Disclaimer: I do not own JONAS/JONAS LA
He's tried everything!
For two weeks, he sent her flowers. She enjoyed that for a while until he saw her starting to frown at the gesture. Then he stopped the flowers.
For the next two weeks, he left chocolates in her locker. All different types of chocolates; from the plain to the exotic. Chocolates with nuts, chocolates with fruits, fruit dipped chocolate, chocolate drinks, chocolate dipped candy. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate. Pretty much every type of chocolate he could think of. She liked it at first. She had a bit of a sweet tooth anyways and a weakness for chocolate in particular. But towards the end, he could see her start to ignore the chocolate or give them to Stella. So he stopped.
For the two weeks after, he sent her clothes. From shoe laces (when he noticed hers was broken) to beautiful cocktail dressed. But she started getting irritated with those faster then the chocolates. He thought maybe he was imagining it by the fifth day, but he knew for sure later when he saw Stella wearing his skirt that she 'borrowed' from Macy.
It was by the end of the first week of jewellery that Macy came storming up to him and threw the necklace he got her, at him. He caught it quickly because it was kind of expensive. "Stop it!" she growled, trying to control the volume of her voice despite the fact that school was over and nobody was around them. "Stop giving me things!"
She was shaking in her anger. But he was confused – something he feels often because of her.
"Why?" He genuinely did not understand.
"I don't need you to spend so much on me!" She was hissing at him. "I didn't even know how much you were spending until Stella told me how much some of those clothes cost! And these jewelry! They're brand name! Way too expensive!" She was pacing, trying to control her adrenaline fuelled energy.
"What's the problem? I have the money." He didn't get it. He's a freaking multimillionaire. He could buy her cars for two weeks straight if he wanted! Whenever he bought something like the necklace he was holding for one of his former girlfriends, they loved it! Wanted more!
Macy shuffled in front of him, her voice quiet and anger seemingly dissipated. "I just…"
Nick leaned closer, curiosity doubled at what could have her so flustered.
She just sighed before looking into his eyes. "I'm not for sale Nick."
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