Disclaimer: I own only my OCs. That's it. Nothing else. They're the only thing. Otherwise, I own zip. Nada. Bupkiss.


Alright, alright….

Review Responses:

lord Martiya: Read the chap and find out! And regarding your PM, I might be able to use that info in the future... more likely than not, actually, as I have some plans in mind that that info can fit into quite nicely. If I do use it, I'll be sure to credit you for the info, dood.

tojaka: Glad ya liked it. Yeah, Lina's going to Library Island- her adventure there actually starts this chapter and continues into the next.

a: Nice to see you enjoyed it. Don't worry too much about the fourth wall breaking, dood- it won't happen all THAT much. And even when it does happen, it's only for comic relief purposes.


AN: Here's the third episode, everyone! Enjoy!

Episode 3: Action and Adventure! A Beast's Claws and an Island's Secrets!

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111

1111 Forest 1111 … … … … … …

"(ROAAAR!) KILL LINA INVERSE!" Shouted the towering (as in, like, 14 feet tall) shadowy monstrosity of a bear as it slashed its foot-long claws at our heroine Lina. She leapt out of the way and the attack wound up ripping a tree in half.


As the tree fell, Lina blasted the beast with a hail of Flare Arrows, noting its similarity in appearance to a certain other being….


The arrows impacted on the beast, obscuring it in a smokescreen.

"…Did I get it?" Lina asked. The smoke then cleared to reveal the monster regenerating from its injuries, growling menacingly.


"That'd be a no…" Lina muttered. 'So it looks like that shadow guy… never did get his name… and it regenerates like him. Well, crap.' Archie lashed at her with a claw. Again Lina dodged.


The bear's strike left a crater in the ground where it hit. Lina fired a Flare Lance, splattering Archie into several shadowy puddles again, which soon began to reform.

'Well, on the bright side, it probably has the same weakness as what's-his-name… the problem is, WHAT is that weakness exactly?' Lina thought, remembering her fight with that Mazoku…

2222 Flashback 2222

"What? But how?" Lina asked, surprised and irritated. "You're a Mazoku! You SHOULD be dead!"

"Normally yes, but you see, as a result of an experiment I allowed to be performed on me, ASTRAL SPELLS NO LONGER AFFECT ME! They are about as effective as a flyswatter to a dragon!" Umbra taunted haughtily, "True, I still do have a weakness, but I do NOT intend to tell you what it is! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

2222 End Flashback 2222

Lina glared at the monster and gritted her teeth.

"Master Umbra commands… KILL…" The creature muttered as it reformed.

'So that's the name of that Mazoku…' Lina mused, then looked to Zero for a moment.

"Hey Zero, as much as I hate to say it… I think you'll have to stay out of this."

"Huh?" Zero whined, "But why, Lina-sama?"

"Because something tells me that neither of us has much of a chance of hurting this thing…"

The beast came forward with another claw swipe. Lina dodged.

"… And I don't want you getting needlessly hurt! Ra Tilt!" She blasted Archie with intense astral energy, splattering his body over the battleground again.

"Oh… Lina-sama…" Zero blushed slightly. 'That's so cool of you… but it sucks that I won't get to kill something though…' Archie reformed, and switching his tactics, launched a beam of darkness from his mouth. Lina countered with another Ra Tilt.


The attacks met in a large explosion, and as the battlefield became covered in smoke, Lina ducked for cover behind some trees to charge up a bigger spell.

'Let's see if this works…' The sorceress thought, beginning to chant quietly.

Darkness beyond twilight

Crimson beyond blood that flows

Powerful magical energy began to gather in Lina's hands as she charged up her signature spell. Archie was at the moment unaware of her location.

Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows

Zero recognized the energy being gathered, and eagerly anticipated the destruction soon to come. 'Lina-sama's casting THAT spell again! Awesome!' The doll also thought, 'Lina-sama sure has some odd spells…'

I pledge myself to conquer all the fools who stand

Before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hands

Sayo peeked out from a nearby tree that she had been hiding behind, in awe of the power she felt. 'Lina-sensei… Wow….' Her face became determined. 'Get 'em, sensei!'

