The To Do List

Part One: The Study Date

So, I've been wanting to do a Blossom and Brick story for a while, but I just couldn't come up with any good ideas. This one just came to me. So, here a funny little romantic tale. I hope you enjoy.

For four years Blossom and Brick had been friends, ever since the boys had started high school. The boys had just gotten of of juvenile hall and vowed to give up crime. After a while they even joined the girls in crime fighting, but what shocked Blossom most was catching her sister Buttercup sucking face with Butch behind the school bleachers, ever since then they were an item. Even Boomer plucked up the courage to ask out Bubbles.

Then there was Blossom. She had the biggest crush on Brick, but he had never made one move towards her. She was too scared to make the first move. What if he didn't feel the same? She didn't want to ruin her friendship with him.

Still, after he called her up and invited her over to study, She jumped at the chance to spend time with him.

She excitedly knocked on the door and waited for him to opened it. She became a little nervous when the door swung open, and she was standing face to face with him.

"Hi, Blossom," he said. "Come on in."

"Thanks, Brick," she said as she walked inside.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asked as she sat down at the table.

"Sure," she said. "Do you have soda?"

"Right here," he said and placed the soda on the counter.

He reached in the cupboard and get out some chips, while Blossom situated their books in an orderly fashion. Through her organization one of the books fell over and hit the floor. She quickly picked it up, but a piece of paper fell out. There was something written on it. Just by accident she glanced at it.

"A To Do List?" she questioned. At that moment he came back over. She was so engrossed in what she was reading that she didn't notice him.

"Blossom?" he said, but she didn't respond. "Hey, Blossom, are we doing to study or what?"

"Huh?" she finally said, looking up. "Oh..." She looked over at him and then at the list. "Brick, what's this?"

"What?" he asked, opening his soda.

"This," she said holding it up. His mouth dropped open as he tried to grab it from her, but she was too fast. "Oh, no, mister."

"Blossom, you weren't supposed to see that."

"Oh, really, why?" she said. "After all my name is on it. Let's see. Things To Do," she read.

She got up out of her seat. He got up and chased her around the table. "Blossom, give that back."

"No, way," she said laughing. "# 1," she started to read again. "Ask Blossom out on a date."

"Blossom, cut it out," he said, grabbing and pulling her into an embrace. He wasn't aware at first that he did it. He came face to face with her, their lips almost touching. "Now, give me back that list."

She shook her head in the negative. "Not until you do everything on this list."

"Everything?" he questioned.

"Yeah," she said. "So, how about it? #1."

"Okay," he said, stepping back a little. "# 1." She stuck the list in her pocket and he then took her hands. He kissed both of them, which sent a chill throughout her body. "Blossom, would you go out with me Saturday night?"

She laughed a little. "Well, I don't know. This is all so sudden."

"Blossom," he said, pulling her close to him.

"Brick, let go of me," she said, laughing.

"Not until you say yes," he said. He ran his fingers through her hair, which sent goosebumps up her spine. "Come on. Go out with me Saturday night."

"Okay," she said, almost in a whispered. He was about to reach down and kiss her, but she stopped him. "Save it for Saturday. Right now, we have to study."

He let go of her and returned to the table. They studied for several hours, preparing for their science final the next day. Blossom looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was past ten thirty."

"I better get going," she said. "It's getting late."

"Well, can I have that list back?" he asked.

"No," she said. "I told you that you can have it back when you do everything on it." He groaned, knowing he was not going to win this argument. "Just one thing," she continued. "When did you make that list?"

"About four years ago," he said."

"What?" she asked, shocked by his answer. "Then why...?"

"I didn't think you were interested," he said.

"Well, you thought wrong," she said. He walked her to the door. "See you at school tomorrow."

"Sure," he said.

She walked down the hall to get the elevator. She took the paper out and took her pen and made a check mark on the first thing on the list. She smiled and put the list back into her pocket.

That's the end of the first part. Part two coming is coming soon. Please, remember to review. I love all your feedback.