Hey guys, yeah it's the dreaded author's note, don't hate me now!

After taking this long to update and think about what to do next, I felt a bit at a loss. It didn't help when someone close to me died, and basically I've been using that reason not to update. All these are excuses and I'm very sad to say, but I'll be ending Of Magic and Dances...

Just kidding~ ;) I'm such a cruel person aren't I?

No actually, I've been reading through the story and noticed how not having a beta reader had really killed me. As such, I will be going back to the first chapter and rewrite it from the beginning up to the current chapter. The specials I will post as their own individual stories. Sorry about all this trouble, but I don't know when I will update again, because now I'm too focused on going back and fixing all the mistakes I had and loop holes, making Yukiko more of a stronger character than the slight Mary-Sue she is.

Sorry for troubling you guys, but hopefully when I finally do update it, it'll be one you can like and won't be lacking at all. Thank you though for sticking with me, with all the faults I've had in the chapters. I know in the previous chapter I had mentioned it and I won't be starting the rewrite as a new story, but rather just stick with this and go through each and every single chapter. I won't promise you guys that I'll rewrite a chapter and update every week...I tend to procrastinate and lose motivation here and there. But trust I will not give up on this story.

Thanks for reading this guys! Thanks for all the support on reviews as well!

Until next time, when Tsuna gives Yukiko his answer to her confession!


- XxChocolateXxLoveXx