It was another boring day at school, Kengo and I were on the roof, sunbathing in the unlikely weather for that time of year, Aya was practicing fencing against the thin air with her brand new Katana. Somewhere along the line Aya had started skipping classes too and you could tell that she was beginning to see the bright side of life. Not only was she free from school, but we were free of her constant screaming at us to get back to class and her constant battering of our now healed heads.

Just over two years ago I would have complained about the boring life. Even though I was lazy, I never enjoyed being bored. But then that stupid pervert turned up in front of me, spouting nonsense about "destiny" and "fate" and then saying something strange about shadows. God, I hated him. He was the one who turned my life upside down, the one who gave me that power, the one that said "I love you" and "I'll always be by your side", the one that left me… Damn it, why did I have to be thinking about him now? I hated him so much. I'm glad he's gone back to the shadow world. I'd be even gladder if he were dead. In fact, I'd go as far to say that I'd be so much happier if we had never met.

My life wouldn't have been such a chore if we had never met on that day. I wouldn't have made so many friends that I couldn't keep. Perhaps Haruka wouldn't have been pulled in to the darkness. No, he was in on it from the beginning. Damn! Why can't I stop thinking about this. This is horrible. Stupid Shirogane. Pervert Shirogane. Shitty Shirogane! Why? Why did you have to make me this way? Why me? Ah, but of course. I'm a direct descendant of the Rei. I'm the king in fact. Eugh, why did it have to be me? Couldn't I just have had a normal schoolboy life of ditching class and punching Kengo in the face when I got bored? Shirogane you…

But… I did miss him. I guess. I miss his charm and wit, he always was amusing. I miss the way we used to fight together, smashing the heads of the Kokuchi into the floor as they burst away in to little red spots. I miss the way he used to annoy the shit outta me, even if it was… annoying. I miss the way he held my hand, the way he tried to kiss me, the way his hair flowed and how graceful he was, even when fighting.

WAIT! WOAH WOAH NO! What am I thinking? I don't miss that jerk. Those last little things I mentioned are what I hated most about him. Eugh, I hated his selfishness, how he was always pawing me as if I were some play thing. I certainly don't miss his arguing with me either.

"..ira…"Anyway, I hated him. He was horrible to me. He always kept secrets from me and never told me the truth. He was a selfish bastard.

"…Akir…"I hated him then and I hate him now. I don't think I'll ever stop hating him.

"AKIRA!" Aya's loud shouting along with her clonking me over the back of the head with the handle of her katana pulled me out of my reverie. Apparently she had been talking and, obviously, I had not been listening. That really has its consequences.I rubbed my head and squinted at the pain. "Hey cut it out! That hurt," I moaned. I'd been quite at peace swimming in my own thoughts until then. "What is it Aya?" I asked, giving her an evil glare. When I realised she was looking thoughtfully over the edge of the roof, I was slightly confused. She had her gaze set firmly on the horizon, it looked as though she was contemplating something. Mulling over something important in her head. "Eh?" I questioned, starting to get up from my comfortable spot on the roof.

"Hey, Akira… do you ever…" by this time her voice was a whisper, which for Aya was not normal. I moved to her position and stared where she was looking. "Oh! No what am I thinking?" she suddenly shouted, turning around in a flash and rubbing her head in embarrassment, she had a slight flush of pink on her cheeks. "Hehehe. Hahaha. Hohoho. Silly me!" She began to walk away. Kengo and I were confused as we looked at each other with questioning expressions on our faces.

"Um… Aya?" Kengo said, frightened of what might come. It appeared as though she'd forgotten that he was there as she got defensive and started to beat him over the head with her katana (don't worry it was in its metal case.) Kengo was bruised all over by the end of it and Aya began to apologise profusely. The school bell shrieked and Aya quickly rushed down the stairs, leaving nothing but a dust trail in her path.

I walked home with Kengo. We talked about why we were still at school, when we didn't need to be. We concluded that it was because we couldn't be arsed to get jobs. I'd come to like Kengo a little bit more after the past two-and-a-bit years, got to know him better. We were laughing loudly and joking about how weird Aya was, we made fun of her a lot, she was an easy target when she wasn't around to beat us up. Suddenly I bumped into an object in front of me. "Eh?" I breathed before I looked up. It was Kengo I'd bumped in to. "Kengo? What's wrong?" I sensed something was up with him. I moved in front of him to look at his face. It was as if he'd seen a ghost, all of the blood was washed from his face, he was pure white. His eyes had grown wide and his mouth was agape. He physically shook his head as if he were telling himself that something could not be real, as if he were trying to shake the image from his mind.

He looked at me with calmer eyes that still had a glimps of fear in them, "Ah… no it's nothing!" He smiled greatly, it was one of his trademark goofy smiles that annoyed me slightly. "Well Akira!" He shouted, patting me hard on the shoulder. "This is my stop!" I hadn't even realised we'd reached Kengo's house until he'd said so. He rushed inside, waving a goodbye and continuing his smile. I merely stood where I was, staring in disbelief as his silhouette disappeared behind his front door.

"What the hell is up with everyone lately?" I questioned myself as I made my way to my house. "Everyone's acting so strange," I growled as I decided to take my anger out on a nearby stone. I kicked it with so much frustration it went flying up in to the air, before it finally bounced on the ground. "Jeez, I wonder what it is."

The evening at home was quite uneventful. As soon as I got home I ate my dinner in silence then went to my room. I thought about the overdue paper I had in my bag and decided against doing it. Instead I lay on my bed and decided to mull over my thoughts one more time. Lots of "what if" questions appeared in my head. What If I had never met that stupid pervert? What if I had never become a Shin… well technically now a Rei but I think I'll skip that explanation. What if that stupid pervert hadn't left me? Where would I be now? Would we still be together now that the darkness has fallen back behind enemy lines and decided to take a break or would he have returned to the Shadow world anyway because of his lack of strength? At some point during my thoughts I had fallen into a deep slumber.

