"NO!" Sonny woke with a start. Why couldn't she just forget?

"Mommy are you alright?" Sonny heard a sweet little voice next to her.

Groggily, she opened her eyes to see her little 5-year old daughter standing next to her.

"Oh sweety, I'm fine. Just had a nightmare." She said as her son appeared next to her. "Adults have nightmares?" he asked, his eyes wide.

Sonny laughed. She new from the second that she had adopted the twins that she would be happy every second she was with them. Sonny couldn't imagine what kind of parents would adopt such sweet, beautiful kids.

"Do you guys remember what today is?" She asked grinning. It was her favorite day of the year.

"Silly Mommy, of course we remember, it's the first day of school." Mia (AN, that's her daughter.) said giggling.

Smiling, Sonny told her children to get ready. After breakfast, she walked her kids to the bus stop and drove to school. Entering the Drama room, she walked over to the wacky mirror and smirked to herself. After she had left Hollywood, she had gone to teach drama at a middle school in New Jersey. She remembered that fateful day when she was 22. She was watching the news when a headline blared. CHAD DYLAN COOPER HAS NOW GONE MISSING! Sonny watched the whole news show with tears in her eyes. The newscasters and investigators blamed Sonny for his dissapearance, saying how after she had left Hollywood without a trace, he had fallen into deep depression until he couldn't take it anymore and had left. After she had left Hollywood, she had made her name Allison Calven, just so that no one would find her. She was a graduate for performing arts from Julliard. After she had graduated, she had adopted her kids. She had dyed her hair black as well.

As the bell rang, a group of eighth grader girls entered the room. They were giggling about something.

"Hey girls, whatchya talking about?" She asked cheerfully.

The boldest, a girl with long black hair named Anya, looked Sonny right in the eye and said " Ms. Calven, we are talking about the new science teacher Mr. Goldfarb. " She giggled. Sonny looked at her with wide eyes. It couldn't possibly be him. But then again, it was Chad, he was unexpected like that. Wait, did he come here for her? It wasn't possible, she had been extra careful not to reveal who she was, she had changed her name and her appearance for goodness sake!


Sonny entered the faculty room, reading her book. She screamed as she tripped over someone who was lying on the floor. She skinned her elbows.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." The guy on the floor said standing up.

"What were you doing on the floor anyway?" Sonny asked rubbing her skinned elbows.

"Oh it helps me think..." he said his voice wandering as he looked at her, his mouth agape.

Sonny was surprised too. This guy looked just like Chad (exept maybe a little older.) He had huge black glasses, and the amazing blue eyes she had lost herself in many times.

"Sorry, you look like someone I know." He said. "I'm the new teacher, Mr. Goldfarb."