I see him all the time. I know he's not there, but I still see him. You can call me crazy, even though I'm 16 I still believe, because I know he would want it that way. So even on my car rides to school, when I look out the window I still see Peter Pan.

When I was a child my parents would brag on me about my "great imagination" I guess it's stuck with me. Though now it's not considered as something that's great, now it's considered overactive, and bad. When class gets boring, I just close my eyes, think of the 3 best things in the world (faith, trust, and pixie dust. DUHHH), once I open my eyes I look out a window and there he is. Sometimes he's fighting the evil Captain James Hook, or maybe he's just flying, though my favorite is when he flies up to the window and makes faces at the teacher or whomever is irritating me; it never fails to make me smile, it's just the laughing that gets me in trouble. But I can always make him reappear in detention, if I get one that is.

But now it's a Wednesday morning, I'm sick, bored and listening to music. So I did what I always did. Once again it worked; outside my window Peter was having a perilous duel with Captain Hook, all on the telephone wires. It was riveting, my eyes dashing back and forth between the figments of my mind. Suddenly Peter did a back flip and Hook fell off the wires and onto – what in reality was a semi – the back of the crocodile. The crocodile turned quickly catching Hook in its jaws, I could almost hear him say, "Old, alone, done for." I smile stretched across my face and Peter did a victory bow. He came up from his bow just in time with my music, "Flying" (Peter Pan 2003) had just started, a song that never failed to make me smirk in true Peter Pan form. Suddenly the car stopped, "Time to get out Sasha. Have a good day sweetheart." I sighed, Peter dissipated from in front of me. A sudden wave of depression washed over me, because I once again realized that that was all he would ever be, a dream. Peter Pan would never come knocking at my window, even if he was real, I was too old. Come and find me Peter. Before I am a real grown up.

A/N: Okay, I know I have another story going on but I got hit in the face with this idea a couple of days ago. So here it is.