Disclaimer: I don't own Megaman or anything else from the series. I only own the fan created characters and the bits of the story that I made up.

This is my first fan fic. Please read and review so I may improve.

The Fallen

Chapter One

Lan raced down the sidewalk. He weaved between people on his way to Sci Lab. The field trip to Sci Lab is today.

"Ms. Mari going to kill me," Lan thought, "I promised her I would not be late today."

Lan pulled out his PET and said, "Megaman, why didn't you wake me up this morning."

"I did, but you didn't want to get up," Megaman said.

Lan put his PET away when he rounded the corner that lead to the street that Sci Lab was on. Lan almost fell over when a kid quickly passed him on a skateboard. Dex, Maylu, Yai, and Tory were waiting for him at the gate of Sci Lab.

"Your late," Maylu said.

"It's not my fault," Lan said, "some kid almost ran me over on the way here."

"Now that Lan is here," Ms. Mari said, "We have a new student joining our class today."

Everyone looked at the new kid standing next to Ms. Mari. The new kid has the same build as Lan. He has emerald green eyes and short brown hair. The new kid also has scars on the left side of his face.

"My name is Kalin Kessler," the new kid said.

"Where are you from," Tory asked.

"I came from Cyber City. It is an hour and a half north of here," Kalin said.

"Now that we have met Kalin, let's start our field trip," Ms Mari said.

Ms. Mari took the lead and led the class into Sci Lab. Dr. Hikari stood in the lobby as the class entered the lobby.

"Hello, children," Dr. Hikari said.

"Hello, Dr. Hikari," the class said.

"I see that we have a new student in the class," Dr. Hikari said.

"Yes, this is Kalin Kessler. He is from Cyber City," Maylu said.

"Cyber City," Dr Hikari said, "isn't that where they do next gen technology research?"

"Yes, the scientists are currently working on the amusement park for Net City. It may not be next gen research, but it will run on the new next gen Terra computer that came out last week," Kalin said.

The build shook as Nebula style dimensional area generators fell from the sky and hit the building. The generators glow and set up a dimensional area around Sci Lab. At the same time dimensional area generators came out of the ground and set up a dimensional area around the Blaze Corp. building.

"Did you think I could be beaten that easily, Megaman," Savageman said as he appeared in the lobby of Sci Lab.

Four purple netnavis appeared behind Savageman.

"No matter how many times you come back," Megaman said.

"We will take you down," Lan said, "Syncro chip in and download. Begin cross fusion."

Savage man turned to the four purple navis and said, " Get what you came for quickly. I will hold him off."

The four purple navis went to different parts of Sci Lab.

"Lan you forgot to load in battle chips again," Megaman said.

"Good that will make it eaiser to defeat you," Savageman said, "Beast Fang."

Savageman's head and claws rocketed away from his body and sent Lan into the wall. Parts of the ceiling fell after the impact and fell on Lan. Savageman's head and claws returned to his body. Lan jumped out of the rubble and fired three megabuster shots. The shots hit Savageman's head. They had no effect on Savageman.

"That doesn't work on me, remember," Savageman said.

"But this does, Charge shot," Lan said.

Lan fired a charged megabuster shot. It impacted Savageman, but it had no effect.

"It worked the last time," Lan said surprised.

"I got some upgrades," Savageman said, "Including this, Beast Shredder."

Savageman moved at high speeds. Numerous cuts appear as Savageman attacked Lan with his claws. Lan was unable to fight back due to the speeds at which Savageman was moving. Four flashes of light appeared as the four purple navis logged out. The building shook as four explosions took place where the four purple navis had just been. Savageman logged out and the dimensional area shut down. While Lan was battling Savageman, Chaud had his own darkloid to fight.

Chaud was in a meeting when he noticed the orange hexagons of a dimensional area form around the Blaze Corp. building. He could hear people screaming throughout the building as viruses appeared and started attacking the computer systems. A huge red dog like virus that had purple flames coming out of his back appeared in the meeting room. It roared and everyone but Chaud ran out of the meeting room.

"Protoman," Chaud said.

"I'm ready, sir," Protoman replied.

Chaud inserted a Neo Variable Sword battle chip and the Syncro chip into his PET. He cross fused with Protoman and moved to attack the virus. The virus roared again and spat out purple and red flames at Chaud. Chaud had to use Protoman's shield to protect himself from the attack. Even with the shield, Chaud could still feel the scorching heat from the flames.

"I have never seen a virus this powerful before," Chaud thought.

"Neo Variable Sword," Chaud said.

His sword changed into the Neo Variable sword. He attacked the virus with a sonic boom from his sword. Then he finished it off by slicing it in half with his sword.

"I'm impressed Chaud," a darkloid said as he appeared in front of Chaud, "You were able to withstand and defeat the big brute virus."

"Burnerman," Chaud said.

"But that was only the trial version," Burnerman said, "Now that it has been deleted we can analyze it and improve it."

"But, I thought if any darkloid would come back to get revenge against me it would be Gravityman," Chaud said.

"Oh, yes, Gravityman did want this mission, but I was chosen instead of him," Burnerman said, "Burning Sword."

Burnerman's hand turned into a sword made from blue flames. He swung his sword at Chaud. Chaud blocked the attack with his sword. Then Chaud jumped into the air and attacked Burnerman with a sonic boom.

"Burning Shield," Burnerman said as he put up a sheild of blue fire.

The sonic boom bounce off the shield.

"You didn't have that move last time," Chaud said.

"I got some new moves. Check this one out! Burning Explosion," Burnermans said.

A massive explosion took place in the meeting room. Chaud put up Protoman's shield. The shield was unable to withstand the attack and it broke. The explosion sent Chaud into the far wall. His armour was damaged and he could not move. Burnerman walked over to Chaud. He knelt next to Chaud and placed his hand over the navi symbol on Chaud's chest. The navi symbol began to glow as data streamed towards Burnerman's hand. The data formed a red ball. Burnerman logged out and the dimensional area shut down.

Somewhere in Den Tech city Savageman, Burnerman, and the four purple navis appear in dimensional tubes.

"We got what you wanted, where are our dark chips," Savageman demanded.

"Don't worry you will get your dark chips. I'm going to make them vaccine chip resistant first. Put the data into the computer and put the syncro chip, vaccine chips and the PET on the ground. The new dark chips should be ready in a few hours," the leader said.

The darkloids and purple navis did what they were told and went to Shademan's old castle.