I awoke in a daze, my eyes blurry and my breath heavy. I looked at my surroundings, bathed in the red moonlight. "Shit," I said to myself as I recognised where I was. I arose from the floor, feeling a shockwave of pain rippling through my right leg. I screamed but managed to bite my lip and hold back the rest of the cry. That's when it came at me. The biggest Kokuchi that I had ever combated. "Damn it," I sighed as I flew in to the air and came down on the beast. I managed to slice part of it with my knife but the separated part merely divided into another Kokuchi. "What?" I decided to try again, but the same thing happened. All three Kokuchi flew at me with great speed and force. They managed to knock me to the floor and one even managed to bite me in the left shoulder with it's massive fangs. I cried out in pain and my anger grew. I once again slashed the beast but all it did was divide.

There was a sudden flash of black and white and the beast that was on me was obliterated into the little red dots that I knew all too well. I looked up to see who my saviour was and to thank the mystery man. My eyes grew wider as I saw the figure in front of me. Hat of black, plait of pure shining white hair, long black cloak. "You," I breathed as I stared in disbelief. The figure turned and his deep blue eyes shone at me. He smiled emphatically and reached out his had, gesturing for me to take it and get up.

I took the hand. "You have to go for the eyes Akira-kun~" he said to me in a light-hearted tone, he was still smiling like a fool. "Otherwise," his face was now serious, "they'll just keep multiplying." A battle was fought. I killed two of the Kokuchi and Shirogane killed the final one in one swift blow of his cane. Gracious as ever then.

The pain shook my body again, raging through my right leg and my left shoulder. I cried out and fell to my knees. I knew this feeling, I'd felt it before. But where? Shirogane's head whipped around to look at me, he had a pained expression. "Akira!" He shouted as he quickly moved beside me. He caught me just before I let my body go limp. "Akira! Hang in there!" I heard his voice shout. He tore open my shirt and pressed his hand against my wound, caressing it lightly. I tensed and hissed at the contact. "Don't worry Akira-kun, you may be poisoned but I can help there, remember?" He chuckled lightly. So that's where I remember this feeling from. The time I got poisoned by that rampant doctor. He was weird.

The sudden feeling of Shirogane's cold lips against my burning skin caused me to throw my head back. Why was I doing that? What was going on? Was I enjoying this? No way in hell! But it did feel… good. Shirogane smiled against my skin. He proceeded to suck out the poison from my veins. The weight upon my body lifted and I was able to move again. But I didn't want to. Did I? Why was I acting this way? Shirogane spat the poison to one side and smiled back at me. But this wasn't his normal goofy, idiotic smile, it was more the smile that a sly cat gave when it was hunting its prey. "Enjoying yourself, Akira-ku~n?" He placed his hand against my heart and his smile grew. "Such a fierce heartbeat Akira-kun~. could this all be for me? Ah! I feel so honoured." He moved in closer to me, looking to kiss me. Why wasn't my body moving? What was this feeling that was pulsing through my veins, this heat? Why was my heart beating so loud in my ears.

"Shirogane," my voice was barely above a whisper. It was so quite I couldn't hear it over the sound of my heart. I reacted to the touch. I moaned slightly, threw my head back further and arched my back. Why? What was happening? Why was my body reacting on its own all of a sudden? What the hell was going on?"Mmm~ Akira, your voice sounds so deep and husky," he chuckled and closed the kiss, but only for a second. He pulled away quickly and placed his forehead upon mine and stared deep into my soul. "I like it," he breathed. He was so close. His breath tickled my lips as he once again forced them to mine. Yes, this time there was more pressure in the kiss. There was a possible desperation behind it.

My hands snaked their way to his hair, pushing his hat from his head. What was going on? Why was my body doing this? Seriously, now? "Shirogane," I practically moaned as I pressed my body up to his.



I awoke screaming in my bed. I lurched forward, panting and eyes wide. I placed my head in my hands and spoke softly to myself. "Why is this happening?" I questioned. Angry tears began to sting my eyes and I bit my tongue to hold them back. "Goddamn it Shirogane! Why did you have to leave me, even after saying you wouldn't?" The question was irrational. Surely what I cared about was not him leaving but the fact that he ever existed. "Why did you have to fuck up my life?" I punched the bed and fell back down on to it. "I blame you. Stupid pervert." I whispered into the night air.

"Oh come now Akira-ku~n. That's a little bit harsh!"


A/N I LOVE MONOCHROME FACTOR SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEE~ I watched 14 of the 24 episodes in one day :3 I love it so much. Gah everything about it makes life so much better. I fell so in love with Shirogane it's not even funny.

There's not enough MF love on here so I dedcided to do a fanfic in honour of it teehee.

I think I got the characters pretty much spot on, except Akira at the end there, he NEVER CRIES. HE'S TOO BADASS. But it had to happen. Sorry.

Not much of the actual plot line in this chapter sorry, it's more of a setting up chapter.

Anyway plot: Shirogane comes back after 2 years in the shadow world and Akira hates him for abandoning him. They soon become friends... well they're forced to as the darkness' attack begins again. One new member, Hikari, joins the fight and the group accept her. But there's something about her that isn't quite right. Something that's too... pure about her.

Will contain shounen-ai/yaoi at some point but tbh I can't really see Shi-chan and Aki-kun going through with it so it'll probably just be pawing and kissing and stuff... dunno, let's see how I feel later on in life eh?


See ya, (^_^)/~