Thanks for all the reviews and alerts you've given this story; I really appreciate it:) a big hug goes to my beta kaloblack:)

This is the last chap:(, but there's a sequel that'll take up RIGHT where this one leaves off. I'm not sure of the title it will have yet, but I'll mention in the summary that it will be the sequel to this one. The reason I'm breaking it up here is because I don't want there to be confusion; you'll know what I mean once you read this chap.

Disclaimer: Bones belongs to Fox.

Escaf watched with anger as his informant was placed in the cell next to his. The boy had obviously spilled the beans. The young soldier watched the hateful glares Escaf was sending his way and honesty didn't think that what the man was going to do to him was going to be half as bad as what Booth would have done.

"Alright, listen up." Booth gathered up the rest of his team and got their attention. He left a few of his soldiers to guard Escaf, the infiltrator and the base. He discussed the plan with the rest of his soldiers. Booth got valuable information from the soldier who kept Escaf in the loop. Booth knew where Escaf's men had their camp and where his Bones and Daisy were being kept. After discussing the course of action they were going to take, Booth and his soldiers made their way over to the insurgent's camp.


Brennan and Daisy watched the guard as he paced in front of them. Ahmed entered the shed and the guard instantly turned to see who was at the door. "What are you doing here?" The guard asked suspiciously.

"I came to switch places." Ahmed told the guard that the others were having a party and he was sent to switch places. The guard wasn't buying it.

"I was told not to leave my post." The guard answered, eyeing the bag Ahmed held.

"Hey, I received orders." Ahmed said, turning around hoping the guard bought the bluff that he was leaving.

"Wait…" Ahmed smiled when he heard the guard call him back. "What's in the bag?"

"Oh, it's just food. See." Ahmed opened the bag and the guard saw the sandwiches and water inside. The guard set his rifle to rest against the wooden wall as he reached for the radio. Ahmed took out his gun and hit the guard on the back of his neck with the butt of the gun. Brennan and Daisy watched in confusion as Ahmed tied and gagged the unconscious guard.

"You helped me, now I'm going to help you." Ahmed told the two as he untied their hands. He handed them each a sandwich and the water as he explained his plan to get help them escape. "This is a map of the area. I'll help you get to this trail." He pointed to the trail he marked on the map; the trail would take them to Booth's base. "Once we get there, you two are on your own."

"Thank you." Brennan thanked him. Ahmed handed them each a loaded gun in case they needed it.

"I don't know how to use a gun." Daisy said in a horrified shriek. Brennan shook her head and took both guns. Ahmed led the way out of the shed.

All three strategically hid in the darkness of the night as they walked behind the buildings. The camp was deserted; the only noises and lights coming from the main building were the others were celebrating.

"This is it. Just follow the map. Good luck." He told them as he handed them a flashlight and told them to not trust anyone and go straight to the base. "Go, go!" He urged them to go as movement was heard in the camp behind them and shots began. Daisy and Brennan followed the trail as Ahmed went back the way they had just come from. He was ready to take anyone down in order to give Brennan and Daisy time to make headway.


Booth and his men returned to the base. It had been easy to take Escaf's men down; they were having some sort of celebration and hadn't expected their capture. Booth was glad they had taken the group down and were bringing them in, especially since the Secretary of Defense had been at the camp too. All that was good, but there were no signs of Brennan or Daisy anywhere at the camp. The shed were they had been kept at was empty except for a tied and gagged guard.

Booth gave instructions to take Escaf's men to the cells and told a few of his soldiers to stand guard until new orders. Booth walked to his office, desperate to know where his Bones was at.

"Booth!" His head snapped up when he heard her voice. Brennan stood outside of his office. She ran towards him, he ran to her too. Daisy and two of Booth's soldiers stepped out of the office and watched as the partners reunited.

"Bones!" His arms wrapped around her and twirled her in the air. He set her down after a few seconds, running his hands through her hair. "Are you okay?" He asked, examining her with his eyes to make sure she wasn't hurt. Brennan nodded and kissed him, her hands gripping him closer to her. They broke their kiss breathing hard. "I knew you wouldn't give up." He said as he rested his forehead with hers.

