summary: Elizabeta Héderváry and Roderich Edelstein has moved into a new home. Now they have to deal with their neighbors. Includes Italy/Germany, Spain/Romano, Switzerland/Liechtenstein, FRANCE, and.. Prussia.

notes: Hmm.. this is my first story! I'm pretty sure someone else had this idea, but then again, I'm feeling paranoid.

Anyways, Hetalia does not belong to me. None of these characters are mine..sadly D:

Enjoy the story~~~~

"Honey, are we almost there yet?" asked Elizabeta, who had grown weary of staying couped up in a large truck.

"Almost, Elizabeta", replied Roderich, her husband.

The couple were moving into a new house with the money saved to buy it. After what seemed like hours to Elizabeta, they finally reached their new home. It was a beautiful creamy white, two-story house with antique-looking gates protecting the house from unwanted visitors. A porch was wrapped in vines with sun-kissed flowers.

"Ahh.. what a lovely house!" Roderich exclaimed, "I must prepare a symphony for this!"

The two opened the gates and unlocked the front door. They stepped in and took a look around their house. Out in the back, Roderich saw a pool and a backyard. The patio was shady and looked welcoming.

"Hmm.. maybe we should hold a barbeque.." he thought. The Austrian went back into the house and went upstairs.

"Roderich~! Look in here!" There was an urgency in Elizabeta's voice. Roderich raced to were he heard his wife. As he peeked in the room, he let out a gasp. There was a man sleeping in their bed. Their NEW bed that they bought specifically for moving. This man had platinum-blond hair and was snoring loudly.

"Mmmm... hot cakes.." snored the silverette.

"What the.. WAKE UP, YOU IDIOT!" Roderich shouted at the man. Elizabeta grabbed a pan from out of nowhere and smacked the sleeping intruder. A good "bonk" was heard from the contact of the pan connecting to his head.

The strange man woke up suddenly. As he quickly opened his red eyes, he saw an angry couple looking as if they were going to skin him alive or something.

"MEIN GOTT! I didn't think you guys would be moving in so quickly! My awesome head hurts for some reason..", the man yelped, "Man, I had a good dream too...".

"Get out of our house, you intruder!" the couple ferociously shouted.

"Okay, okay fine.." said the man and then he left through the front door. A crash was heard downstairs and they rushed down to see what the commotion was. On the floor lay a broken pot.

"Eheheh.. my bad.." muttered the man and left quickly out the door. From the window, Elizabeta could see the man running for his dear life away from the house.

"Now that that's over with, I think tomorrow would be a good day to have barbecue, Elizabeta", said Roderich.

"What a good idea! Let's go around the neighborhood and greet our new neighbors then," she replied. With that, the couple headed out of their house and was off to meet their neighbors.

Ahh.. end of chapter one.. jesus, I'm tired.