This is my Second Fan fic. This How to train your Dragon Story originally made up by me but the characters all are copyright of Dream Works and Mrs. Cressida Cowell. I had created this as to like a sequel of How to train your Dragon movie 1.

EDIT:- I've redo this chapter because of a mean review I received..(I'm pretty sensitive about everything you guys review to me ya know?)

Nikaka:-Let's read the renewed one now...

~How to train Your Dragon~

'A New Era'

It has been a year since the defeat of the Big Dragon that the Vikings of Berk called 'The Green Death'. Hiccup, once known to be the cowardly Viking has now has a high standard for he was the one who lead the Green Death to destruction and saved his tribe and all the species of Dragons ever existed from being slaves to the Big Dragon. In Conclusion he also brings Vikings and Dragons to live in Harmony and peace and thus ending the feud that the Vikings had with the dragons for generations. In addition the Dragons all live with the Vikings on their Island of Berk. In Gratitude the Dragons help the Vikings and treated them as friends. Some Dragon species, mostly the Terrible Terror is made as Pet or Partners.

This New Story Takes place on one Spring Day,


Hiccup groaned as the sun shines through his window. Though he will usually get up and closed the curtains but a certain Black creature would always get him up early in the morning go out flying. ''Do he always wake up this early'' Hiccup though as his face was showered with saliva of that particular Creature. "Alright…I'm up…thank you for the wake up call Toothless" he said sarcastically. Toothless jumps around the house as Hiccup began to get up. A low growl coming from him as he looks intently at Hiccup while making sure he doesn't fall. He still needs a little getting used to his prosthetic leg even after a year. ''Ok ok I know it's Thursday and before we get out flying I have to have my breakfast'' Toothless nods slightly and understanding that his human want to get his stomach full before taking off to their daily routine.

Hiccup gets up slightly trembling, Toothless watch him as he trotted off to the kitchen. "It seems he is still needs some getting use to that fake leg of his…" Toothless thought. He walks slowly as his weight is heavily on top of the ever so likely going to be broken piece of wood. Last Year Hiccup had to fix the floors to his room quiet often because of him jumping there and here that weakens the stability of the wooden floor. He takes a step forward then slowly…slowly…slowly…KRACK!

''Toothless….what is that noise…?" cried Hiccup from the kitchen.

10.05 a.m.

Hiccup settles the saddle on Toothless back and gets his vest on. They soared quickly through the sky. ''Hey Toothless lets break our last record by soaring higher this time" Toothless agrees and flaps his wings faster. They went flying for two hours and Hiccup and Toothless managed to fly up to the highest part of the sky.

''Hey, bud that was awesome, that's the highest anyone or any Dragon can go, we broke it yeah!" Hiccup paused for a while as he heard Toothless slightly laugh, "Hey isn't that..? Hey no, don't do what I think you are doing, don't fire your Dragon Breath out like that like the last time…" Toothless rolled his eyes ''Do you enjoyed it the last time?…" Toothless said sarcastically.

Hiccup realizes it was nearly noon so he told Toothless to fly back to Berk, It is almost time for him to do some 'chores' in Berk. As Hiccup stirred Toothless to go lower, something caught his eye...A Black creature was in the village and he can hear slight screaming and shouts. That Black creature was similar to Toothless' Color.

On the ground the Black Creature growled and shriek as it rampages in the village, destroying everything in its path.

"That thing it's at it again" said a male Viking while escaping some baskets that tumbled over him. Suddenly it was taken aback as its tail was been pulled by something or someone. A thick man wear and furry vest and a small helmet and have a red beard. Then a few of the other heavy and strong looking Vikings appeared alongside him.

The Creature hissed…

Hiccup saw the Creature toss some Vikings including his father and fires some of the house in the area. "That it another Nigh Fury? But how..? Why is it attacking the village..? Come on Toothless let get down there" Toothless soared down. ''One of my kin?…I thought I was the only one living in this area…"Toothless thought as he flew down.

