A/N: Wow, someone is actually reading this fic! I'm quite surprise to receive emails from FFnet telling me someone is subscribing to this story! This chapter is written in celebration of the subscription! :) Thanks for supporting this fic. Again, WARNING: please don't read if you haven't finished the book! It contains spoilers and OOC.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. Credit goes to Alison Goodman.

The Voices - Chapter 2: "Dinner Choices"



Location: The small kitchen in the small settlement Eona was staying in hiding for the moment.

After the comforting bath with its small episode of Ido-interruption, Eona emerged into the small kitchen in the girl robes Lady Dela had prepared for her. She could not imagine how Lady Dela managed to find her these girl robes when she was the only true female in this whole settlement. Although Lady Dela was a female (in heart) as well, she was wearing soldier's robes when they ran from the palace. Eona shrugged as she decided that how the girl robes turn up in this all-male settlement was going to remain a mystery forever.

She realized she was famished after taking the hot bath. Eona came into the kitchen with small hopes to find anything instantly edible. And she was right. There were only raw food in the kitchen, for a moment Eona thought about asking for the cook but when she glanced out the small hole that could scarcely be called a window into the black sky adorned with twinkling star. The sky of midnight. She could not ask someone to wake up in the middle of the night just because her - Lord Eon, uh, actually Lady Eona - wanted to have a bowl of noodles. She could make it herself.

That's a great choice, my dear. Add some bean paste into the soup base and spare the green onions. I hate green onions.

Ido! What are you doing in my head AGAIN? Get out.

Eona rolled her eyes at the unwanted presence. Doesn't Ido have something better to do? Like maybe attempt to escape from Sethon's prison?

But life as a prisoner is so boring. My taste buds are getting moles from all the plain baos they serve in the prison. Remember to spare the green onions please.

Just go away. And I'm not sparing the green onions in my noodles. They are good for you.

Eona boiled some water in the pot she found, although it was a little big for cooking a noodle but it would have to do for now. She began chopping up some veggies she found around the kitchen - carrots, cabbage, and some corns left over from dinner. Of course, she did not forget about the healthy green onions.


Eona winced at Ido's sudden outburst. She frowned and channelled her Hua energy to her mind and yelled back.

SHUT UP. You're bursting my brain here. If you don't like the idea of green onions in MY noodle, then go away. I don't want you here anyways.

She emphasized on the fact that it was her own noodles she was making. Not his. Although she sympathized with him for having plain baos for meals in the prison, but too bad. It was his karma. She would not trade in her health and preference.

Again, if you don't like it then just go away.

How can you do this to me, my love? Think about the moldy taste in those plain baos they serve here in the prison!

The image of Ido trying to get his way through not having green onions in her noodles by whining made Eona's goosebumps stood in awe. Seriously, could you imagine a 6 foot something tall man whining like a 5 year old? The thought alone was enough to give anyone goosebumps, let alone that man was Ido, the Rat Dragoneye.

While Eona listened to Ido's whining, she quickly prepared the bean paste and added it to the soup base. After putting the noodles into the soup for it to cook, she put the veggies into the bowl she prepared. The heat from the boiling soup would be enough to cook the veggies to perfectly tenderness.

Ido, stop whining. And try to escape that prison if you hate the food so much. We need you near Sethon, not away in some stinking prison eating plain baos.

Eona did not wait for Ido's reply and quickly poured the noodles with the soup into the bowl of veggies. With swiftness, she grabbed a bunch of the chopped green onions and put it into the boiling soup base. She smiled at her little victory over the green onions. Now that the green onions were in her bowl, no one could take them out. She looked around and found a pair of clean chopsticks to eat her noodles with.

Eona. How could you do this to me? I'm so disappointed in you!

She could feel Ido leaving her mind, with disappointment. Well, that was a get back for peeking in while she was showering just then. Eona smiled and began to enjoy her late night dinner.

A/N: Uh... I'm not very good at writing crack fics, but I hope you've enjoyed it nonetheless. Now I'm craving for noodles... =P By the way, "baos" are Chinese buns... in case you're wondering~
