Title: The Sands of Love And Desire

Author: magicalduck

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the 'Prince of Persia' merchandise. Not profit is being made with this story.

Chapter 1

Tamina was the most confused bride there had ever been.

Her wedding day should make a girl scared, she thought, placing one dainty slipper in front of the other as she slowly walked up the stairs to her new husband's chamber. Maybe, if she was given away to a brute, she should be afraid. But she shouldn't be confused. Not like this, anyway.

Throwing a quick glance at her lady-in-waiting, Tamina forced herself to smile. Her people need not know about their princess' inner turmoil.

Her heart hammering against her ribcage, Tamina almost faltered on the last step. Alamut had been her home for as long as she could remember. This very palace had sheltered her as a child and she had grown to love its graceful architecture, the warm colour of the marble and the people in it.

And yet, even if she was almost frightened of her own decision, it was not for them alone that she had agreed to marry Prince Dastan.

The expression in the prince's eyes as he knelt before her, handing her the dagger, the precious dagger, had moved her. It had seemed as though he knew of the weapon's importance although he couldn't possibly be aware of it; few people were privy to that information.

"My lady," her lady-in-waiting softly interrupted her musing. "I think the prince is awaiting you."

"Of course he is," Tamina murmured, absentmindedly rubbing her hand on her silk gown; it was sweaty.

The wedding had passed her by in a flurry of colour and faces, of smells and sounds. Nothing of it made sense and she had found herself utterly unable to pay attention to anything.

It almost feels as if I….

"Princess Tasmina of Alamut," Dastan's chamberlain announced and the door to his chambers was thrown open by two guards waiting outside.

know him.

Dastan's eyes lit up when he looked up at her, tenderness mixing with an emotion she could not quite place. It was not unusual for a husband to fall in love with his wife this early in the marriage. Tamina had heard all the romantic tales girls liked to tell from her court ladies, but she had never quite believed in them.

Still, perhaps the stories were true for Dastan. He was a young man and prone to passion – especially for the flesh. While Tamina wasn't vain, she knew perfectly well that she was a beautiful girl, and her status as a princess only added to her allure.

Squaring her shoulders, she marched up to Dastan, who was sitting next to the fireplace, the light softening his features, showing off his pale eyes to perfection.

"Please sit down, my lady," he invited her with an almost sheepish smile.

Frowning, she curtsied, just to be polite, and sat on the chair opposite his.

"So the deed is done and we're married. It really was a long day, wasn't it? Would you like something to drink?" He waved away the last servant remaining in the chamber, getting up to serve her a drink of wine himself.

"Just some water for me, please."

It's almost as if I've seen this smile many times before, as if I've heard him babble many times before. It's so frustrating and confusing to think that he knows something I don't! But what could he know about me?

Obediently, Dastan moved to a small table next to the window where he poured them both some water. Tamina watched him with growing suspicion. She had been taught never to trust the Persians. They were conquerors by nature and so they would most likely be very much attracted by the riches Alamut had to offer.

Tamina's people were wonderful poets and architects, but none of them were soldiers. They only ever used weapons in games and competitions. To them it was more important that a fight looked pretty, not that it was successful.

Judging by the way Dastan's muscles rippled under his robe, he knew how to deal a death blow. She knew he had killed before, many times. These hands that were now holding the delicate water cups had ended lives. Nauseated by the mere thought, Tamina wanted nothing more than to refuse the water.

"Thank you," she said stiffly as she accepted it from Dastan's hands. "It was a long day indeed."

And, judging from the stories I've heard, it'll be a long night, too. These Persians….

"I, um, just wanted you to know that I don't expect anything from you." Dastan blushed, unable to meet her cool gaze.

Tamina raised an eyebrow at his words, the corners of her mouth moving up in a half-smile.

Yes, he was young indeed that he would not have her. She didn't know whether she should be relieved or offended by him. Everything he had done so far came completely unexpected to her. She did not understand him, but part of her, a part so deeply hidden she hardly felt it at all, was trying to tell her the truth about him.

I need to be patient. I'm just confused because I did not expect to get married to a Persian. I did not expect to get married so soon at all! There's probably nothing to figure out about him. He's just….

Dastan reached out to take her hands and all reason fled her mind just then, soaring up into the sky like a swarm of birds. Her mind was completely empty at first. His hands, calloused and rough, soon enough became a great weight to hold for her, though. The pleasure of holding them made her heart beat faster, her breath quicken. She was cutting through the veil separating her from the truth at last. Dastan was and had always been-

"I'm sorry, I'm… Oh, Tamina, I wish there was a way to tell you how I feel." Dastan let go of her hands in favour of getting up and pacing. Immediately Tamina felt the veil snap back into place and it was all she could do not to cry out with frustration.

"I should like to hear how you feel," she replied through gritted teeth.

"As I said, I'd love to tell you, but it's more complicated than you could possibly imagine and you wouldn't believe me anyway. It's-"

Again the newlyweds were interrupted, though this time it wasn't by their own insecurities. Three hard knocks on the door cut through the air, resonating somewhere deep within Tamina's soul and her breath caught in her throat.

She was frightened.