Zdood presents:

Mahou Sensei Lina Inverse!

Disclaimer: Don't own anything 'cept mah OCs, dood.

AN: Welcome one and all to the first ever Negima x Slayers crossover! As I'm sure you've noticed if you've bothered to read the disclaimer, there are OCs in this fic- profiles at the bottom of the prologue. I know many out there may not like OCs much, but to you I say this: Don't knock 'em till ya try 'em, dood- you may find them to be pretty decent. Read the prologue first, THEN decide what you think of the fic and OCs therein.

…Oh yeah, and this takes place after TRY, but ignores Revolution and Evolution-R in Slayers time. In Negima time… that is a secret!... For now!

All that being said, ON WITH DA FIC, DOODZ!

Prologue! Get the Show on the Road!


The Glesnastya Ruins… an ancient place, once the home of a great sorcerer that everyone regarded as mad. Why? Because this sorcerer believed that there may be other worlds beyond the four created by the Lord of Nightmares, and sought to find them. This sorcerer disappeared one day, leaving only two large clusters of magical crystals behind. No one knew what happened to him. Some say he did find a way to other worlds, and that the crystals he left behind were a gate to these worlds. Others say that he was killed during his experiments, the crystals possibly being responsible. Out of fear, no one has ever tried to confirm either theory, for hundreds of years….

Until now….

1111 Glesnastya Ruins, Crystal Room 1111

Three figures walked into the ancient workplace of the mysterious sorcerer, the crystals in the room still giving off a faint glow despite the passage of time.

They were Mazoku, come believing in the theory of other worlds. Well… sort of, anyway.

The leader of the group, named Umbra, had come up with his own theory, actually. He believed that it was possible that the Flare Dragon God Cephied, being an extremely smart and powerful being, would have put that intelligence and power to good use in his battle with the Dark Lord Ruby-Eye Shabranigdo by sending some fragments of the Dark Lord to other worlds so as to prevent his resurrection at full, terrifying power. It was this theory that brought him and his two companions to this ruin.

Said companions, named Dezga and Kragoss, were an odd pair.

Dezga was humanoid, with red hair covering his face and hiding his eyes from view. He wore a short sleeved cloak of sorts and his nails were slightly longer than a human's. He was also monumentally lazy and spent half his time sleeping.


…And considering that snore, he had probably sleepwalked his way into the room.

Kragoss, on the other hand, looked very lizard like. He was large, bulky, and muscular, though still with a somewhat humanoid, Hulk-ish build.

"Ooh, shiny things purty!"

…Oh yes, and he had about as much intelligence as a brick. Actually, scratch that- I really shouldn't be insulting the intelligence of bricks like that.

"…Kragoss, you see that mold on the wall?" Umbra asked, clearly annoyed.

"Kragoss see, boss!" Kragoss replied eagerly, completely oblivious to Umbra's annoyed tone.

"…Go and watch it grow."

"Yes, sir!" and the lunkhead lumbered over to the wall, sat down, and began his observation of the ever-interesting life cycle, filled with sex and explosions and evil plots, of mold. Ever-exciting… mold.

Umbra sighed exasperatedly. He'd rather have more reliable minions, but unfortunately, these buffoons were the only Mazoku he could find that were at least somewhat willing to believe his theory. All the others thought he was off his nut. And to hire these two… maybe they had a point.

…Oh yes, you still need to know what he looks like, right? Well, he had the appearance of a living, 3D shadow, odd as it sounds… and he didn't appear to have a mouth. His odd appearance, and many of his abilities, were all the result of some experiments he allowed a magical scientist to perform on him (he did so because he thought he could gain power from it). His personality post-mysterious experiment, however, remains unchanged. Namely, he's the only member of 'The Three Mazoku Stooges' who was even remotely serious about the plans he had.

Sighing, Umbra turned toward the sleeping Dezga.

"…" The shadowy Mazoku paused a moment.

"… (SNO-"


"GAH! Geez, I'm awake! What!"

"… Give me the magic compass."

"Yeah, yeah. That so wasn't worth waking up from my nap…" Dezga grumbled as he rummaged around in his cloak, before pulling out the compass in question.

"The compass that can locate whatever you (yawn) desire, stat…" Umbra took it from him.

"Now go activate the gates."

"Yeah, yeah… (yawn) I still say that thing is a rip-off of something though…" the sluggish Mazoku said, walking over to the pair of crystal clusters. (1)

"…Don't break the fourth wall. Now do as I command!" Umbra dramatically pointed at the crystals.

"On it…" Dezga continued to grumble as he reached the crystals. He placed a hand on one, and pumped some energy into it. It began to glow brighter, its nearby counterpart doing the same.

As the crystals powered up, Umbra pulled out a book (which he had 'borrowed' from an antique store) from somewhere within the shadowy void that made up his body. Opening it, he began to chant something in some ancient language that I doubt I could properly spell to save my life.

Dezga meanwhile, his job done, fell asleep again.


A portal appeared between the crystals, glowing with psychedelic rainbow energy.