Archie turned toward Lina's hiding spot, now knowing where she was. He growled. "Grrrr…"

Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed

By the power you and I possess…

Lina jumped out from her hiding spot to attack as Archie lunged at her.




1111 Rooftop Courts 1111 … … … …

The dodgeball game had finished, the seniors running off clothes-less as Negi had sneezed his signature 'strip the girls' sneeze at the end. The excitement died down and everyone began to leave.

However, Kaede, Mana, and Setsuna, all feeling a massive amount of power, stopped in their tracks and looked in the general direction of the woods. Knowing something was going down, they glanced at each other in a silent agreement of sorts and began making their way to the action.

Nearby, Eva had also stopped and looked in the direction of the forest. Her eyes narrowed, recognizing the feel of the energy of… what did Inverse call it… the Dragon Slave. '…What's Inverse doing…?' She thought.

"Come, Chachamaru!" She ordered as she went in the same direction as Kaede, Mana, and Setsuna, Chachamaru following as commanded.

Negi likely would have investigated as well, but as the kid was still inexperienced, not to mention tired out from the dodgeball game, he didn't sense the energy. Therefore, he retired to his room to rest for a while instead.

1111 (Destroyed) Forest 1111 … … … …

A large crater filled with smoke now replaced the former forest landscape, Lina standing outside of it. She held her breath. She thought the monster was gone, but hey, you never know.

And when a blast of dark energy flew out from the smoke, that suspicion was what allowed her to get out of the way with only a fair injury on her arm.

"Ow!" She gritted out. 'Damn, that hurt!' She thought, 'But it's nothing big, at least…' She cast a healing spell on it, lessening the damage.

Meanwhile, the shadow creature Archie was revealed, of course, to have reformed again.

"(ROAAAAR!)" He bellowed, as if mocking Lina. The redhead gritted her teeth.

'Damn… Does ANYTHING work against this bastard!' She thought angrily.

"No way…" Zero murmured, not just in awe (and admiration) of the damage caused to the forest, but also surprised at the bear actually surviving the blast.

'Nnngh… this looks bad…' Sayo thought, glancing worriedly at Lina and Zero.

Archie fired another blast. Lina moved away again, running into the part of the forest that was still intact. Archie stomped after her, firing blast after blast of darkness.


The blasts impacted all around Lina but never actually hit her as she continued to dash, thinking to herself quickly.

'Well, the Dragon Slave didn't work… maybe I should try the Ragna Blade? But what if it doesn't work on this world?'



The sorceress' thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt as a blast landed in front of her, knocking her back. Archie loomed over her, and brought his foot down to crush her. Lina rolled out of the way.


"Freeze Arrow!" The volley of arrows hit Archie and partially froze the beast.

"Grrr…" He growled, breaking out of the ice.


'Guess I'll never know till I try!'

The monster loomed over Lina once more, growling at her and slobbering all over the ground. The redhead prepared herself to go another round with him, raising her hands to cast the Ragna Blade, but was interrupted.


Three shots rang out, piercing through Archie's body.

"Huh?" Lina questioned as the monster roared in annoyance. Following her question, an enormous shuriken came flying out and bisected Archie across the waist, followed by the down slash of a sword splitting what was left in two again, vertically. The shadowy bear proceeded to crumple into several puddles of darkness again.

"Hey, Lina-sensei!" shouted a voice as the tanned form of Mana Tatsumiya landed by Lina.

"Tatsumiya?" The sorceress asked, recognizing her student. Then Kaede and Setsuna landed as well. "Nagase and Sakurazaki, too?"

"Looks like you could use some help," Mana commented.

"Ya think!" Lina shouted, pointing to the reforming body of her adversary for emphasis, "This bastard keeps f00kin' regenerating!"

"Not to worry, de-gozaru," Kaede said, grabbing her shuriken where it landed."I think we can beat it together."

"Let's hope so," Setsuna said with a calm determination, glaring at the reforming beast with sword in hand.

