Okay, well, this is the end. I hope it isn't too disappointing!


Anyway, I'm leaving on a three week trip, to a magical place called the outdoors. Sadly, there is no internet in that magical land. So this will be the last of my updates for while. BUT, when I get back expect and epic multi that's already written, so that means I can't procrastinate and you'll finally get consistent updates! YAY!

Another note, I know this is mainly a Rachel/Puck/Finn/Jesse love square (thingy shape) ficlet, but it's kind of impossible to ignore the birth of your own child, so I readers, you are forced to indure subtle meant ions of Quick for that purpose.

He was about the only one in the room not crying. Even Artie had a close-to-tears look on his face.

But the thing that surprised him the most was that he himself was disappointed. He had grown to like the Glee club. Don't try to make him explain why. He's not exactly sure.

"Mr. Schue?" They all turned to Rachel hopefully. Sure, maybe they kind of hated it when she made her long winded, hard to understand speeches, but at lot of times they made people feel better, even if it just was because they could still laugh at her.

Just hearing her talk made people's faces lighten, because it Rachel was just a constant. No matter what, she'd always be there, bright and chipper, ready to whip them all into shape. Because Glee wasn't screwed until Rachel Berry said it was.

"Do you think instead of nominating songs we could just… all go around the room and talk about things we loved about Glee club this year?" She asked, giving a sob.

They were screwed.

Everyone was in a pretty bad mood, moping around everywhere, not really talking that much, convince they were going to lose.

And yeah, maybe Puck voiced his opinions about Rachel's actions at Mr. Schue's to Finn, but it wasn't like he told Rachel about it.

Finn did though. And that was all it took for him to get his girl back.

Despite what he said before, Puck's not entirely sure how to feel about that. He half watched as Finn told her that they were going to win this. He watched as she leaned in to kiss him and the shock on Finn's face as she did.

Fucking finally. He thought somewhat bitterly.

Then he just stood there for a few moments. Half of him wanted to do something, or say something, even if what just 'Get a room.'

Puck just walked away.

"Mr. Schuester, Finn and I have something we want to say to you." Puck didn't look up as they entered the room. But a small part of him was curious. Were they actually going to announce that they were a couple again?

But Mr. Schue beat them to the speech punch, and Rachel got away with a little one liner, so he guesses he'll never know.

He didn't usually get nervous. But dang, this was it. There big chance, if they made it, they would go to Nationals, they would actually win. There was so much on the line.

And all the other teams were sucking up to the judges.

"A mash-up of Olivia Newton John and Josh Groban. Are you kidding me? Somebody tipped them off about the judges!"

Then Rachel spoke up, as she struggled to turn of the speaker.

He remembered when he first learned the word Mash-up that one time in Glee club. Just another memory he could throw out the window.

But people kept talking and slowly, somehow he felt better. And Mr. Schue was kind of a life saver, Puck really did appreciate the guy.

"We have got something that the others teams don't, Finn's dancing!"

He laughed with everybody else as they did their handshake, even though he wasn't entirely sure that was a good thing.

"I'm forever yours, faithfully…"

It was perhaps the one time he was glad of Finn and Rachel's relationship. He had to give them big props for emotion, because he knows they wouldn't have been able to pull it off if they had been fighting. He also knows that St. James could never amount to the chemistry they had on stage, no matter how hard he tried.

He listened from behind the curtain until his cue, and finished up the song with the rest of the club, pretending not to notice as they joined hands with a bit of unplanned choreography.

And you better believe they rocked the house with the rest of their Journey medley. Especially Don't Stop Believing. Of course it was awesome. And not just because of his miniature solo, just because they were all together singing, and it was fun, and it meant something.

It was kind of déjà vu. He had been there the first time they had preformed the number and he was here when they finally preformed it, and showed everyone just what they were made of.

And you better believe it was a ten.

His mind was basically just on a frantic repeat. He's not even kidding. He might not have deep physiological thoughts that would change the world, but he was used to them being more than one word. And yet all he was thinking as he rushed Quinn to the hospital was, "Shit, shit, shit, shit!"