"I knew you wouldn't give up." Brennan kissed his lips and pulled him in for a tight embrace. Booth kissed her neck and looked into her eyes when he pulled back enough to place a hand on her abdomen. She placed her hand on top of his, their eyes locked with smiles on their faces.

Dr. Brennan! Dr. Brennan! Dr. Brennan! Dr. Brennan! Dr. Brennan! Dr. Brennan!

Brennan opened her eyes and found a worried Daisy shaking her. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Daisy said relieved.

"What day is it?" Brennan asked, not immediately recognizing where she was or what day it was. At seeing the confused look on Brennan's face, Daisy reminded her mentor what happened. Brennan was bitten by a snake on the last day of the dig. Thanks to Hodgins' guide they were able to quickly identify the snake and Brennan was given the proper antidote. The doctors at the dig wanted to keep Brennan in observation for 24 hours, but she refused to miss her flight because she had promised Booth they'd meet by the coffee cart in a year. She wasn't going to break her promise.

"You really should have stayed in observation. I think you had an allergic reaction or something of that sort to the antidote. You've been asleep since we got on the plane and I was really worried." Daisy searched Brennan's eyes and saw that the information was sinking in. "We're landing in DC in an hour."

"It was a dream." Brennan muttered under her breath, noting the bite on her right hand. She had woken up in a cold sweat and Brennan ran a hand on her face, trying to get a grip. "It wasn't real." She told herself, even as she placed a hand on her abdomen. "It was all in my head."

"What's that?" Daisy looked at Brennan and placed the back of her hand on the anthropologist's forehead. "You don't have a fever, but it would be a good idea to see a doctor as soon as we land." Daisy asked a passing stewardess for some water.

"Thanks." Brennan told Daisy as she took the water and drank it.

In the last hour of the flight, Brennan kept telling herself it was just a dream. She saw that Daisy was reading a book with war stories. Brennan told herself her dream was a product of what her brain processed from Daisy's readings. Before she deeply analyzed the dream, Brennan dropped the whole issue; she hated psychology and she was returning to DC after a year. She was excited to see her friends and family again, but more importantly she was waiting to see Booth. The dream and its significance were pushed to the back of her head.

Brennan waited impatiently for her bags. She needed a shower, a good meal and on top of that she was sore from falling asleep in a slouch position for so many hours on the plane. Add to that the fact that Daisy was chatting nonstop about how exciting it was to be back and how important the dig was to their carriers. Brennan's attention diverted to a mother scolding her child, telling the little boy to remember his manners and to say 'please' and 'thank you'. The little boy switched his hearing aid off, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Brennan smiled, thinking it would be great if Daisy had an off button.

"Sweetie!" Angela squealed when she spotted Brennan and Daisy walking towards them. Angela hugged Brennan tightly, followed by Hodgins. Daisy merely said 'hi' to the two as she spotted Sweets standing behind them, for once remaining quiet. Daisy and Sweets shared an awkward greeting and an awkward chat as they walked away from Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and Brennan.

"Was Maluku horribly backwards?" Brennan laughed at the question the artist always asked her after a trip. They walked to exit the airport, Hodgins taking Brennan's bags against her protests. "Did you have to flash for information?" Angela asked as they reached their car; Angela and Hodgins were driving Brennan to meet with Booth by the reflecting pool.

"Not for information or fun reasons. I was there to work." Brennan answered the question as they loaded her bags in the car.

"I did and for fun reasons." Angela said with a suggestive grin. Brennan smiled as she saw Hodgins turn a few shades of red.

Brennan exited the car and hurriedly made her way to where she had promised to meet Booth. She saw Booth standing near the coffee cart, their coffee cart, and knew that their greeting wouldn't be awkward like Daisy's and Sweets' had been.

"Waiting for someone, Booth?" She asked, smiling when he instantly turned to face her. He was in the same uniform she had seen him wearing a year before. He looked so handsome and so alive.

"I'm waiting for you, Bones." He said, dropping his bag on the floor to walk the short distance to her. They smiled and hugged each other tightly; their waiting to see each other was over.

So, let me know what you guys thought of this chap. Review, please:) and let me know if you guys want the sequel:D