at least… she thought to herself as she reached across to her nightstand to grab it.

"Beckett" she answered. "Thanks, I'm on my way."

Beckett snapped the phone shut and closed her eyes, breathing in a sharp sigh. She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the memories of her dream before jumping out of bed to get ready for the day, and the obvious case, ahead.