"I'll put this on your tab, Lina-sensei!" Mana said with a grin, pointing a pair of pistols at the monster. Lina gave her a deadpan look.

"…While I do like the way you think Tatsumiya, at the same time, I can't help but want to throttle you."

Before Mana could retort, the monstrous Archie shouted "KILL LINA INVERSE!" and fired off another dark beam, sweeping it across the battlefield. The girls scattered to avoid it.


The beam left a swathe of destruction in its wake as the vile yellow eyes of the beast glared at the interlopers with intense hatred. As the four women turned around to go back on the attack, Mana noticed the collar the bear was wearing. Her eyes widened.

'Archie?' She thought, remembering her conversation with a certain acrobat earlier, 'That's the name of Zazie's circus bear that was kidnapped…'

2222 Flashback 2222 … … … …

"…What's wrong, Zazie? You seem a little down." Mana questioned.

"… Archie was kidnapped…" Zazie said, a sad note clear in her quiet voice.

"You mean that bear in your circus?" Zazie had taken Mana to her 'Nightmare Circus' a few times, so the priestess recognized the name of the circus bear somewhat.

2222 End Flashback 2222 … … …

Mana's eyes narrowed, 'Hmmm… could it be a case of demonic possession?'

As the priestess thought this, Lina had cast an unsuccessful Flare Lance at the beast as it swatted away Setsuna, who had attempted another slash at him.

Mana continued musing, 'Because if it is… then I believe I have a way to stop this thing…' She smirked and called, "Lina-sensei, Kaede, Setsuna! I have an idea! Follow me!" The gunslinger ran off in into the woods.

Lina, Setsuna, and Kaede all glanced at each other.

"Well, if no one's got any better ideas…" Lina commented, before going after Mana. The ninja and swordswoman soon followed, an angry Archie giving chase.


1111 Tatsumiya Shrine 1111 … … …

A beam of darkness flew out of the woods near the shrine as Mana, followed by Lina, Kaede, and Setsuna, reached her destination.

"The hell do you have in mind Tatsumiya?" Lina asked, panting a little. The priestess smirked.

"You'll see. Just hold him off for a minute, I need to get something," she said, entering her shrine.

"I hope whatever you have in mind works," Lina grumbled as she and her other two students faced the form of Archie stomping out of the woods.

"KILL LINA INVERSE!" The beast shouted as it prepared to launch another dark beam. But suddenly,

"Gee Inverse, what'd you do? Steal its honey?" Came a sarcastic voice from the forest as several blasts of icy energy froze Archie on the spot. The voice, who was none other than Evangeline, landed by Lina, Chachamaru accompanying the vampire loli.

"Hey mistress, Chachamaru!" shouted Zero.

"Wow Eva, you're hilarious," Lina then said as sarcastically as Eva did, "Why don't I feed you to him to apologize for 'stealing his honey'?" The two housemates glared at each other until Kaede shouted,

"I don't think this is the time to be arguing, de-gozaru!" She pointed to Archie as the possessed bear broke out of his prison.

"(ROAAAR!)" Boy, he sounded pissed. He attempted to slash at Eva, but Chachamaru launched a missile at him.


And the beast splattered into puddles once more… and, guess what? He reformed for the umpty-seventh time. What a surprise, eh?

"Bloody resilient bastard, isn't he?" Eva noted.

"You have NO idea, Eva." Lina stated.

The various girls got into battle positions as the beast went on the attack again.

1111 Inside the Shrine 1111 … … …

Mana was somewhat frantically searching through her ammo stores. She knew 'they' were here somewhere. 'They' being a particular type of bullet. You see, being a priestess, part of Mana's job is to perform exorcisms. To that end, she had some bullets filled with holy magic custom-made for this duty of hers.

… Now if only she could find the damn things….

'No, no, that's not it either, no… where are they, dammit?' The gunslinger continued her search, the sounds of battle outside urging her on.

1111 Outside 1111 … … …

'Tatsumiya had better hurry up with whatever plan she's got…' Lina thought as she saw some of Kaede's clones get destroyed by Archie. She gave the beast a jolt from a Mono Volt. It shrugged off the blast.