On the ground, a loud ear piercing noise can be heard from the sky. The Vikings, some looks up and so does the creature. Hiccup and Toothless landed in front of the Creature just about 4 Meters away. Hiccup saw his Father and gets off Toothless back and headed towards him. Stoick the vast was injured in his right arm and was helped by one of the Vikings. ''Dad what's wrong? Are you hurt?'' he said.

Stoick told Hiccup to point his attention towards the Creature who is already hissing and growling at Toothless. Hiccup was amazed It was another Night Fury! The Nigh Fury was slightly smaller than Toothless and slimmer. It has Orange eyes and a full tail fin unlike Toothless fake tail fin. Its eyes are narrowed and stared intently towards Toothless who stares back his eyes, narrowed like stilts.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" growled Toothless. The Other Night Fury stares and said "Strange words coming from a Dragon and A Night Fury at that…''Toothless rolled his eyes,"The Feud ended a year ago stranger leave this village immediately…" Toothless growled furiously as he runs towards the other dragon and attacks it.

"Nice try!" It fires a glowing ball of fire at Toothless but misses then he fires three balls at a time, ''I can bet that!"

Hiccup spotted the smaller Night fury's left front leg, there's a deep cut and blood streaming down. Hiccup knew it was injured so he steps in front of Toothless and begs him to stop. The Night Fury sought the chance to fly. As it ran,"Interesting… This gives me an Idea next time we met…" a snicker was drawn across The Night Furies' Face as it disappear shouting.

A few minutes later...

The Vikings and dragons help clean out the mess that the Night Fury did. Hiccup walks over to his father who was talking to some other older Vikings about the event a few minutes ago.

"Hey dad!, What was that just now …I thought that Toothless is the only Night Fury to ever be on this Island..and that Night fury just destroying things in its path.." The teen Viking takes some time to take his breath. Toothless came behind his back as Hiccup sat down. Stoick takes a few seconds to understand what his son said.

"Hiccup, Son, that Dragon is the same kind as your Friend there but a more berserk one " Hiccup shrugs and tell his dad to go on. "That Dragon is first heard in a nearby village just south of Berk, that Dragoness is in fact deadly, it can also not only breathes fire but ice too…" Hiccup looks thoughtful, "Dad, wait…did you say…Dragoness?" Stoick look thoughtful," Yeah it is…the villagers are most threaten by the dragoness…well, now I must be off to help the villagers to rebuild the Damage done"

Hiccup watches as his Father gets up and heads towards the other Vikings. "Hey Toothless didn't you see that Nigh Furies' Front Leg?" Toothless eyes, now bigger, take shape to a confused way. "What the…? That Night Fury was playing with my anger just now how can I even notice how it looks like…" Toothless thoughts were interrupted by a female voice calling from in front of him and Hiccup. ''Hey Hiccup…" called Astrid.

It's Astrid, Hiccup's Girlfriend and also a rider of the Deadly Nadder.

Astrid walks over to Hiccup and they talk for a few minutes about the events just now.

Toothless falls asleep beside Hiccup's seat as Astrid talks to Hiccup. "…so you are going to go after that Night Fury without even bringing the adults?" Astrid's voice goes to a worried tone. "The Adults are likely to attack it even if the feud already ended a year ago...we are still Vikings…" Astrid nodded in agreement but still unsure that it is safe to go after that Nigh Fury with the ability to freeze.


Hiccup and Toothless went to the forest where the Night Fury escapes to earlier.

''I don't get it...why would Hiccup go after it? I would rather not go there if I were him…but that would be leaving him to go alone in this thick forest...No no…that boy will be so clumsy when
he 's alone…I couldn't leave him like that…" Toothless thought as he and Hiccup went toward the canyon where the first time he learned to trust Hiccup a year ago. Hiccup said that they will need to rest here for a while until they can search for the Dragoness again.

Little do they know, that particular Dragoness was in the bushes, spying on them. Its Orange eyes glows are it stares. It's position was in a 'ready state' for a pounce but it is not aiming at the Night Fury but at the human…

"This will be interesting…"

There, Like I what I write at the above, I had to redo this chapter because of a mean review I received just now..signs~

Well, Hope you all like the Redo Chapter!~