A Tokka Poem
Hi, my name is Toph.
I am told that I have green eyes,
so I can't keep my eyes on the prize.
While I can keep my feet on the prize,
the ground is my strength, but the air is my demise.
I have a crush on a boy, Sokka.
Again, I am told that he has blue eyes.
As blue as the water and the skies.
He is the "Plan Guy".
He makes one hell of an ally.
Then there is Suki.
A Kyoshi Warrior through and through.
She is dating the guy in blue.
He should be mine,
and then everything would be fine.
Do not get me wrong, I like Suki.
I just like Sokka more,
but maybe I should not try anymore.
I am suffering from heart ache,
and everyday feels like a mistake.
Then Suki left.
After a fight one day.
Sokka never felt more astray.
I felt sorry for him,
his life seemed oh so grim.
I told him that I loved him.
He was surprised,
"I love you too, Toph." he advised.
Two years later, and we are getting married today.
I hope this feeling never, ever, goes away.