Setsuna sliced off Archie's arms, and he blasted her away with a beam of darkness, arms reattaching themselves. Eva froze him in another block of ice, but he didn't stay there long. Chachamaru launched several missiles at Archie, but he ultimately survived them as well.

"(ROAAAR!)" The beast raged, seemingly frustrated.

1111 Inside 1111 … … …

Mana was still looking for her holy bullets. "Let's see," she muttered, "… Here we are!" She pulled out bullet case out of her ammo stores. It had a cross on it. Loading the bullets into one of her pistols, she ran back outside.

1111 Outside 1111 … … …

"What took ya so long, Tatsumiya?" Lina shouted as Mana ran out of the shrine.

"Sorry, Lina-sensei! I just had some trouble finding what I was looking for!" The priestess smirked, aiming a pistol at Archie. "Everyone out of the way!" she shouted. The girls complied, Eva more reluctant, and Mana prepared to fire.

Archie turned toward her and growled before lunging.


A shot rang out and pierced the beast's shoulder.

"(ROAAAR!)" The beast bellowed, this time… in pain? It began whimpering as the wound sizzled and sparked and began to glow with light. Mana smirked, and fired again.


The shots blasted through Archie's stomach and other shoulder. These wounds also began sizzling and glowing with light, as the beast roared out in extreme pain.

"What's going on?" Lina asked.

"This beast was possessed," Mana explained, "So I merely exorcised whatever was controlling it with some holy bullets."

"I see…" Lina stated. 'So now I know Umbra's weakness… holy magic….'

The light coming from Archie's wounds began to intensify and soon engulfed the area in a blinding flash. The girls shielded their eyes from it, and when they could see again, they found….

Just an average bear, looking around confusedly. You could almost hear it asking itself what the hell it had to drink last night.


"…Okay, I get the whole 'demonic possession' thing, but what the heck is a bear doing in Mahora?" Lina asked, giving the now-harmless bear a half-lidded stare.

"It belongs to Zazie's circus." Mana answered her. "I'll be taking it back there now, but before I go…" Mana handed a slip of paper to Lina. "The bill." The gunslinger said, before walking to Archie and getting him to come with her. The bear, recognizing the occasional-visitor to the circus, happily followed.

Meanwhile, Lina processed the fact that a non-food bill had been handed to her. When it finally clicked… "Wait, what? HEY! TATSUMIYA, GET BACK HERE!"

… You know, if any of Lina's original circle of friends had been present, they probably would have said the situation was something along the lines of 'the pot calling the kettle black' or 'ironic' or something. I mean, Lina always bills people for her help, and now she was getting after Mana for doing exactly that. Or she would've, except,

"Hold it, Inverse," Eva stated, grabbing the back of Lina's shirt and stopping the redhead in her tracks.

"Let go of me Eva!" Lina shouted, flailing her arms wildly in a futile attempt to attack Mana. Kaede and Setsuna, still nearby, found the scene rather amusing, really.

"No. Now, care to explain why that thing was out to get you, specifically? I doubt that it yelled out 'kill Lina Inverse' for the hell of it."

Lina stopped struggling, and paused for a moment.

"…Evangeline-san is right. Why was it after you, Lina-sensei?" Setsuna asked, curious. Kaede and Chachamaru nodded in agreement. Even Zero was a little curious.

"… Can we talk about it later?" Lina asked, "Tatsumiya should probably know too."

"…Very well, Inverse. But you aren't getting out of explaining." Eva let go of the redhead and began to head off elsewhere. "Come, Chachamaru!" The gynoid followed her mistress.

"Wait, Eva!" Lina shouted. Eva stopped for a moment.

"What, Inverse?"

"What took ya so long to get here, anyway?"

"I just had to get something from the cottage." 'Just a little something to grant me some of my power back temporarily…' "If that's everything Inverse, then I'll be taking my leave."

And so Eva and Chachamaru left.

"…I suppose we should be leaving as well, de-gozaru." Kaede said, Setsuna nodding to her statement. They both vacated the shrine grounds.