Umbra, naturally, was delighted at this development.


Calming down a bit from his high, he continued, "Now then…" and began chanting something else. The portal began to flip through several different images of alternate worlds, like channels being surfed on a TV. Umbra continued to flip through these until his compass began to react to the image shown.

The portal had stopped on an image of what appeared to be a sprawling city like place. An extremely large tree could be seen in the background. With his enhanced Mazoku vision, he thought he could make out a sign that read 'Mahora,' whatever that meant.

"So… a fragment of Ruby-Eye is hidden here…"

At this point, Dezga had woken up again and input his opinion, "…Why can't we (yawn) just find fragments on our own world?"

"Because that blasted Lina Inverse would get in the way, of course!"

And suddenly…


"Huh?" Umbra queried, just as the fireball flew by and blew up the compass he held, and making him drop the book.


"GAH! DAMMIT!" 'Now finding that fragment will be an enormous pain in the ass! ARGH! WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!' He turned to glare at the source… and Umbra's yellow eyes widened.

"Well speak of the (yawn) devil…" Dezga commented stoically.

It was none other than Lina Inverse and her friends.

"What do ya think you're doing?" Lina asked, smirking, hand held up, indicating that she had fired the Fireball.

"In the name of love and justice I, Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, will not allow your plans to come to fruition!... Whatever they are!" Cried, obviously, Amelia, striking a heroic pose.

"What she said!" Gourry added, sword at the ready.

"Can we get on with it?" Zelgadis asked, his sword also ready.

'I doubt they'll let us leave…' Umbra thought. "DEZGA! KRAGOSS! KILL THEM!" He commanded, dramatically pointing toward the interlopers.

"Yeah, sure (yawn). This better be worth skipping my nap…" Dezga lazily complied, floating toward the group.

"KRAGOSS SMASH!" Yelled Kragoss, who had still been obediently watching the mold up until now. Shame Lina busted in too, as the 'Mold Show' was just getting to the best part- Miss Moldra had been about to find out why her ex-husband twice removed and thrice reincarnated had run off with her evil twin quarter sister. He leapt to attack. (2)

"Bring it on!" Cried Lina as she and her friends separated to battle the trio.

It was Amelia vs. Kragoss, Zel vs. Dezga, and Lina and Gourry vs. Umbra.

"KRAGOSS CRUSH BIG BOOB GIRL!" The lunkhead attempted to smash Amelia with his oversized fists, but she dodged and he only hit the ground.


…leaving a good deal of destruction.

'Don't want to get hit by that' thought Amelia. "Elmekia Lance!" she yelled, firing yellow energy arrows at Kragoss. They impacted on his skin, but did no real significant damage.

"Ha! Kragoss skin hard! No hurt by puny blast!"

"Alright, try this! Vis Farank!" Amelia's fists became covered in energy, and she leapt at Kragoss and slammed her fists onto the top of the lizard like Mazoku's head.



Time seemed to freeze for a moment… and then,

"OW!" They both simultaneously yelled, stumbling away from each other.

"Owwie, owwie, owwie!" whined Amelia, her hands pulsing with pain.

"Boob girl fists HARD!" Kragoss complained as he rubbed his aching head.

Meanwhile, Zel had casted Astral Vine on his sword, and was clashing with Dezga, who had elongated his nails into ridiculously sharp claws.


The two continued like this for a while, sword against claw, until Zel casted a Blam Blazer, firing a blue beam at Dezga, who leapt back.


As the blast hit the ground, it caused Dezga's hair to fly up, revealing that he had no eyes.

"…That's kind of creepy." Zel commented.

"If you're (yawn) curious…" Dezga lifted up his hands. "Here they are!" A single eye opened on the palm of each hand, firing lasers at Zel. He leapt back.


And while all this other chaos was occurring, we of course have Lina, Gourry, and Umbra, who were at a standoff.

"…Annoying pests…" Umbra muttered. You could almost feel the tick mark on his head.

"Astral Vine!" Lina casted it upon Gourry's sword.

Gourry then proceeded to slash, and Lina casted Elmekia Lance, at Umbra, who made no effort to dodge.


Gourry cut him in half at the waist, and Lina's blasts hit the top half. Umbra's shadowy body splattered everywhere… and soon reformed.

"Ha… Haha… HAHAHAHAHA! Is that all you've got!" Umbra taunted the duo.

"What? But how?" Lina asked, surprised and irritated. "You're a Mazoku! You SHOULD be dead!"

"Normally yes, but you see, as a result of an experiment I allowed to be performed on me, ASTRAL SPELLS NO LONGER AFFECT ME! They are about as effective as a flyswatter to a dragon!" Umbra taunted haughtily, "True, I still do have a weakness, but I do NOT intend to tell you what it is! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

His taunting didn't help Lina's mood much. Seeing the still-present portal behind Umbra, however, an idea struck her. She smirked… Umbra did NOT like the look in her eye.

"Wh-…What are you smirking about!"

