Well, here it is. The final chapter. Finished at last. I hope it has been enjoyable, I had fun writing it.
I hope I have managed to make things clear and that people get what is going on since I have no indications one way or another. I had thought about posting this in two parts but decided it flowed well enough to do in one shot.
He awoke to darkness. He was at once enveloped by and a part of the dark. He welcomed this. After so long of feeling suffocated and trapped this strange isolation was akin to peace. Even though his eyes were closed he could see neither the flickering light nor feel the concrete walls that had been the center of his existence since he'd been taken from his brother.
Sam was content to just exist, if he was even alive.
He was not free of pain but he didn't mind. Despite being unable to see he could feel beneath him a soft surface, so he knew he wasn't still in the concrete prison from before. So that begged the questions where was he, and how did he get here?
He couldn't remember anything beyond Castiel. Wait, had he…? No, after all this was supposed to be some sort of test. So, had he passed? Was it over? Not sure he wanted the answers Sam floated in the strange darkness he was in. After a time he became aware of another sensation.
He felt something warm gripping his hand, a circular motion rubbing his wrist. He puzzled this over for a longer time than necessary, relishing the comforting feeling that was filling him. Then it hit him, and he started struggling to escape the darkness.
He tried to move, desperate to open his eyes; he wanted confirmation of his sudden understanding. It took longer than it should have but soon he was aware of a light intruding on his senses.
Bright, fluorescent hospital lights that he hoped meant he was alive.
More than that, the soft pressure on his hand was calling him back, separating him from the black dark void he was currently in. He still couldn't open his eyes so he concentrated on returning the grip he felt.
For the longest time nothing happened. The soothing motion on his wrist remained, but he could not reciprocate. Then, as if his hand was made of rubber he managed to tighten his fingers. The circular motion stopped but the pressure remained.
"Sammy?" Sam would've cried in relief if he'd had the strength. Instead he managed a second squeeze with his hand. Soon he felt another hand on his forehead, and the voice was back.
"Sammy, can you open your eyes?"
No. But I'd like to. Sam tried to answer, but he just wasn't able to. I think I'm going to rest for awhile Dean.
"Sammy?" Dean's voice was getting faint. The void he'd escaped closing back in. He resisted the pull, he needed to be sure. He couldn't sense any flickering light, or feel any cold concrete, but after everything he just needed to be sure.
It took all his remaining strength, but he opened his eyes just enough to see. Short spiky hair and concern clouded green eyes greeted him. Sam wasn't entirely sure how he knew this was real, and he wasn't going to take the time to puzzle that out.
"Dean." He breathed, the tiniest of smiles forming as he closed his eyes and fell back into the void. It was alright now, and Dean would be waiting.
"We need to start arrangements for getting Sam out of here." Dean said as he walked up to Bobby and Ellen.
"He wake up?" Bobby queried. Dean's grin was an answer but over three days of no improvement meant he wanted more than Dean suddenly being chipper.
"Sort of. He managed to squint at me and squeeze my hand before slipping unconscious again, but he's beginning to come 'round."
"Right." Ellen stated, standing up and gesturing at Jo. "We will set things up at the house." The next moment the two women were gone.
"We will have to wait until he is a little more lucid." Joshua stated as his mind began to sort through the preparations that would be necessary. Dean just nodded and stood, half turned from them.
"Why don't you let us figure all the details out Dean. You just make sure that idjit brother of yours is really recuperating." Bobby piped up, correctly reading the younger man's body language. Instead of answering Dean simply nodded to the two of them, turned and made a beeline for his brother's room.
In the end they had to wait three more days before they felt safe enough to remove Sam from the hospital. Sam was asleep more often than awake but even so he managed to keep up enough grumbling to assuage the others to his healing status. Dean would not stop hovering, and when they had Sam back to the house and ensconced in the bed there, doped up on the good stuff, he snagged a chair, plopped himself down and stayed.
Four days after leaving the hospital Dean was in the outer room during one of his rare hiatus' from his bedside vigil, drinking a beer and thanking the other hunters for everything they had done.
"Has Sam said what happened?" Jo asked gently.
"No. But he is staying awake longer now and his strength is returning quickly. He'll mention it when he's ready."
"If he doesn't?"
"He's Sam. He'll want to talk at some point. He's the Winchester drama queen."