So, Lina was left alone with Zero. Sayo soon came out from where she had been hiding nearby.

"…Are you alright, sensei?" She asked, concerned.

"Yeah, fine. Let's get outta here, guys." Lina turned and began walking back to the cottage. Sayo and Zero nodded and followed (not that Zero had much of a choice, considering her position on Lina's head…).

"…That fight was AWESOME." Zero commented as the trio left.

1111 Umbra's Lair 1111 … … …

Dezga teleported in from… somewhere, to find Umbra brooding.

"Uh, sir…" the lazy Mazoku began hesitantly.

"What?" Umbra asked, expecting bad news and already in a bad mood.

"Well… (yawn) the bear lost."

Umbra glared at Dezga. "Hmph… no matter. Find me more animals to corrupt, and it shouldn't be a problem."

"Well, I think Inverse knows your (yawn) weakness now…"

Umbra paused, then said, "I'll burn that bridge when I get to it. Now go, lazy oaf!"

"(yawn) Sure, sure… whatever…." Dezga teleported away.

Umbra turned back to brooding, or whatever it was that he was doing. Hell, maybe he's just being dramatic. Meanwhile, Kragoss was… lost somewhere, most likely.

That idiot probably couldn't find his way out of a paper bag if there were arrows and an exit sign, after all.

1111 Some Time Later, Tatsumiya Shrine 1111 … … …

"Hey Zero, you're unable to move normally, right?" asked Lina.

"Yeah, Lina-sama. It's annoying." Zero answered.

The duo were again at the shrine, waiting for Eva, Chachamaru, Setsuna, and Kaede to show up and conversing to pass the time. Mana was in another room doing… something. Sayo was at the cottage taking a bit of a tour of the place, much to Eva's semi-annoyance. Lina had eventually gotten Eva to let Sayo visit whenever the ghost girl wanted to.

Going back to Lina and Zero's conversation….

"Well, we're gonna have to do something about that sometime."

"Really? Thanks Lina-sama!" 'Having to sit around all the time sucks. I wonder if Lina-sama can really fix that problem…' Zero could only imagine the carnage she could cause if she could move around normally…. Suffice to say, it would likely be R-rated gorn if it were a movie.

A few minutes of idle chitchat later, and the whole group (minus Sayo) was gathered in the living area of the shrine. Eva began things.

"So Inverse, explain. Why was that thing after you?"

"Well…" Lina chose her words carefully. Couldn't exactly tell them the whole story, now could she? They'd probably think she was nuts if she mentioned being from an entirely different world. So, "There's this demon who's out to kill me…" 'Well, technically it's true…' "And I guess he took control of it and sent it after me."

"Why does he want to kill you, Lina-sensei?" Setsuna questioned.

"Eh, the guy wants to take over or destroy the world or some other 'I'm a villain, fear me' crap and I screwed with his plans." Like Lina's previous statement, this was also technically true. She wasn't sure if they should know about Umbra wanting to revive Shabranigdo, though, so she opted not to tell them. Yet, anyway.

Eva gave Lina a hard stare. 'Inverse is hiding something… but seeing as she likely won't tell us, perhaps I'll just look into her dreams or her memories later and find out that way…' Eva smirked inwardly, and said nothing. The vamp would find out all that she wanted at her leisure later.

"Well, Lina-sensei, we're here to help out if you need us, de-gozaru." Kaede said, smiling at her sensei.

"For the right price," Mana added, smirking.

"Thanks guys," Lina said with a smile that was somewhat strained as a result of Mana's comment.

"Well, if that's everything…" Setsuna said, getting up to leave.

"Bye, de-gozaru," Kaede finished, and she and Setsuna left. Eva and Chachamaru soon followed, leaving only Lina, Zero, and Mana.

"… Do you want something, Lina-sensei?" Mana asked the redhead.

"Can I borrow a gun and some of those holy bullets? You know, just in case?"

Mana smirked. "Sure. But they're not free…"

Lina grumbled. "Fine, I'll pay, I'll pay… (sigh) How much…?"

