So here's the overdue Chapter Three to this story! I know I should have up-dated sooner, and I have no excuse, since it's the holidays and I had nothing to do whatsoever...but...oh well. I hope you enjoy this, cause I had a lot of fun writing it! Especially Rigsby. I love Rigsby.

Onwards with this damned story!

Re-entering the over-crowded mid-class restaraunt, Lisbon wiped the nervous feelings from her mind, and decided to enjoy the evening that lay ahead. She smiled shyly at Jane, who winked flirtatously at her in return. He stood up, holding out his hand and guiding her back into the booth, his charming smile fixed in place on his gorgeous face.

"See, chivalry isn't dead." He teased, nudging at her side playfully. Lisbon just grinned at him, and watched as Van Pelt kissed Rigsby on the cheek.

"Guys. I may be letting you and Rigsby off, but I remember saying no kissing!" Lisbon's boss demeanour suddenly re-apperad.

"Uh, actually boss, you said, no kissing in the office. Techincally, this doesn't count." Rigsby leaned across the table and pinched Lisbons arm, causing lisbon to throw a breadstick at his face. Rigsby just shrugged, and began nibbling at the food.

"You pig." Lisbon smirked. Rigsby always ate everything he could lay his grubby hands on. Cho just watched the scenario fold out like an entertaining movie.

"Oink." Risgby snorted, raising his eyebrows accusingly at Jane.

"What have I done?" Jane asked, sipping at his dry martini. He stared at Rigsby as he snickered.

"Lisbon apparently." He shot back. Grace snorted and covered her mouth to hide her forbidden hysterics. Lisbon threw another breadstick at Rigsby's broad face, and Jane jusy stared bemusedly back at him.

"All In good time, my dear friend, all in good time." Jane raised his eyebrows suggestingly at his boss, who just shoved him out of the booth violently. Which cause him to crash to the floor and trip up an unsuspecting waiter. Somebody's drinks flew everywhere, and glasses smashed. Lisbon squeezed her eyes shut in horror. The bruised waiter, who by his name tag, was named Pete, stumbled to his feet, and lost his footing again. He squashed a winded Jane, causing him to groan loudly in self pity. Jane pushed Pete off of him, and hoisted himself up. He glared at Lisbon, who smiled unncanily in return. His previously groomed blond curls where now sticking out in tufts, and a big red stain, covered the front of his button-down shirt.

Lisbon shrugged. "Oops." Rigsby turned to Van Pelt, who now had the head buried in her hands, and was shaking from side to side.

"Well done, Boss. You just made a lot of guys who he's pissed off, very happy." Cho stated nochalantly, in the way he always did.

Jane was still glaring at Lisbon, which made the sudden uneasy feeling return to her stomach. He shook his head at her, and sauntered off in search of the men's room. Cho helped Pete-the-waiter up, and he straightened his clothes, thanking him in a daze. Lisbon bit her lip, sighing.

"Jane! Wait!" She stumbled out of the booth, and darted round the chairs to catch up with him. Much to the customers amusement. You could always count on someone to make an idiot out of themselves at dinner time. Today, was Agent Lisbon's and her reckless consultant's turn. Just as Jane shoved the men's door open, Lisbon caught up with him. She grabbed his wrist. "Jane, I'm sorry." He shrugged her off, and closed the door behind him. She rest her fists on the door either side of her head. "Dammit."

Lisbon turned back to the resturant, to catch a bewildered crowd's gaze. Quickly they all looked away, like nothing had ever happened, when secretly, they were snorting about it in the inside. She caught Grace's sympathetic gaze, just as Rigsby stood up. Walking over to his boss, he nodded, and dissappeared into the confined secrecy of the men's room.

Cho, who was still dealing with Pete-the-waiter, had been ushered off to do some well trained explaining. Leaving Lisbon alone with Grace. Again. She flopped down back into the booth, and in one gulp, finnished her drink.

"Whoa, easy." Grace warned, taking the glass from her bosses hand.

"God I am such an idiot!" Lisbon cursed at herself, tearing her tearful eyes away from Grace.

"Don't say that. It was an accident." Grace couldn't even convince herself if she wanted to. "Besides, he did deserve it." She tested, and was relived when her boss smiled.

"Yes he did." She agreed, catching Grace's gaze once again.

Meanwhile, in the privacy of the men's room...

"Oh c'mon man, come out." Rigsby pounded on the toilet door. "It was an accident she didn't mean harm."

"I'm a little busy, Rigsby." Jane called back.

"Oh yeah, doing what?" He sighed, in annoyance.

"Uh, doing what you're supposed to do on the toilet." Jane stated.

"Ugh gross." Rigsby backed away from the door, and the toilet made a flushing sound. Jane unlocked the door and stepped out. Rigsby chuckled at his appearance. His hair was awry, and he had his shirt half un-tucked. Not to mention the red wine stain, down the front of him. "Man you look like hell."

"Thanks." Jane smiled facetiously as he washed his hands in the basin, brushing back his blond curls afterwards. He buttoned up hhis vest and jacket, in an atempt to hide the stain. He smiled at the mirror when it seemed to work, an cover up most of the redness.

"What are you gonna do about Lisbon?" Rigsby asked.

"Well, I was thinking, ignore her pleas for the rest of the night and then seduce her when she's least expecting." Jane shrugged, as if thinking about his next move on a chees board.

"You're gonna sleep with Boss?" Rigsby was a little shocked, to be honest, he'd thought Jane was just kidding.

"That's the plan." Jane stated, drying his hands with a paper towel.


Reviews are appreciated!

Taz X