"I've finished erasing all traces of our presence at the warehouse and the hospital. Provided the angels don't show back up you will be able to rest here until Sam is strong enough." Joshua told them, standing from his chair and walking over to clasp Dean's wrist in a firm handshake. To be honest Joshua had finished all that over two days ago but by unspoken agreement it was decided that no one would leave until they were sure that Sam was on the mend.
And of course, that the angels didn't show up again, however unlikely that may be at this time.
"If you need anything else let me know but you seem to have everything covered here and I just got a call about a possible vengeful spirit in Tulsa."
"Thanks for everything and the same goes for you." Dean answered succinctly before Joshua shrugged into his jacket and turned to leave.
"Hold up Josh, Jo and I need to be heading back ourselves but we wouldn't mind taking the scenic route, might be able to help out." Ellen spoke up, rising from her chair as well. Jo looked briefly at her mother in surprise, then smiled and nodded. Clearly this was more than an offer to help Joshua and the younger Harvelle was pleased.
"You take care of yourself sweetie, not just your brother. Give Sam our regards." Ellen said to Dean before pulling him into a hug. Dean returned the gesture warmly, promising he would and watched the three exit. Afterward he turned to Bobby, eyebrow raised in a silent query.
"Don't even think it; I ain't leaving till you both are on your feet. I'm a paranoid bastard, remember."
Dean just barked a laugh, finished his beer and returned to his brother.
"You going to tell me what that thing means?" Sam started, turning to look at his brother and moving his hands away as though that would prove he hadn't been staring at the symbol burned into his wrist once more.
"What?" He said in response, grimacing at his brother's narrowed eyes. Dean wasn't going to let this drop, not this time.
"I need you to do something." Sam declared in one of the least subtle attempts to change the subjects he'd ever tried. Dean narrowed his eyes still further, but relented, Sam still had too much healing to do to push this yet.
"What?" Dean asked instead.
"I need you to call Ruby and have her come here." Sam held up a hand, the unmarked one in a cast to stop Dean's immediate fury. "It's not what you think. I can't explain Dean, please, it will make sense later." Sam kept his gaze on his brother, eyes wide and pleading. Dean sighed, he never could say no when Sam looked at him like that, all earnest-and-I'm-still-five-really.
"Fine, but I will expect an explanation."
"Of course Dean, absolutely."
"Come on, I think Bobby ordered chinese." Dean was careful as he maneuvered his brother up out of the bed and into the outer room. Bobby had indeed ordered chinese and set the table for three.
"About time, get comfortable before everything gets cold." Soon Sam was tucked securely into one of the chairs, a bowl of egg drop soup and some pork fried rice placed in front of him.
"Why don't you two get started, I've got a quick phone call to make." Dean said just as Bobby sat down. Sam nodded in thanks as Bobby just grunted, digging into his moo goo gai pan with gusto. Sam made sure to sip his soup; Dean was always testy about his appetite when he was sick or injured.
"Dean hasn't figured out that that's an enochian symbol yet has he?" Bobby murmured softly. Sam didn't answer but he didn't have to, his wide eyed stare was answer enough.
"Are, are you…"
"No, I won't say anything unless you want me to. I will give you one piece of unsolicited advice." Bobby stated, waving a piece of chicken at Sam. "I know that both you and your brother are two of the biggest idjits on the planet but do yourself a favor and tell Dean, he's seen enough of them by now that he willfigure it out."
Sam ducked his head, swallowing quickly against the sudden lump in his throat and grateful beyond belief when Dean walked back in and silently handed Sam his phone and pulled over a box of fried rice, helping himself. No one spoke for a few minutes, a quiet respite.
"We'll be having company tonight." Dean spoke up when they were just about finished with the meal.
"Really? Who?" Bobby asked when it became clear that Dean wouldn't be explaining any further.
"Ruby?" Bobby parroted back, incredulous. Dean just shrugged and Sam managed one last mouthful before leaning gingerly back into the chair. Shaking his head Bobby stood and made quick work of the cleanup before catching Dean's eyes and looking questionably between the threadbare couch and Sam.
Dean gave a small smile and soon the two of them had Sam stretched out and dozing. As they waited Bobby picked up the local newspaper and Dean pulled out a copy of busty asian beauties.
