Disclaimer: I do not own Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp version or otherwise), his amazing factory, or anything associated with them.

This story happens in 2005 and is loosely based on the film, although many parts have been changed.

Instead of Charles, the protagonist is Wendy, my OC.

I hope you enjoy and excuse my poor english. I'm from Brazil and do not speak English fluently. If you find something wrong, please correct me.


-"Hmm... Hmm..." Gweledydd, an Oompa-Loompa female with charged of read fortunes and make guesses, consulted her cocoa beans while village leaders waited anxiously.

She was a great clairvoyant and predicted many things that really happened.

-"Our Lord'll find his lucky star soon. When this happens, he'll be the happiest of men." She said one day, leaving everyone curious about what would be the star. It would be some new recipe? A new candy? Nobody knew.

When Willy met Wendy, then everyone understood that she was his lucky star.

That night, once again, the clairvoyant consulted her cocoa beans. Despite being late, everyone wanted to know what the future might hold for them.

-"I see many things!" she said, finally. "I see that she is a very special person. In fact, she is much more than meets the eye and our Lord'll be very happy with her."

-"What else do you see there?" one of the leaders couldn't stand the curiosity.
-"Hmm... I see that she suffered so much in the past and still has a lot of trauma and scars of her suffering. Therefore, she isn't yet ready to be the our Lord's wife. First, she needs to grow, mature and ultimately become a woman. Currently she is only a child inhabiting the body of a woman."
-"How long will it take?" another leader said.
-"Some months, I think. That will depend on the help and support of our Lord. He'll support her, teach things about life and also help her to lose the fear of people, this is very important."

"He'll need a lot of patience because this girl, despite being very intelligent, has always lived in a closed world because of her constant fear. She hasn't lived and not learned."
-"For the love of cocoa! So it will take long!" The first leader complained. "We need an heir!"
-"I see no heir in the cocoa seeds, so that it will take. Besides, she isn't even ready to marry, let alone being a mother!"
-"We can take care of the child very well."
- "No, you guys can not!" She spoke forcefully, "children need their mother's care. Don't try to force anything in this direction, let her walk at her own pace. Is it worth, I can guarantee. Thanks to her, we live a period of comfort, tranquility and prosperity as well. "

The leaders breathed a sigh of relief. If the clairvoyant told them that the future would be good, then they had nothing to fear.

The woman again stirred the cocoa beans and looked thoughtful. That was very interesting!

-"In time, she'll discover about her past. Ah, yes! She has a past! Currently she has no memory and doesn't make the slightest idea who she is, but slowly everything becomes clearer and clearer."

She returned to mix the cocoa beans.

-"I see that she has family!"
-"Really? But our secret service investigated her life and found nothing!"
-"You didn't investigate the right place. She has family and will soon find them. There's more."

Everyone waited while she read the cocoa beans. As she read, her face was getting confused. What seeds wanted meant by that? She had never seen anything like it before.

- "What are you seeing there?" the first leader asked grieved to see the woman's expression.
-"I can't say for sure... cocoa beans say that our Lord'll undergo a major change."
-"Change? What change? His life hasn't changed much? "
-"Yes, but that change is something monumental, beyond my comprehension. He'll become another person, but at the same time continue to be who he is."
-"What?" they all asked about the same time. It made no sense. How a person could change and at the same time remain the same?
-"That is why it is beyond my comprehension. On the one hand, he'll remains our Lord and look for us, but otherwise, he'll become a different person. When the time comes, he'll choose that way."
-"What now? What do we do? There is a way to prevent it make that choice?"
-"No. He'll have to make that choice if he want to stay forever with Lady Wendy. We know how he loves her, then nothing will prevent him from choosing this way. We can only wait for the changes. If you want my advice, don't worry about it. If there was any danger, the cocoa beans let us know. However, I see nothing to worry about."
-"Are you sure there is no danger?"
-"There will be problems and difficulties. Lady Wendy has to deal with her past, overcome her fears and also to control that strange powers. Someone who did very badly for her will return and try to use her again as was done in the past, but when that day comes, she'll be prepared for it. That's all that cocoa beans has to say."

The leaders were thoughtful. The guessing session was over. The seeds said themselves when the session was closed. After that, it was useless to ask new questions.

-"So you really believe that our future will be good?" the first leader asked after several minutes of silence.
-"Yes, I believe. Everything will be alright in the end and they'll be very happy together."
-"Must we tell the Lord about the predictions?"
-"No. He won't believe in us. Let's let everything happen naturally. Life has its own laws and we must respect it."

End of Part One. There will be a second part in a separate fanfic. Wait!