It was about 4:30 in the morning when Roach woke up again. He was so desperately trying to sleep, but he couldn't. He had woken up 5 times before this. Roach rolled over again trying to sleep, when he heard the bugle.

"Ugh, not now…" he said to himself. Roach dragged himself out of his bed and shuffled down to the Mess Hall.

"Morning Roach," Ghost said wide awake.

"Hey," Roach muttered barely audible.

"How'd ya last night?" Ghost asked. He seemed hyper, which happened very rarely.

"I didn't. I kept tossing and turning, and when I did sleep, I kept waking up."

"That sucks," Ghost said shrugging his shoulders. "I slept really well."

"Good for you," Roach said as he walked away. He wasn't trying to be mean, but when Roach didn't get enough sleep, he got very cranky.

Roach went and sat down next to Captain MacTavish, because he knew that MacTavish wasn't very talkative.

"Good Morning Roach," MacTavish said. He still sounded like he was half asleep too.

Roach just grumbled.

"What's wrong with you?" MacTavish asked.

"Couldn't sleep."

MacTavish just nodded and got up. Roach took advantage of his absence and put his head down on the table. Just as he got comfortable, he felt something get slammed on the table. He opened his eyes and saw a big coffee mug right in front of him.

"This might help some," MacTavish said as he sat down again.

"Thanks," Roach muttered as he started drinking his coffee. He took one sip and had to spit it out.

"What the hell is this?" He asked coughing.

"Black coffee. You're probably not used to how strong it is. Popular in Scotland."

"It can stay in Scotland as far as I'm concerned. Oh my god," Roach said. He could still feel the burn in his mouth.

MacTavish just laughed and got his breakfast. Roach was too tired to eat, and he put his head back down on the table and rested his eyes for a while. He still couldn't fall asleep. Roach went back to his room to put on his boots and vest and to get his guns. He had target practice this morning.

Roach trudged over to the target area with the rest of his team. Ghost gave his usual safety speech, and how you had to count all of your bullets. Roach nearly fell asleep. Ghost noticed, and decided to embarrass Roach by making him go first.

Roach sighed and went to the first range. Ghost had the targets pop up one at a time. Roach missed every single one.

"Looks like your shooting could use a little work, eh Roach?" Ghost asked elbowing Roach.

"Whatever," Roach grumbled.

Roach went back to the waiting area. Everyone was just staring at him. Roach didn't even care. He just kept walking till he got back to his bed. He put his gun down and took off his vest. He laid down and fell asleep. 5 minutes later, the alarm for deployment went off. Roach woke up and groaned. Why does everything have to happen today? He thought to himself. He got up and got all of his gear together. He met with his team at the hanger.

"I'll brief you on the helicopter. Move your arses. Go, go!" MacTavish shouted.

If MacTavish had to brief them on the helicopter, Roach knew this wasn't going to be an easy mission. He tried to suck it up and bored the helicopter. Roach wasn't going to be able to sleep on the helicopter. He was going to have to rely on an adrenaline rush to get him through the day.