A/N: I have polished the story a bit in all the previous chapters so if you want start over and I hope you get a better reading experience. If you see anything that contradicts please feel free to let me know so I can fix it. Grassy Ass.
Federal Systems Navy Station, Villore System, Essence Region, Gallente Federation.
"Have you received a report from the capsuleers' task force yet?" A gruff voiced asked the assembled individuals seated around the large circular table. The gruff voiced belonged to Fleet Admiral Mitelo Corvan and he found himself eagerly awaiting an answer from those he addressed although he would never let his weathered yet still fierce face show it. When he looked around at the gathered military officers, politicians and the odd business CEO seeing only shaken heads and hearing only a few muttered "no's" his usual ability to hide his feelings faltered and a frown grew on his face. The circular table enclosed an open center where a holographic projector was broadcasting the video feed that was the cause of so many powerful individuals to gather in secret.
The scenes shot by The Scope, showed a large fleet of various types of ships fighting their way through what could only be called open warfare between the Amarr Navy and the hated Blood Raiders. As Admiral Corvan watched, the scene changed from an Amarr Navy Archon being assaulted by a dozen Blood Raider Battleships, to several Freighters being escorted into the anomaly by a Nyx and an Aeon Supercarrier as a large outpost nearby the wormhole began to explode.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't have to explain to you the chaos this incident has brought upon us. It is quickly turning into a diplomatic disaster the likes we haven't seen since the succession," He explained.
"Admiral, I told you we could not entrust this task to a capsuleers corporation, they hold no loyalties to any faction other than their own companies and alliances and most of the time not even then," a light skinned balding older man replied. "We should have put together a strike force and a group from the exploratory corps and went in ourselves."
"Senator Seral, if we had done what you have been complaining about from the beginning, this disaster would have skipped right past diplomatic incident and straight on to full blown war. The Amarr would never have allowed a heavily armed fleet into their space uncontested especially around the anomaly," a pretty woman with asian features said to him from across the table.
"That may be Senator Xiou Shen, but we told them under no circumstances fire on the Amarr Navy. They were aware that Amarr agents had found out that they were under a recent contract by the Federation Senate even if the agents did not know the reasoning." As if to help the senator's point a Cerberus marked Hyperion blasted apart an Amarr Navy frigate that held another Cerberus ship in stasis on the holo feed. "Now the President is being hammered by calls from the royal family," Seral sneered.
"They can't prove a thing. Even if we have a good relationship with Cerberus, they are just one of many and they have no idea what the mission we gave them was," Shen retorted.
"Perhaps not but they are aware that the ISK involved was way above the normal rates, the Amarr may think that their shit doesn't stink, but arrogance does not mean stupid. They will put it together eventually and as far as they are concerned they know what was going on whether we can successfully deny it or not." Senator Seral all but screamed.
"Enough, we can deal with the Amarr later." Covan yelled. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. "All four of the major factions are too busy dealing with the incursions to risk an all out war. The Amarr have been hit the worst so far but no one has the ships right now to fight an all encompassing engagement. The capsuleers themselves have become a target of the Sanshas now and are too busy taking apart Sansha Kuvakei's fleets to take any interest in a war involving the major powers. Those in the null security regions would rather fight each other and steal one another's resources since the pirate organizations have started to withdraw from null and consolidate. I'm convinced they would not bother to send a single ship into high sec for inter-faction warfare," he explained.
"These pirate factions are getting out of hand. They already are able to produce more capable ships then we are and with the Sansha attacks combined with the Blood Raiders acquisition of a Titan Class ship, the situation has become more then dire." Another man spoke up. Corvan saw that he was one of the VPs of Roden.
"One would think business would be booming at a time like this Mr. Dragnul," Senator Seral sneered.
"Not true Senator, we already have lost hundreds of billions of ISK due to the capsuleers being able to produce their own ships but now we are losing our most talented scientists to these criminal enterprises due to better pay or outright kidnapping. Furthermore if animals such as the Blood Raiders are able to obtain such weapons of destruction and groups like the Sanshas are able to content with the capsuleers, I fear that we will become a high value target as a major military supplier," he replied calmly.
"Gentlemen, if we could return to the issue at hand?" The Admiral asked politely. "Cerberus's goals were twofold. As you know they are only aware of one of those goals and I believe if the reward weren't so great the suspicion showed by this Mr. Johnson would have grown and we may have had to select another group who may not have been so trustworthy."
"He was questioning why the Gallente Federation was so interested in taking care of what might be considered a purely Amarr problem," Shen confirmed.
"Correct, Senator Shen. While the stolen Avatar is of some concern, the Blood Raiders took it into the anomaly soon after. A feat which was unheard of until now, I might add. We need to find out what is on the other side of that anomaly. The size and power reading of it were unheard of since we started detecting these wormholes in our systems. Was it merely a fluke that it was so powerful and it simply will lead to Sleeper space like the rest and therefore eliminating the threat of the Titan to us all together? Does it go somewhere else? And more importantly why are the Jove so interested all of the sudden?" Corvan paused to look at each of the room's occupants. "We need answers and Cerberus is the best way of getting those answers. "I want everyone here to do everything in their power to get in contact with that task force and I also want to know why the Amarr seemed so scared of it and decided to commit the bulk of their forces to blockade it," he finished.
As the conversation started to fail to produce further information, the operator of the hidden listening device turned it off and began to compile his message to his organization.
To: Jove High Command
Faction: Gallente Federation
Faction leaders have not regained contact with capsuleer task force sent into the anomaly. Subjects possess no knowledge of what lies on the other side. They are unaware that for the first time since the collapse of the EVE Gate, the birth place of mankind is again within humanities grasp.
