
The players are now seated on risers, 5 players being in each of the 4 rows. On the top left is Hanataro, with the first 5 to leave all on the top row. On the bottom row are the final 5, with Rukia seated at the far right.

"Welcome, everyone, to our live reunion show!" Urahara announces. "After 39 days and many Tribal Councils, we finally have a Sole Survivor, and her name is Rukia Kuchiki!"

The crowd cheers loudly for Rukia, who smiles and waves.

"Rukia, I want to ask, how did you do it?" Urahara questions. "Your tribe looked hopeless for the longest time. You went into the merge with only 3 members on your tribe compared to 7 Captains. Yet somehow you managed to not only survive all the way, but pick up three of your four jury votes from members of the Captains tribe!"

"It was all part of a long-term strategy," Rukia replies. "No, losing all those immunity challenges early in the game was not part of the plan, but forming a strong alliance out of my tribe was. From there, I made sure to get enough Captains to side with our small alliance in order for us to take control of the game. Then the Captains were knocked out one by one."

"But how did you manage to do that and get the jury to vote for you?" Urahara asks.

"Well, I knew I'd get my brother to vote for me," Rukia responds, looking up at Byakuya, who is sitting directly above her. "I reached out to Captain Unohana and Captain Zaraki during the course of the game, and I think that was the difference between them voting for me or for someone else."

"Is that so, Unohana and Kenpachi?" Urahara asks.

"Yes," Unohana answers. "Miss Kuchiki looked out for us, trying to include us in her alliance, especially myself, so we voted for her over the other two."

"Yeah, plus I figured that if I voted for Rukia, maybe she could convince Ichigo to battle me," Kenpachi adds.

Everyone laughs. "That's up to him," Rukia replies.

"Well, I know not everyone here is happy about Rukia winning," Urahara states. "Uryu, you rebelled against Rukia's leadership early in this game. Not only did she survive your uprising, but she went on to win the game."

"It doesn't seem fair," Uryu responds. "My congratulations to Rukia on winning this game, but I don't think it fairly reflects the way the game was played."

"Ichigo, Renji, you two were knocked out because of Rukia turning on you," Urahara says. "Renji, you even made an incredibly stupid move of giving up the immunity necklace. Seeing Rukia as the winner must make you wonder."

"It does make me wonder if I had a chance at winning had I not been so stupid," Renji replies. "I'm happy for Rukia, I just think about what might have been."

"I'm not happy about it at all," Ichigo states. "Rukia lied to me, and she's being praised for being so loyal to her alliance. She wasn't loyal to me."

"Sour grapes," Rukia says, with everyone laughing.

"Those are sour grapes," Urahara agrees. "Rukia played this game right, obviously, and you didn't, Ichigo. She's deserving of the prize; she proved it."

The crowd cheers loudly, while Ichigo simply grimaces.

"All right, time to talk to our runners-up," Urahara says. "Soi Fon, you came up one vote short of winning this game. What do you think you could have done better, that would have gotten you that one vote?"

"Yoruichi and I needed to team up with Captain Unohana late in the game and take out Rukia," Soi Fon replies. "We had no idea how much of a threat Rukia was to win the game, and it's our fault for not realizing that soon enough."

"Obviously you couldn't have voted out Rukia at the final four, as Rukia would have won the tiebreaker over you," Urahara states. "So once you took out Unohana, it was too late."

"Rukia played a great game, she deserves it," Soi Fon says. "I just wish I had thought ahead better when I had the chance."

"Yoruichi, you didn't get a single vote from the jury," Urahara states. "How does it feel to have seven people unanimously say that you are not deserving of winning this game?"

"You know, I don't look at it like that," Yoruichi responds. "I think it's just a case of being against two excellent competitors. Both Rukia and Soi Fon played the social part of the game better than I did, and that's why they got all the votes. I was too concerned with the physical part of the game."

