Based On the Books of "Mercy Thompson Series" by PATRICIA BRIGGS

Hello, I'm sorry to announce that I won't perpetuate this story. I fell out of inspiration on this one for some reason... I wanna thank everyone who has read and reviewed. I've been writing another Ben fiction which is going faster and better than this. I hope you get interested. Peace!

Time can be subjective sometimes… It seemed only a couple of days to Mercy when it was actually a month since she'd been trapped by Fairy Queen and her black witch.

Now that more months passed and everything was going fine. Mercy had to move in with Adam- since her mobile home was burned down. Jesse was enjoying her spring break with them, and despite her mother's never ending insistence, she seemed to have no intention to leave her father's side.

Samuel and Ariana were seeing each other almost every day while Warren and Kyle were planning for a trip to D.C. where homosexual marriages were allowed now. The whole pack finally started to embrace Mercy as their Alpha's mate after Henry had been killed, Mary Jo and Paul were exiled from the pack.

Mercy came downstairs in a beautiful Sunday morning to find Daryl and his wife had already started fixing breakfast.

"Mmm, I can't think of a thing that smells better. Thanks, Daryl," she said.

"My pleasure," Daryl replied.

Aurielle extended a cup of hot chocolate to Mercy. "We've been keeping extra hot-chocolate in reserve for you recently," she said attempting a smile.

"Is Adam still sleeping?" Daryl asked.

"Yes," Mercy replied taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "And Samuel, and Warren, and Ben, too, I guess."

"This house's getting too crowded to live in," said Jesse from behind Daryl. "Is my orange juice ready?"

"Here you are," he replied. "Take a seat."

"I gotta watch the news first. Looks like Adam Lambert will be coming to perform in Eastern Washington any time soon," Jesse said with an overwhelming excitement.

"Adam who?" asked Warren walking into the kitchen with Ben.

"Adam Lambert! How come you haven't heard of him yet?" Jesse said rolling her eyes.

"Is that the guy who puts on make-up on his face even more than Honey ever does?" Ben asked yawningly before he digged inthe omelette on the table.

"Yeah, that's the one," Mercy curled her lip.

"I'm in love with his song… and his looks," Jesse tittered.

"Shh, Adam might be awake," Warren said with an anxious look at the hall. Then he began to drink his orange juice in relief.

Jesse shrugged and turned on the TV without having a clue what they would find out. Everybody froze in their places as the breaking news came on. News reporter was speaking breathless:

"It's only been few years since the fae and werewolf societies became public. And now a new speciesis introducing themselves to the world; Walkers!

Mercy just missed spillingherhot chocolate on the floor as Warren's orange juice gushed out of his nose.

Arthur Castle, the seventh richest man of Canada according to Forbes, held a press conference this morning and he has revealed to the world that he is a fox-shifter!

Arthur Castle says he and his brother, Richard Castle, were born to this state. Two brothers had been thinking over the right time for a declaration for the last few years, and finally last winter they came to the conclusionthat they had to stop hiding."

While the news reporter kept on talking, the camera turned to a young girl who walked out of a faculty door with an army of crazy reporters after her. She pulled her rain-hoodover her head, looking down to ignore all the microphones and cameras spinning around her.

"Now we are seeing Arthur Castle's 21 year-old daughter Aurah Castle who is also a fox-shifter like her father. Her Swedish mother, Sofia Eriksson Castle, is known as human, but there are some speculations that she is a "soul reader*". Mrs. Castle took her place by her husband at this morning's conference to support him, yet she never spoke.

Castle family's roots come from the Ojibways*. Arthur Castle lives in Montreal with her Swedish wife Sofia and their only child Aurah who is studying Psychology at the university. His older brother, Richard Castle, lives in Fort Erie with his wife, Shelly who is a fae.

The business world is foaming with curiosity and speculations over Castle family. Richard Castle has two important investments in Canada. His younger brother also signed a million-dollar contract with DELL last month.

Arthur Castle made a call for all Walkers all over the world that they'll be welcomed if they want to get in touch with him.

So, what happens now? What do we need to know about the walkers and will they let us know? I think the whole world will wait and see. Back to you, Karen!"

It took more than one minute for everyone to digest what they had just heard. Mercy held on her cup as her hands were shaking a little. Jesse was looking at her while Daryl and his wife were on their feet without making a move. Ben's mouth- which was full of omelette- was still open. Warren was trying to clean his shirt with the kitchen towel.

"I don't want my mate to become a public figure," said a cheerful voice from behind them.

Adam was standing by the fridge with a naughty smile upon his face. Mercy put her cup on the table and run to him. She opened her mouth but the words hardly came out.

"I'm in shock right now. I'm speechless," she finally managed to say to him.

"So is everyone." Adam put his one arm around her shoulder. "None of us did see that coming."

"For all this time I've been thinking that I'm the only one. But now…" Mercy was so shaken that she was unable to finish her word. They sat on the couch. When she felt the tear drops filling into her eyes, she put on hand on her face not to let them fall.

"Aren't you happy? You should be happy," said Warren caressing her hair.

"I'm happy," she murmured putting her head on Adam's shoulder.

"So, what do you want me to do now?" Adam asked her.

"What do you mean by that?" Mercy raised her head and looked into his eyes. She was a little confused.

"May I call him today?"

Mercy was struck dumb. She looked around the room, at everyone's face one by one. Daryl and Aurielle were calm as usual, Warren and Jesse were smiling, Ben was bewildered just like Mercy was.

"How u gonna find his phone number, dad?" Jesse asked.

"Arthur Castle is a well-known business man. He's not hard to find… for the people like me," Adam replied smugly as he kissed his daughter's forehead.

"I think I can talk to him tomorrow. I need time to prepare myself for meeting someone of my own kind." Mercy sighed.

*Soul reader:A person who has telephatic abilities. A soul reader is able to see someone's early life and understand how they think or feel at that instant by looking into their eyes.

*Ojibway: A Native American tribedivided between U.S and Canada.

The End of Chapter I

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