"Lina, what are you doing?"

"Hehehehe… THIS, GOURRY! FLARE LANCE!" And she proceeded to blast the crystals, intending to completely ruin Umbra's plans.

"NOOOOO!" He cried.


A smokescreen covered the crystals… and soon cleared to reveal the crystals, which were seemingly fine. Umbra, however, held his breath….


The portal crackled.

"Hm…?" He began, eyes slowly widening, "Oh, that can't be good…"


And the portal absolutely exploded with energy, ceasing all fighting in the room immediately.

"Wh-What's going on!" Lina yelled, the energy from the portal swirling around everyone present and causing hair and capes to flap around frantically.

"Y… YOU FOOLS! IMBECILES! YOU'VE TAMPERED WITH THE GATE!" An enormously pissed off Umbra yelled.

At this point, the energy began to get sucked back in with tremendous force… and threatening to take everyone with it!

'Damn…' Umbra thought, 'Part of the reason I wanted to find a fragment of Lord Ruby-Eye on another world was so INVERSE would not be able to interfere!... but now it seems she is going to get dragged along for the ride…' And as the portal sucked him in, his final thought was, 'Well, on the other hand… if my plans succeed, I'll get to have the satisfaction of leaving her and her friends stranded there once I find a way back… I could rid our world of the nuisance known as Lina Inverse FOREVER!... Perhaps this won't be so bad after all… ha, haha, HAHAHAHAHAHA!'

And so he was sucked in. Dezga and Kragoss soon followed.

"(SNORE)" Apparently Dezga had fallen asleep again.

"Kragoss want Kragoss mommy!"

And after them, Lina and friends did what they could to not be dragged in, but ultimately failed.

"OH, CRAAAAP!" Lina yelled as the quartet soon found themselves in the void between worlds….

Much later….

1111 Mahora Academy, Unknown Location 1111

'Wh-…Where am I?' Wondered Lina as she blearily opened her eyes, sitting up and looking around.

'Whoa…' Was her only thought as she gazed upon the nearby city.

And so, the adventure begins….


Next time:

Konoemon: Hohoho… Now who are you, young lady?

Lina: The name's Lina Inverse, old man!... And where am I?

Lina: I'm Lina Inverse, and I'm your new PE instructor!

Eva: Damn, that Inverse is annoying… like HIM….

Chachazero: I dunno, I kinda like her!


And there's the prologue! So, what do ya think, doods?

…Oh, right, the Mazoku OC profiles I mentioned at the top. Here ya go!


Name: Umbra

Appearance: Looks like a living, 3D shadow. Two horns jutting from the sides of his head, shoulders appear to be spiked, and he seems to be wearing a cloak/cape that tapers to a point. From this point extend several tendrils. Has glowing yellow eyes but no visible mouth. His appearance is the result of an experiment he allowed a magical scientist to perform on him in an attempt to gain power.

Personality: The most serious of his trio, though he has his quirks. Is a very large ham that likes to be dramatic, and tends to get annoyed easily.

Abilities: A secret! And as for the mysterious new weakness of his, you'll just have to wait and see! I will tell you this much, though… It's WAY worse than your average Mazoku's weakness to Astral spells.

Name: Dezga

Appearance: Humanoid. Face looks like a male version of Nodoka's with red hair. Has no eyes under the hair, though. His mouth is filled with sharp teeth. Wears a brown-ish sleeveless cloak. Hands look normal save for somewhat long nails.

Personality: Lazy and apathetic as hell. Tends to yawn in the middle of his sentences. Though lazy, he will complete any tasks given to him reliably... however, he will frequently complain about missing out on potential naps while doing so. Catchphrase: "This better be worth skipping my nap..."

Abilities: Can elongate his arms and fingers to an extent. He can also extend his claws/nails and make them absurdly sharp. A single eye is present on the palm of each of his hands, and it can fire energy blasts.

Name: Kragoss

Appearance: About 7ft tall, looks like a T-rex but with longer, bulkier, and ultimately much more useful arms. Wears purple ripped jeans, a la the Hulk. Body build is similar to the Hulk's as well.

Personality: About as smart as a brick. Actually, I probably shouldn't be insulting bricks like that, lol... Obediently follows orders, just like any good dumb muscle guy should.

Abilities: Has a massive amount of strength and his skin is very tough, weakening the effectiveness of Astral spells on him. Can also spit acid. Oddly enough, may be stronger than Umbra and Dezga, but is too stupid to realize this. Heck, he's not even aware that he has the ability to teleport like any Mazoku! (Yeah, I know, he's a dumbass lol)


Anyways, yeah… there's the 'Three Mazoku Stooges.' Tell me what ya think of them as well as the chap, kay doods? Be sure to review and I'll see ya next time!


(1) In all honesty, I took the whole 'magic compass' bit from Pirates of the Caribbean… which I also don't own.

(2) Don't be surprised if Kragoss gives off a very Hulk-like vibe during the course of the story. I doubt he's anywhere near as smart as the Hulk, though….