Far too soon, in Dean's opinion, there was a knock on the door and Sam groggily woke up maneuvering carefully into a sitting position. Bobby waited until both Sam and Dean nodded for him to answer and then went to the door. Predictably the demon Ruby stood on the doorstep, the dark eyes of her shell glaring daggers at him for making her wait.
She didn't bother with pleasantries, just barged right past him and into the room where the brothers waited. Bobby calmly closed the door and followed at a more relaxed pace, from the boy's attitude there was no need to rush anything.
"So I'm here. What is it?" She demanded as she came to a stop in front of the couch, and Sam. Bobby retook his seat, leaning back and crossing his arms as he watched the demon glare in the middle of the room. "Well?" Ruby repeated, impatient after Dean's terse phone call.
"I've learned some things about these powers I have recently." Sam began, a wry quirk of his lips betraying the severity of his conclusions. Ruby, with a rather remarkable grasp of the situation wisely stayed silent and waited as Sam gathered himself.
"The angels put me through some tests. They showed me what will happen if I continue to use them."
"Really." Ruby drawled, attempting to mask her sudden concern about where Sam was going with this. Dean and Bobby just shared a look. Neither of them really knew what Sam had gone through during the days that Sam was missing, it was troubling that it had to do with his abilities because of the demon blood he carried in him.
"Yeah. So I have reached a decision. I know the full extent of what I could do if I trained myself properly, but I also know the consequences. So this is goodbye. If I ever see you again after this I won't hesitate to send you back to hell."
"What?" Ruby shouted, unable to believe what she was hearing. "What are you talking about Sam? So the angels messed with your head for a few days, that is no reason to…"
"It wasn't a few days." Sam interrupted softly, careful not to look in Dean's direction where he was leaning forward in his chair, intent on his brother.
"Come again?"
"It was only about a week for Dean and Bobby and the others. I I don't know how long exactly it was for me." Sam stopped, his casted hand moving to rub the mark burned into his skin as he continued to watch Ruby. "I was in too much pain and too confused to count the time that passed but I know it was years, perhaps decades. Too long." He finished, looking down at his lap and forcibly moving his hands apart.
"Okay, so they put you in some sort of time warp thing, doesn't change what you are doing. After everything…"
"This isn't a debate Ruby. I wanted you to come here so I could say this with Dean and Bobby present. I mean it, we're through. Don't every call or come by again. Now leave."
Ruby opened her mouth, paused and snapped it shut. She had spent enough time around Sam the last year or so to know when it was futile to resist. He wasn't kidding and he wasn't changing his mind. Furious she spun on her heel and marched out, making sure to slam the door on her way.
"Don't Dean. I can't explain it right now; I just need to get some more rest." Sam looked at his brother finally, the sincere plea for more time struck a chord in Dean and he swallowed painfully, nodding.
Bobby watched as the brothers made their way slowly from the room back into the bedroom that was fast becoming their second home. Years, he thought to himself, possibly decades. No wonder Sam was taking so long to talk about what happened.
He sighed softly, standing to get himself more coffee and coming to a decision. Initially he was going to wait until Sam was a little more on the mend and then head back home. Now, well he would wait till Sam was in traveling condition and then both Winchesters were coming back with him whether they wanted to or not.
The apocalypse could wait as far as he was concerned. Those boys needed some time off.
Dean finished putting his brother to bed and got ready himself. He spent a few minutes watching his brother, wishing he could ensure a deep peaceful sleep. Finally he shook his head, lay down facing his brother and closed his eyes. His brother was safe for the time being and Bobby was there to help keep watch.
Regardless, sleep was a long time coming.
Sam lay silent on the bed, his breathing carefully controlled as he listened to the sounds of Dean finally surrendering to morpheus. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to dispel the images that flashed across the back of his eyelids.
He knew it was the right thing to do, cutting all ties with Ruby, but seeing her tonight was basically a guarantee that the nightmares would come full force. Try as he might though the exhaustion of his physical body overrode his mental determination and he drifted off into a tense, restless sleep.
Lucifer lived in his mind, tormenting him with the memories of what he'd seen in the nightmare the angels had created. Even in sleep though, his fingers sought out the mark on his wrist, as though the very idea of the angelic promise it represented could protect him from his own mind.
Could stop those four words from being spoken.
How may I serve?