"Winning all those challenges was pretty impressive," Urahara comments. "Tatsuki, you finished in fourth place, and you won some challenges yourself. What do you think you could have done to make it farther?"

"Rukia and I both realized our mistake after we voted out Unohana," Tatsuki responds. "If we had kept Unohana with us, we could have then voted out both Yoruichi and Soi Fon, or at least one of the two."

"It was perhaps a mistake on your behalf, but I can't say Rukia made a mistake there, after all, it turned out just fine for her," Urahara says. "Meanwhile, let's get to one of the biggest stories of the game – the budding relationship between Unohana and Kenpachi."

As Urahara is saying this, Kenpachi jumps from his spot in the risers, then takes one knee before Unohana.

"Is this a proposal?" Urahara asks.

"Yes, it is," Kenpachi replies. "Retsu, will you…"

Unohana smiles warmly at Kenpachi.

"Will you…" Kenpachi continues, "battle me?"

Unohana laughs. "Sometime I will," she says. "And then I'll heal you after I beat you."

"Sounds like a good battle," Kenpachi replies, before going back to his seat.

"All right, it's time to talk about our two quitters, Chad and Orihime," Urahara states. "Chad, the physical part of this game was just too much for you. That surprises me, because you look like someone who wouldn't struggle too much in those conditions, being so tall and muscular."

"It's much harder than you think," Chad replies. "Mentally, I just couldn't handle it."

"And Orihime, you quit because you would rather leave the game yourself than vote out either Tatsuki or Rukia," Urahara remarks.

"That's right," Orihime responds.

"Orihime, this is a game, I'm sure Rukia or Tatsuki wouldn't have been personally offended had you chose to vote one of them out," Urahara says. "I really don't understand your decision."

"I didn't care about winning as much as those two did," Orihime replies. "The game meant much more to the two of them than it meant to me. I'm very happy for Rukia, and I'm also glad that Tatsuki did very well."

"Okay," Urahara states. "One of the stories in this game was the Captains' epic collapse. What could have possibly stopped that, Yamamoto?"

"We need to have more unison!" Yamamoto replies. "We need to work together! Instead, we turned on each other, and none of us won."

"It's a chronic problem for us," Shunsui adds. "We did it during Aizen's betrayal, we did it during Amagai's betrayal, and we keep on doing it."

"But you had various chances to fix the situation, and you passed them up," Urahara says.

"It was too late once it got to me," Byakuya states.

"Soi Fon chose to go farther over helping the other Captains go farther," Komamura adds. "She probably made the right choice, because she may not have gone so far otherwise."

"Okay, it's time for the fan favorite award, which means that whoever wins this award wins double the amount of money they would have otherwise won," Urahara explains. "The three finalists for the award are… Byakuya, Orihime and Toshiro!"

The players look on as Urahara gets ready to announce the winner.

"And the winner is… Toshiro! Congratulations!" Urahara exclaims.

The crowd cheers as Toshiro smiles.

"Nice win, especially for someone who was the first person voted out of his own tribe," Urahara says.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting this, but I'll take it," Toshiro remarks.

"All right, really quick, let's get to our other players who haven't had a chance to talk yet," Urahara says. "Ukitake, you got the bad end of an immunity plushie."

"It's unfortunate," Ukitake replies. "But that's all part of the game."

"Hanataro, Ganju – you were the first two out of this game," Urahara states. "Obviously not what you had hoped for when you signed up to play this game."

"I don't think I'm cut out for this game," Hanataro replies.

"If not for Ichigo, I would have gone farther!" Ganju complains.

"And Mayuri, did you get enough time to experiment while you were out there?" Urahara asks.

"Yes, and let me tell you, I can't wait to make another trip to Hueco Mundo, so I can experiment there again!" Mayuri responds.

"Okay, that about wraps things up," Urahara says. "Again, congratulations to our big winner, Rukia Kuchiki! I'm Kisuke Urahara, saying so long! Hope you enjoyed the season!"