And on top of all this mess he kept shooting glances at Finn to see how he was taking this, and wondering where Rachel was and why Quinn's mom was here, and of course he had Bohemian Rhapsody stuck in his head ever since Vocal Adrenaline announced that was what they were performing.

And he'd love to tell you that giving birth to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody was a beautify musical experience that one could only dream of, but as it turns out, all he was thinking about was still basically "Shit!", and how glad he was that he was guy.

And he was suddenly very grateful for Mercedes as she calmed Quinn down, and he just sort of stood there in blue as Quinn shouted "You suck, you suck, you suck!" at him.

And then Beth was born.

A million feelings flooded through him, each more sincere than the next. Because there she was, half of him, out there, in the world, breathing, alive.

And she was beautiful.

He didn't really want to leave the hospital. He didn't have that much time left with his baby girl, but Mr. Schue convinced him that he was needed, so he headed back with the rest of them and made it just in time to here the winners announced.

They all grinned as Aural Intensity was announced. This was it, all or nothing. They scooted over, closer to Vocal Adrenaline, and he doesn't think anybody missed the look Rachel and Jesse sent each other.

Pure uncensored smugness.

And just like that St. Douche was out of the picture.

"Vocal Adrenaline!"

And so were they.



"To sir with love…"

Everyone was in tears by the end of their song. But who could blame them? It was probably the last time they would ever sing together again. It felt right for it to be for Mr. Schuester.

At the end of their song hugs (and some kisses) were exchanged, along with promises, and sobs. It was like a sad scene from a sob movie, and almost painful to watch. But the thing that hit Puck the hardest was that when they left the auditorium, they all walked out alone.

He wondered what that meant. Rachel and Finn barely looked at each other, much less walked out together. After all, would there be a Finn and Rachel without a Glee club? Heck, would there be any of them without a Glee club? That's basically how they all came together, it's what brought them all together.

If it hadn't been for Glee club, who knows. Rachel would have no friends, still being slushied, bottom of the social heap. He and Finn on the other hand would be at the very top like they used to, Finn being oblivious to anything about Quinn's child's fraternity. Kurt might even still be in the closet, (as far in the closet as Kurt could be anyway) and gosh, he probably wouldn't even have met Mercedes, and the two are best friends. Artie and Tina never would have found each other, and Artie would probably be coming to school every day after getting hit by book bags.

As crazy and melodramatic as it sounds, Glee had brought them all together.

And now even that was gone.

"We have another year."

Puck finally let out the grin he had been trying to suppress all day long. Because he didn't have to pretend things were bad anymore. Because they had another chance, and things couldn't be better.

He watched as it took a second to sink in, and then everyone started screaming, and jumping up and down, and he watched Rachel prance around frantically, determined to hug every single person in the room.

And when Mr. Schuester called him up to sing for the first time of many, he was happy to oblige. (You better believe Mr. Schue knew about his awesome guitar skills) And even though he didn't get a touching moment, like Kurt of Quinn, as they held hands with various members of the audience or any other moving little gesture, he felt just fine where he was. He never liked that kind of stuff anyway.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Rachel rest her head on Finn's shoulder, after Finn finished giving a forgiving look to Quinn, and he couldn't help but think that's some pretty metaphorical shit right there. But he just kept strumming and singing, and looking at Quinn.

But as Mr. Schue wrapped up the song he cast one short look at Rachel and Finn, and a feeling overcame him that he couldn't quite place. But looking around the room he did figure out one thing.

Winning on the first try is a little overrated anyway.

So yeah, the endings cheesy, but dude, I had that line planned out since I first starting writing this story. And yeah, I chicken out on the PuckelBerry at the end, but I'm pretty happy with it anyway.

Anyway, my next fic will be a Multi called 'Showface' which WILL be a PuckelBerry, so look out for that one in three weeks. Thanks everybody, it's been great!

Don't forget to review!