1111 That Night, Eva's Cottage 1111 … … …


…In Lina's room, the sorceress was currently sleeping. Zero, on her chest, was doing the same. Eva walked into the room. By now that 'mysterious object' that had gave some of her power back had worn off. The vamp made a note to get Chachamaru to order more later, just in case.

That all being said, she was just a normal girl at the moment, and so couldn't get into Lina's dreams or memories. The loli stared at the redhead's sleeping form for a moment before walking back out and gazing out a window at the moon, which was half-covered in darkness. A somewhat determined look crossed her face.

'Just you wait until the next full moon, Inverse. Then, your secrets will be found out… I wonder what you could be hiding…'

1111 11 A Couple of Days Later, Hot Springs 11 1111

"Aaah… Still feels as good as last time…" Lina sighed in wonder, Zero nearby. Some of the students were also in the bath as well, having fun. The sorceress just relaxed in bliss… until….

"Hey, you know about Library Island, right?" asked the student Yue Ayase, who was among the students known as the 'Baka Rangers'- Asuna, Makie, Kaede, and the Chinese girl Ku Fei, with Yue herself as leader.

"You mean that building on the lake? People say it's pretty dangerous…" commented Asuna.

"Yeah, but there's also supposedly a 'magic book' there…" Yue continued.

Lina's ears perked up at this. Her thought process looked something like the following: magic book = treasure = possibility of more treasure = Lina is rich!. She developed a smirk as she continued listening to the conversation.

Oh yes, the Baka Rangers would be having an unexpected tagalong very soon….

1111 That Night, Library Island 1111 … … …

The Baka Rangers, plus Negi, were about to begin their expedition into the depths of the Library of Doom. Konoka, Haruna, and Nodoka would be their outside contacts. They opened the massive doors to the library.


The group cautiously made their way in, wary of danger in the darkness of the place. Suddenly,

"Boo!" A ghost with two ghastly glowing faces jumped from nowhere to feast on their souls! Naturally, everyone panicked.

"EEEEEK!" The whole group shrieked, eyes wide with horror.

"Pfft… haha… HAHAHAHAHA! Man, I got you guys good! HA!" Oh wait, that's not a ghost! It's just Lina holding a candle under her face for scary effect. Zero was atop the sorceress' head as per usual, struggling to retain her laughter. Lina, however, had no such restrictions.


"L-Lina-sensei!" Yue said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"And why'd you have to go and scare the crap out of us!" Asuna shouted. "You damn near gave us all heart attacks!"

After calming down some, Lina answered, "I'm here because I overheard you in the hot springs talking about some magic book-or-other and figured you'd need help. Besides, I love a good treasure hunt!" She smirked, "As for why I scared you, I just thought it'd be funny. And I was right! Hehe!"

"Well… we appreciate the help, but please don't do that again…" Yue said.

"I'll think about it." Lina smirked. And with that the group continued on their way.

Kaede looked to Lina for a moment as she walked. 'Well, considering Lina-sensei's power, that should make any traps less of an issue.'

Lina meanwhile hung back with Negi (who had had a bit of a talk with Asuna regarding the book before the sorceress got there) and Asuna. Lina was staring at the baka ranger with a smirk.

"…What, Lina-sensei?" Asuna asked.

"Oh, just remembering the breast inflation incident…" Lina's smirk grew wider.

"Sh-shut up!" Asuna shouted, blushing.

"Relax Kagurazaka, I'm just teasin' ya!" Lina gave the girl a pat on the back.


…Okay, a smack on the back.

"GAH! Lina-sensei!"

"Uh, um…" Negi tried to diffuse the tension, "Oh! Lina-san, you'll use your magic to help protect us, right?"

Asuna gave Negi a confused look. "What? Lina-sensei knows about magic?"

"Yes, she does." Negi affirmed, before looking to Lina for her answer.

"Sure kid, if I can get away with it… but what about you?"

"Um…" Negi blushed in embarrassment a little, "I kind of… sealed my powers for a few days…"

Lina gave Negi a deadpan look and sighed, patting his head, "You've still got a lot to learn, kid… Now c'mon, let's go."

