A/N: This is the last chapter: two pieces mainly on Titania's thoughts. First one is in PoR when she finds out who killed Greil. Second one is in the endgame of RD - I always have her wield Greil's axe, the Urvan. Thank you all for reading and reviewing! I will hopefully write more Titania/Greil soon, and please check out my other FE work. Enjoy!

Her hands trembled at the very thought of looking upon Greil's killer and being powerless, completely powerless, to avenge him. Now, more than ever, darkness haunted her, whether inside her warm bedroll at night or behind her closed eyes during the height of the day. Anything and everything, any shadow, reminded her only of the shining black armor. Ever since Ike had told her the identity of Greil's murderer, she had been able to think of nothing else.

The Black Knight… even the words inside her head sparked both fear and fury equally in her heart. Oh, how she longed to be the one to avenge Greil's death, to strike fear and pain and despair into the soul of that great and powerful Black Knight… Even his blessed strength could not stand against her axe, if she had the chance; she would end his life as cruelly and coldly as he had ended Greil's. No mercy, no forgiveness, and no respect would she show him. The man that had murdered Greil deserved nothing but Ashera's judgment.

But then… if the Black Knight had defeated Greil, what hope did she have? Would he merely kill her too, thoughtlessly, like he had killed Greil? She would be able to see Greil again, if that were to happen… but no, she had too much that she needed and wanted to live for; Ike and Mist needed her now, and she could not leave them parentless. She remembered all too vividly the time when a young Mist, perhaps only four, already half-asleep and unknowing, had drowsily murmured "goodnight, Mama," when Titania had carried her to her bed and wrapped her warmly in the covers. She could not leave Mist – she had sworn to Greil that she would protect his children.

And Ike, too, though he had his own path to follow, needed all the help he could get. For deep her heart, Titania knew that it would be he who would challenge the Black Knight. Ike was the one destined to defeat the Black Knight and take vengeance for the murder of his father. She had known this from the moment he had told her what had really happened that fateful night.

But she couldn't help but wish that it would be her axe, her strike, her strength, that would steal the final breath from that filthy murderer's throat.


"Ike? Is that you? Come in. Where have you been?"

Ike pushed open the flap of her tent, and shrugged nonchalantly. "Around. I was making sure everyone was ready. I wanted to talk to everyone, but there isn't exactly much time."

"I'm glad you came to see me, then. I'd be offended if you hadn't," said Titania, smiling a little.

He didn't smile in return, and that alerted Titania to something. He was here for something significant, she could tell. His eyes fell on Mist's things - Titania and Mist shared a tent - and then he blinked and looked back at Titania. "I have something for you," he said slowly. Reaching over his shoulder, he lifted an axe that had been strapped across his back; she hadn't noticed it amongst all his usual heavy armor. Her own armor lay pristine and polished in the corner, ready to wear, but Ike never seemed to take his off.

Titania studied the axe in Ike's hands. It was broad, almost of a golden hue; two-sided with a tall handle, designed only for an expert's hands. All other thoughts disappeared at once. She knew that axe. She had seen it so many times, for its former owner had wielded it so masterfully; even with an injured hand, he had still moved with the weapon as gracefully as if he were born with the talent already perfected. The raw power behind each of his strikes was unavoidable. Wordlessly Titania accepted the axe from Ike, running her hands first over the smooth, piercing blade, then the place where Greil's hands would have rested. She matched her fingers to where his used to be. Her hands were very small, but the weapon still felt smooth and comfortable in her grip, as if this were the axe she had been born to wield.

"I want you to wield it in this battle," Ike said quietly. "We need you. And I know my father would have wanted you to. To carry his axe, I mean."

"Oh, Ike," breathed Titania, still staring in awe at the axe in her hands. "Thank you. Thank you for bringing this to me... I will do his memory honor."

"I know," said Ike, and finally, he smiled. He nodded at her and left, but she only saw that out of the corner of her eye, so enthralled was she by the weapon in her hands.

If she closed her eyes, if she simply held the axe with both hands tight on its handle, she thought - perhaps hoped - that she could feel Greil's presence beside her. She imagined that she could hear his gentle remonstrances during a sparring match, his hints for a more perfect technique, his rare but heartfelt praises that had filled her with joy and pride. She imagined that she could feel the gentle warmth of his demeanor, his hand against the small of her back, the scarred skin of his arm whenever she rested a comforting hand there.

In her mind's eye, she could see him more clearly than she had for years. She pictured his kind eyes, the carefree sparkle in them whenever he gazed upon his children, and even the dark mask he wore when in the heat of a deadly battle, so different than his usual peace. She could so vividly recall, all of sudden, both the pain they had shared over Elena's death and the daunting task of remembering how to laugh, smile, and be happy, a task they had embarked upon together. A task they had completed with incredible, impossible success.

Slowly, she drew herself out of her fathomless well of memories. She hefted the axe in her hands, swung it carefully in a few short arcs, then practiced a difficult twist-and-lunge maneuver that she had learned in one of her last lessons with Greil. It had saved her life more than once.

Sure enough, the weapon was comfortable and easy for her to wield. But even as she began to focus on the present and the future, the pending battle against Ashera herself, Titania could still feel something of Greil's spirit, around her and within her, every time she gripped his great axe.