Chapter 6: Jack Frost Out Iced

It was the final battle betweel the Ice King who wanted his throne back from the notorious Jack Frost. Although at first, it seem like the Ice King, along with Finn and Jake were not going to win against the final showdown with Jack Frost.

"That's indeed right, you three will not be able to stop the likes of me" laughed Jack, "I will soon have the entire Land of Ooo as a frozen wonderland for me to play in, and you three literally on ice!"

"Wow, he's got us there" said Jake.

"Jake, I got a plan" whispered Finn.

"Hey, no whispering!" yelled Jack.

"Wow, what an evil plan you got, I'm impressed" said Finn who was being a bit sarcastic, "I have never, ever, ever seen the Ice King being able to accomplish something like this."

"Yeah, hey!" cried the Ice King.

"Play along" whispered Finn to the Ice King.

"Oh yeah, never ever, and I wish to be apart of your grand scheme" continued the Ice King.

"What?" cried both Finn and Jake, "Yeah, you heard me. At first I thought you were just being sarcastic about this Finn, but then I realized something, I'm getting old, and I need to look for a replacement."

"You're serious about this?" asked Jake.

"Yep, my mind is made up, you Jack Frost have out iced me" said the Ice King trying to be a bit humble of his predicament.

"A bit out of character of someone like you, but I accept this" laughed Jack.

"Over my icy dead body!" roared the Ice King as he broke free from being iced to the floor.

Jack Frost was defenseless against this surprise attack by the Ice King. The Ice King leaped and kicked Jack Frost right against the gateway to other universes. The gateway then began to start having a meltdown and eventually broke into pieces.

"No, no, my plans for revenge against the others whom had thwarted me!" cried Jack as he was trying to put the pieces together, to which he then turned to the Ice King, "I'm going to make you pay old man for doing something like this!"

As Jack and the Ice King began to fight each other, it was now or never for Jake to escape, as he grew his hands, he literally smashed the ice that was holding him into pieces. He then moved on and did the same with Finn.

"Okay, now's our chance to stop Jack Frost, it looks like the Ice King won't be able to stop this guy" said Finn.

"Yeah, no kidding, his aim is quite off" added Jake as he noted how Jack was able to dodge the lightning bolts coming from the Ice King.

The Ice King was trying his best, but his best was obviously not enough to do wits against the notorious Jack Frost. Jack was able to summon large snowman to aide him in battle against the Ice King. The Ice King then suited up some penguins whom were fed up with Jack Frost's presence with ice armor.

"Go my penguins, defeat Jack Frost's minions!" ordered the Ice King.

"No, my minions shall defeat your's!" laughed Jack.

As the two were fighting it out, the Businessmen were getting ready to prepare the ultimate doomsday weapon to make the Land of Ooo into the land of ice.

"Nearly ready boss!" cried one of the Businessman who was putting on the finishing touches, "Alright, it's ready!"

"You hear, that, I'm going to out ice you, in being Ooo's best icy villain!" laughed Jack as he was heading over to the doomsday device.

"Finn, we got to stop Jack Frost!" cried Jake.

"Hmm, I think I might have a plan" suggested Finn.

As Jack was prepared to press the shiny blue button on the doomsday device ready to turn the Land of Ooo into a solid icy, wonderland for himself. Jack didn't realize that Jake had turned himself quite large, and managed use his fist to knock Jack Frost right into the air.

"Quickly, Ice King, hit the switch to fire some ice on that thing!" cried Jake.

"Will do!" laughed the Ice King as he quickly ran toward the doomsday device and pressed the blue button.

Instead of targeting the rest of the Land of Ooo, the Ice King managed to turn the doomsday weapon to target Jack Frost whom was falling from the sky.

"Oh no, the irony!" cried Jack as the ray from the doomsday device then managed to hit poor Jack, turning him into a block of ice, making landfall right onto a frozen sea.

"Yeah, we did it!" laughed Finn.

"And you know what else, I kind of feel proud" said the Ice King who shed a tear.

"But just to make sure you don't get any wrong ideas" said Jake who then enlarged himself and started to bash the doomsday device, "this needs to be turned to the scrap heap."

"We have to get to our boss and set him free!" cried one of the Businessmen.

"Oh no you don't, you guys are now going to have to work for me because I'm you're new boss" said the Ice King.

"And what is our ask?" asked another Businessman.

"Clean up this place, it looks like a battlefield just took place in here" said the Ice King.

"Well, I'm glad everything seems to be back to normal, that Jack Frost fella won't be hurting anyone ever again" said Jake.

"I know, you said it, let's head home" said Finn.

"I heard that" laughed Jake.

The scene then switches to the Ice King going through all the trash at his place left by his battle with Jack Frost.

"Bah, once I have this place cleaned up, I'm going to use my new Business partners to teach Finn and Jake a lesson, along with also have them come up with nifty ways of capturing princesses" laughed the Ice King.

The scene then ends from there.