A/N: Inspired by Lexi-chan13's fanfic. WARNING: this is a crack fic and it's my first time writing a crack fic. Please don't flame me for doing a bad job... :P Oh, and please don't read if you haven't finish the book yet. It might contains spoilers!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. Credit goes to Alison Goodman.

The Voices - Chapter 1: "The Strengthened but Unwanted Mind Bond"



Location: While Eona was taking a bath... in some place where Master Tozay settled Ryko, Lady Dela, and Eona.

You know, sometimes I think this bond of ours would bring me some... excellent company as I'm here as Sethon's prisoner.

Eona was shocked to feel Ido in her mind again. She thought the mind bond between them was broken after her reunion with the Mirror Dragon. She frowned at his unwelcome presence. The last thing she wanted in her mind right now, especially as she was taking a bath, was Ido's presence.

Ido! Get out of my mind. Now.

She tried to channel power from her Hua to chase Ido out of her mind. But the healing of Ido's heart had formed a stronger bond between their minds. Her power alone was not enough to break the bond, she would need Ido's cooperation in order to break their bond forever.

Now, why would I do that. it is quite an enjoyable link we have here. It's not everyday would I get to see a girl's body... from the girl's own perspective. I must say, my dear, you are far from being unattractive.

Eona could feel her face heating up to a blush. She fixed her eyes on the wall across from her and was determined not to look anywhere. She would not give Ido a chance to see her body. Never.

You know, I would very much love to finish what I've began before you called the Mirror Dragon the other day. It would be the most-

OK. Just shut up and go. You wouldn't want me to force you out. I know at your state right now you are in no condition to fight with my power.

She could feel Ido shrugged and chuckled as he drew his presence back slowly. She could even feel his unsettling effort trying to turn her gaze on her own body.

I'll be back, my dear.

When Eona felt his presence gone. She exhaled a deep sigh and left her tensed-up body relax and settled into the warm water. What was she going to do with Ido? She could not have him peeping into her mind like this. No, she could not risk having anyone in her mind. Not even if it was Ido whose heart she had mended.

She must find a way to break the bond as soon as possible, but now... she only wanted to feel the warmth from the comforting water and enjoy this scarce moment of peace before the real battle begin.

A/N: OK. I don't even know what this fic is anymore... O_O" No one will probably like this, but I find this a strange relieve of my writer's block on my other works. LOL. Anyways, although this fic is not the best, I hope someone would have enjoyed reading it and not felt that it was a waste of their time! :)


06/07/10 EDIT:
- Added the disclaimer.
- Changed chapter title.