Inquiry: Estimated time of arrival for Assault Fleet. Our time to finally strike back at the Ori Faction may arrive at any moment.
7th Moon, 4th Planet , Post Un-Stable Wormhole System
SG1 stood looking out at the assortment of ships flying in formation around a large Tower like structure sitting in orbit of the moon.
"Wow that's impressive," O'Neill commented. "They already have a space station."
"Might have already been assembled and stored in that large ship next to it, sir," Major Carter explained.
"Major, what have you got on sensors?" Ronson asked.
"We have number of ships flying in orbit of the station. Two larger ones coming in on a docking vector." After a few seconds she continued, "Looks like those two massive ships we saw before are a couple million kilometers out towards the sun stationary, sir. I am also getting strange energy readings around this system. They are very similar to cloaked Goa'uld cargo ships." She added.
As if on cue, a ship decloaked thirty kilometers to the Prometheus's portside.
"We got a new contact," Carter called out. "IFF reads them as one of our new friend's ships, sir. Power readings spiked but I believe that ship was responsible for on of the strange energy reading we were picking up."
"So they can cloak, but we can pick it up. I think we should keep that little secret don't you Ronson? O'Neill asked the ship's captain.
"I agree was the quick reply. Major let's take a look at this new one."
"Sir, we are being hailed by the Hyperion, Johnson would like to talk to you," Major Carter reported.
"Understood, put him through." Ronson waited a second that asked," What can we do for you Mr. Johnson?"
"Colonel Ronson, I highly suggest that broadcast this password with your IFF. Station defenses are coming online momentarily."
"Understood Major?" Ronson looked to Carter.
"Password received. Done, sir."
One of the bridge crew exclaimed, "Holy Shit!"
Outside the ship from around the tower a massive bubble like shield stretched out for twenty kilometers in all directions from the tower rushing past the friendly ships and finally over the Prometheus. Then new contacts started pinging them as massive emplacements outside of the shield began to power on.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, something tells me that this is going to be a very good day." O'Neill spoke out loud.
"Indeed," Teal'c replied with a look of awe on his normally stoic face.
"Prometheus, you are cleared for docking at port 19," a wholly new voice spoke over the com line. "Welcome to Cerberus Tower "Without a Paddle"."
With a chuckle from O'Neill who honestly believed that that name couldn't have the same meaning it did on earth, the Prometheus began moving towards the tower.
Station Tower "Without a paddle" 7th Moon, 4th Planet;
Solar System now designated as Cerberus System
"Welcome to Without a Paddle, my name is Tristiana. Would you please follow me?" The translator box said. SG1 looked up at their greeter. She was a short slender woman with striking red hair and brilliant green eyes. She wore a one piece form fitting dark grey suit with a strange red emblem over her left breast. The most unusual thing about her was a small semi-transparent marking covering her right cheek. All of them deciding it wasn't really that important, acknowledged the woman and followed her, each taking in as much of the sights as they could on and filing away the information in their heads on the first human built space station of this magnitude that anyone from earth had every been on.
The Earth ship had approached the stations top, a circular structure almost two kilometers in circumference by itself with a small over arching piece above it. The rest of the tower had only been a thin spike like protrusion stretching downward. A large metal bridge then unfolded and pressed onto the Prometheus's outer hull sealing the enclosed bridge with one of the ships airlocks. SG1 had just stepped onto the bridge, when the floor lurched forward moving them towards the station. "Just like an airport." Daniel had commented.
The team had been led through a series of empty hallways with the occasional person carrying a bag or just hurrying to their next destination. No one spoke a word to them. The few they had seen where all wearing the same kind of suit as their guild with the same emblem on their chests. Except for one with a strange haircut they all looked pretty normal. As they approached a door, it open revealing an enclosed space which probably was an elevator or lift of some short. Tristiana gestured for them to enter then followed them in pressing a series of buttons on the side.
The lift shot to the side with only Daniel losing his balance for a second. Tristiana said something in her guttural language. "Please hold on," The translator box translated. After a moment they felt the lift stop and then shoot upward. After a second, part of the wall disappeared reveling a windowed side of the lift. The team was greeting with a view overlooking the circular bulge in the thin tower and what looked like a small biosphere complete with plants and seemly a small lake.
"I have got to get one of these," O'Neill joked.
Cerberus system
One hundred kilometers outside the tower bubble shield, a cloaked cargo ship sat watching the Earth ship dock at the alien's station. The Jaffa had to tell his master about these new aliens. He would need a fleet to take down the alien's defenses and if he got the opportunity he would personally torture one of these beings to find out what they had done his God Baal.
A/N: I apologize for the long wait of this chapter. I have had no time to write. The last few review though pushed me to write this chapter and I hope although short that it was worth the wait. I thought it was about time to mention what was happening back in the EVE galaxy and give a bit of an explanation as to why the capsuleers had come through and why the Blood Raiders had possession of a Titan. Since the last chapter was written before the Incursion expansion, I felt that this one should address that somewhat. I even threw in the part about the pirate factions' partial withdrawal from null sec to cover CCPs very unpopular dial down of Havens and Sanctums in a lot of the Null Sec systems. The Jove are the oldest and most knowledgeable of the EVE humans and I figured that they would know the history of earth since they recovered quickly from the EVE gate disaster. To behonest I have dreaded the next chapter where the face to face meeting of SG1 and EVE pilots is going to take place. There would so many things to discuss I am at a lost on how to structure it. I was hoping by now that I would have contenders in this combining of genres on this site from the large amount of good authors but no dice…SIGH… Anyway hope you enjoyed.