Seth POV

Once I finally got home I automatically crashed on the nearest thing- the floor. I just threw my sneakers and dropped to the floor and let my hair be my pillow.

Before I even fell in a pit of darkness I could hear my mum talking to Leah telling her to pick me up and throw me on the couch, but she refused. My mum let out a sigh and said fine, when you wake up, you'll walk up. I wanted to help her and moved to the couch, but everything that happen last night and that talk with Jacob weighed on me like a ton of bricks. I didn't like falling in the dark, but the image of Krystal was quite a sight even if she was sweating all over the place (she even smelled sweeter which is even weird).

Hearing her heart beat is like listening to the birds singing on a summer day, the rushing water in the middle of a quiet forest-oh how beautiful it sounds pounding in her chest that echoes threw my mind. I finally agreed that I've imprinted on her and that she is mine for the rest of my life, but how am I going to tell her the truth. My mind is too wrapped around her to even bother cooking up a plan to figure this out. I wish I went to school and saw her before I fell here, but one thing that keeps bugging my mind is that midnight blue color wolf... I only see her once and now she disappeared for good-i hope.

The icy blue gems that glows in the night

Dark brown eyes that melts my heart

The violet flames which makes my inner wolf howl in my sleep.

They all just simply faded into one?


I felt something kick me in the rib which woke me up from my wonderful dream of me and Krystal. I turned over on my back and as drowsy my eyes open slowly, I saw Leah hovering over me with a little humor in her eyes. I backed away raising my eyebrows up at her, " why are you looking at me like that Leah?"

She straightens up with a wicked smile on her face. She just walked away and turned to look back at me, "Jacob and Quil are here to see you and in case you're wondering it's 3:30."

I grudgingly got up, stretching my arms feeling the stiff joints cracking as I headed towards the living seeing very satisfied people with we knew something you don't know I froze at the spot, scared of being ambushed by them, "Sooo," I said.

They both turn towards me with the smile that seems to be plastered on their face-permanently. Jacob got up and rubbing both her hands together. "While you were enjoying you nap on the floor, WE went to school and saw your im- I mean Krystal at school."

I immediately got my attention span checked hearing her sweet name. I casually walked towards the arm chair which was in front of Quil trying to hide the blush that was slowly creeping its way to my cheeks.

"So what did you giants do to her?" I asked.

"We wanted to kidnapped her BUUUUUUUUUUUUT we thought of something a LITTLE bit better," Quil said in a child voice giving me a wink.

I was starting to get scared at what they did with Krystal or what they said to her, "What did you two do?" My voice was raising as the 'panicking' was building up.

"We didn't do anything. We just brought a little guest with us," they both said at the time.

That only made the thoughts and accusation flying in full speed in my head. I saw both their eyes drifting off into the kitchen. I turned around and I finally felt completely blank up in the head.

Krystal is leaning on the door frame looking drenched from head to toe but still look gorgeous. My body went rigid at the sight and I could see she was trying to hide that smile that was inching across her crystal like face. "Surprise."

my throat went dry, my heart was racing, I felt the heat increasing in my cheeks.

"I came here to invite you to hang out but if you want to hang with Krystal I don't mind at all." before I could even answer Jacob was dragging Quil by the collar out the door while he was whining saying I don't want to leave! I want to see the sparks flying!

finally when the door closed,finally when the door closed, we were stuck in this silence, but I didn't mind so much. It didn't feel awkward between us.

I got up and started scratching my head trying to figure out what to say looking at the floor. I heard soft foots steps coming my way, i looked up to see stacks of books and folders in Krystal's hand.

She smiled, "I came over to give in your homework and to tell you that we are partners for biology." giving a weak smile , I stuck my hand out to get it.

The tips of my fingers touched her hand sending the electric shot going through me. I looked up at her to see her staring intently at me with a little color of red in her cheeks.

Without even thinking (again), putting the stuff on the table and took one step closer to her closing the space between us. She looked up at me, hearing her heart beat rhythm going slower. My eyes trailed down till it landed on her ruby wet lips that we quivering. I could feel the wolf howling in me at how close she was to me (specially our lips). My body was having a mind of it's own as my right hand cupped the side of her cheek. I heard her breathe caught in her throat but I still didn't back down.

Trailing the tip of my finger down her jaw line without breaking the stare between us titling her chin so that I can breathe the after faint smell that was hanging off of her.

Fisheriana, my forrainy morthon lerarsh

I backed away and started scratching my head again and laughed a little trying to cover up the nervousness in me. I felt the pain of my inner self singing a desire to kiss her. I looked up at her to see her smile but with shock and confusion still written on her face. "i-i wish I could stay but I got to go back home and do some home work. I hope you feel better soon... Seth," Krystal said my name in a soft low voice as she got her things and headed for the door.

I followed to say my good byes like a lost puppy wanting a little attention. Before she reached the door knob I got to it first and opened the door as she gives me a small smile and headed out the door.

"WAIT! You don't have a ride!" I shouted before I could stop myself.

She turned around, "It's okay, I could call my friend to pick me up." I wasn't so sure but I think it will be better after I almost kissed her out of the blue.

"Oh and one more thing, thanks for inviting me over for the bon fire thing." She turned around and continued walking leaving standing at the door way with shock written all over my face and the hint of blush coming to my cheek.

I slowly closed the door and stood there with the goofy smile forming on my face.

She's coming over.
