Hi everybody, this is my first ever story so please be nice! This is going to be a multi chapter story and I hope you enjoy it.

"Okay everybody, today we're going to sing love songs, I want you all to chose a person in this room to sing to and put everything you have into it" Mr. Shue said as he stood at the front of the room.

"Mr. Schue!" Rachel squealed from the back of the room "Do we have to tell everybody who we're singing about?"

"No Rachel." The rest of the Glee Club laughed, all apart from Jesse that is.

"Rach, why would you ask that, isn't it obvious you're going to be singing to me?" Jesse asked.

"Erm" Rachel paused "of course, I was just asking on behalf of everyone else"

"Okay!" Mr. Schue interrupted them "we will perform them tomorrow morning"

The Next Morning.

"Okay Guys" Mr. Schue's voice echoed around the room "Who wants to go first, Rachel?"

"I think I'm going to go last, I haven't decided what song I'm going to sing yet" She replied

The rest of the club looked shocked and Jesse asked her if she was feeling sick.

"Kurt? How about you go first, we all know how exited you were about this!"

"Thank you, Mr. Schue, It would be a privilege" he said, in his high pitched voice as he bounded to the front of the class.

Okay, so the next chapter should be up either today or tomorrow. I know it's quite boring and I left it at a kind of odd time, but please R&R.