RPOV (Rose)
I looked around as I got off the Academy's private jet. St. Vladimir's was Victorian and old from the outside, but I knew that on the inside, it would be just as modern as your typical high school, maybe even more. But none of it mattered if the wards didn't hold.
The 4 guardians who had ridden on the plane with me ushered me into the building. As we walked through the mess hall, many eyes, if not all, stared at me. I hadn't even graduated and had guardians. Then it registered in many eyes: I was Rosemarie Hathaway, the last of the Hathaways, the royal family next in line for the crown.

My brother, Evan was supposed to be the King, but he, my mother Janine, and my father Ibrahim were killed in a car crash. Only my best friend Lissa and I survived. She wasn't supposed to live, it was a miracle that she did. Now, she can read my feelings, through a bond that was created after the accident. She was walking alongside me now, just as alert as the other guardians.

The old school we were at, St. Peliphilia wasn't safe. My guardian there had an alliance with Strigoi and we were attacked during a trip outside of the school. Only Lissa and another trained guardian saved me and the Hathaway line.

Lissa was reading the bond now, and she could sense I was scared. She squeezed my hand as we walked into an office. A woman who I assumed was the headmistress was standing behind the desk, having a quiet conversation with two of the guardians in the room. One was a woman who looked to be in her lower 30s, and another was an older man.

One of the guardians accompanying us cleared his throat, and the principal turned around. "Oh! You must be Rosemarie Hathaway."

Lissa cut in with a glare. "Her name is Rose."

The principal cut back with an equal glare. "You will not talk back to me. Understand?"

Yeah." I tried to send Lissa calming thoughts through the bond. Chill out Liss, it's fine. She nodded.

"Now, my name is Headmistress Kirova. I understand that you have had problems at your old school, and we will do everything here to make sure that will not happen. The wards will be checked more often and you will always be accompanied by 3 or more guardians outside of them."

Great, but I was still scared. When you're the single most hunted Moroi by the Strigoi, it's not that easy to sleep at night. "Thank you, Headmistress. I appreciate your efforts."

"This is your guardian." she said, and motioned to the back of the room. A man stepped out of the shadows, and let me tell you, he was hot. Brown hair, pulled back in a low ponytail, a stubble of a beard, and deep green eyes. I smiled, flirting a little. Lissa looked at him with wary eyes. She looked like she disapproved. I squeezed her hand. It was our signal for chill out, it'll be alright, or, sarcastically, you idiot.

Kirova nodded her head to acknowledge him. "Guardian Dimitri Belikov is assigned to you, Princess. Here are your schedules, Guardian Belikov will follow you and show you around on your way. We are just starting the school day, ladies. Welcome to St. Vladimir."

I smiled, and Lissa grimaced as we took our schedules. Mine read:

1st•French Culture and Language
2nd•Elemental Basics 2
3rd•Moroi History 4
4th•Animal Behaviors
5th•Study Hall
6th•Biology 3
7th•Calculus 2
8th•Slavic Art

Sweet, I had study hall right after lunch. Woah, wait. Slavic Art? Some elective. Maybe they stuck Lissa in it too, because it didn't seem like something a lot of people would sign up for. We traded schedules.

1st•Guarding Techniques 3
2nd•Practice and Specialized Sessions
3rd•Two-Guard Techniques
4th•Dhampir History 4
5th•Study Hall
6th•Biology 3
7th•Calculus 1
8th•Slavic Art

"Stupid Lissa. If you hadn't failed PreCalc, you would be in the same classes as me all afternoon!" I said with a smile. We both knew that she had failed PreCalculus only because the teacher hated her. They'd moved her to Calculus 1 because this school didn't have a PreCalc teacher for seniors here.

She smiled too. Then a funny look crossed her face as she glanced at my schedule again before handing it back. "Why are you in Elemental Basics? That's a sophomore class." She immediately covered her mouth. I hadn't specialized yet, and she knew that. According to my old teachers, I 'kept a very stable control on all four elements.' Yeah right, It was just another way of saying I was a freak who just wouldn't specialize. But they couldn't stop me from graduating for that.

"Come on, Liss, let's go." As we left, Dimitri followed us, pointing out classrooms along the way so that we would recognize them for later. Lissa stepped into the Guarding Techniques classroom, and said goodbye as we continued on to French Culture and Language. I had taken this class at Peliphilia, so it should be a breeze. I kind of tuned the teacher out, doodling in my notebook. One of the boys in the class, an Ivashkov by the looks of him, kept throwing wads of paper at me. The teacher was totally oblivious.
I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around. "Will you please stop it?" I whisper-shouted. Everyone in the class heard, but the teacher, Mr. Yavago, kept lecturing. He shrugged. I turned back around and it continued. I was so frustrated, I put my head in my hands. All of the sudden, the boy behind me screamed. I looked, and he was on fire.