And the group made their way deeper into the confines of Mordor… er, Library Island. Eh, whatever. Danger level's probably about the same, anyway….


"AAAAH!" The explorers yelled as a 'boulder' made of books chased them down.



As the girls (and one boy) swam through a lake, they noticed a presence creeping up on them….

It was sharks. Several of them, actually. And they looked hungry.

Cue Jaws theme as everyone swims away in panic.



The group was running yet again. This time it was from a crumbling walkway over a pit of molten lava.

"WHAT KIND OF DERANGED LUNATIC BUILT THIS PLACE, ANYWAY!" It was Makie complaining this time. You could almost hear Akamatsu sneezing as she said this.


"(pant) Are we safe yet-aru?" Ku Fei asked as the explorers took a breather in a clearing of sorts.

"(GROWL)" Came a noise from behind Ku Fei.

"… That'd be a no, de-gozaru." Kaede said, blue in the face, as she pointed behind Ku. The Chinese girl turned to find a pack of several rather large wolves right behind her.



Cue running away while screaming bloody murder.


The explorers had finally reached a safe spot. No, not a fake one like last time. A real one. As you can imagine, they were quite delighted at this.

'There better be treasure in here after all the crap we've been through…' Lina thought haggardly, very obviously annoyed and desperately wanting to take out her anger on something. The rest of the group wasn't faring much better.

"Why is everything in this (pant) library trying to (wheeze) kill us?" Asuna asked no one in particular.

"I don't know… but I think we're almost there…" Yue said. "Come on everyone, just a little further…"

Everyone rested for a bit longer before once more moving deeper into the confines of the deranged wacky library of doom.

1111 1111 1111

Next time:

Golem: HOHOHO!

Lina: Ah, crap.

Negi: We've got to get you girls ready for the exams!

Umbra: Inverse isn't getting out of there alive….

Lina: Golems giving tests, studying in a crazyass library and monsters out to kill me? To most this would be weird. To me, it's just Wednesday. Or whatever day it is, I haven't really been keeping track. There better be some decent treasure in this god-forsaken library….

Lina: Oh yeah, one more thing- You better read it, or I'll really cause some trouble! (1)

1111 1111 1111

1111 Omake- Teachers' Lounge Chronicles 1111

Lina sighed, then drank some coffee. Last night had been WILD. Two of her co-workers, Takane D. Goodman and Sakura Mei, sat beside her at the table in the lounge. Lina wasn't really sure what they did, oddly enough. The redhead figured Takane was a nurse because of that hat she wore and that Sakura was a janitor since she always carried a broom around, but she wasn't really sure.

"So, Lina-san… how long have you been here? About a week, give or take?" Takane asked, glaring a little, "And yet you've destroyed large portions of Mahora's forests twice already. You really should be more careful." Sakura nodded in agreement.

Lina sipped her coffee, not really caring, then said, "Three times, actually."

"What?" Takane questioned, surprised.

"Yeah, it happened last night."

Takane sighed. "What happened this time?"

"Well, you know how Eva always has Chachamaru cook for her?" Lina began.


"Well, let's just say there's a reason for that." Lina sipped her coffee again, "Seriously, never, EVER, in my entire life, has anyone I've met, and I mean ANYONE, been such a freaking bad cook that the food they made actually tried to stab me to death. EVER."

Takane and Sakura stared, wide-eyed. Then Takane queried, incredulously, "…And you had to blow up a large portion of the woods just to get rid of lousy cooking?"

Lina nonchalantly took yet another sip of her coffee. "Meh, what can I say. Thing was a bitch to kill."

1111 Omake End 1111

1111 1111 1111 … … …

And the third exciting episode comes to a close, doods! So what'd y'all think? Good? Bad? Et Cetera? And what of the Omake? Review, doods!

See you all next time!


(1) I had to include this sooner or later. Makes for a good shout out to the actual Slayers series, since Lina says this at the end of every preview in Revolution, and maybe Evolution-R as well (I have yet to watch Evolution-R, unfortunately, and have not bothered looking it up on Youtube, and so I'm not sure).