"Welcome back, Master Potter," said Griphook.
"Greetings Master Griphook," replied Harry in Goblin. Griphook seemed surprised, but shrugged.
"My son seems to have a knack for languages. So I suggested that he learn Goblin," said Sakura.
((Which was true, Harry now knew at least ten languages besides English, Japanese and Parsletoungue.))
"What brings you here?"
"I was curious to know if there were any other forgotten vaults that I have access to."
Griphook seemed to think for a moment, before replying, "There is only ONE that you have access to other than the trust vault. But there is a warning on it, saying to only be opened at time of great need."
Harry thought it over, and decided to wait to see it. He refilled his bag, and they went on a shopping spree. He bought two Auror-class trunks, one for him and one for Mokuba. They both held a compartment completely for books, potions and clothes. And seeing as how the two were building a library of their own, it would come in handy. He decided to wait for school supplies, as he knew for a fact Bakura would nick them.
"Hikari, I want you in my office now."
"What is it sir?"
"I've been looking into your records, and it seems you've never taken a vacation in the three years you've been here. Over twenty sick days, but no vacations."
"Never saw the need. Everyday out of the States is a vacation in my opinion."
"Hikari, I'm ordering you to take a vacation. Take one with Harry and the others...and if you want to do me a favor...drag Yugi with you. PLEASE."
"You're holding another tournament?"
"Yes, and I would prefer it not have the crazies again."
"Fine...this is a paid vacation, isn't it? How long?"
"Until Mokie has to return to the nightmare school. After finding out about that headmaster, I want one of the others to join him."
"Fine. Which one? Kura, Bakura or Marik? Kate would murder me in my sleep if I sent Yugi."
"Which is the most insane? And in chronological order PLEASE."
"At top is Bakura, followed closely by Marik. Kura is only slightly psychotic."
"Send Marik then."
"Can I go now?"
"Don't let the idiots drive you insane."
"WE'RE GOING ON VACATION!" announced Sakura as soon as she entered the door.
Sirius, Harry and Remus looked at her...normally she wasn't this loud. She grinned, and repeated her announcement.
"We're going on vacation. Kaiba was surprised to find that in three years I've never taken a vacation. So he said I had too. Plus, I'm getting paid to go...so long as I drag Yugi and Kate with me. We'll return before you and Mokie have to go back."
"Which means we get like, a few months or even years..." grinned Kate, who had caught the tail end of the vacation bit.
At the three confused looks, Sakura explained.
"Kate here is the reincarnation of Kebi. The Shadow Master of Time. But last time I checked, she went by Fukanya now. Aki is Shadow Master of Space...which means we'll need her help for the travel plans I have in mind..."
Aki turned, and gave her a look.
"Where is it EXACTLY that you want to go? If you recall we had that little issue with our passports a week after portalling here!"
"Ah, but where do you think my Anime-infested mind will take them?" she grinned, pointed to the others.
Aki's eyes widened in comprehension. She snorted, and said "Bring me back their autographs...or I WILL have your head!"
"Including the traitor's?"
Aki gave her a look.
"Right. Well, everyone get packed and let your next of kin. We're off on vacation!"
The village was huge, and surrounded by a mountain with faces on it, of all things. People wearing animal masks stopped them, and she reported to the village leader.
"Hello Sarutobi! Long time no see!" Sakura said cheerfully.
The old man puffed away, clearly surprised to see her.
"I assume you want your old apartment."
"And one near it. My friend and her boyfriend will definitely need their own. No way am I listening to those two play..."
Kate and Yugi blushed furiously. Sirius and Remus looked at them in surprise...while Harry filed it away for future blackmail.
Sakura lead them to an old apartment, which was apparently painted blue this time. She grinned, and knocked on a door. A blond boy with whiskers answered.
"Hello...Aunty Sakura! When did you get back?"
"Hey runt. I just got back, and I'll be staying for a while. How have you been runt?"
"Everyone ignores me as usual. How's Aki?"
"She's fine...though she threatened to murder me if I don't get Kakashi and Iruka's autograph. By the way, this is Kate, her boyfriend Yugi, Sirius, Remus and my adopted son Harry."
Naruto looked at her...and grinned wolfishly.
"Care to help me prank the ANBU again?"
At that, Sirius grinned evilly. Sakura showed Kate and Yugi their apartment, and then walked in on Sirius and Remus helping Naruto plan a very devious prank involving dungbombs, of all things. She grinned, and knew the two would love it here.
"GET BACK HERE YOU BRAT!" roared a masked ninja. Naruto grinned as he evaded with practiced ease. He vanished, and popped back into his apartment, where Sirius was waiting.
"How did it go?"
Naruto smirked, and said "They never saw it coming. How long does that smell last by the way?"
Sirius let out a bark of laughter as he replied, "Long enough! Sakura-chan said that you were welcome to join us for dinner."
Naruto went with him next door, and had fun for the first time in months. Sirius was like a fun older brother, with Remus to keep him honest. Harry was like a brother too, only he seemed more like Naruto. Sakura grinned the entire time, and asked him how he was.
The next day, Naruto walked into class, his head held high. Sasuke groaned.
"She's back, isn't she?"
"Yup...and she brought others."
Sasuke's interest was peaked.
"Apparently she adopted a kid. I think he's like me though. Anyway, the kid's godfather and uncle moved in near her, and she brought them and her friend's along."
"Not Aki I hope."
"Nope. Though Aki told her to get Iruka-sensei's autograph."
Sasuke snorted. But he did ask about her new kid.
"Everyone settle down! Now as a few of you are aware, One of our jounin has returned to the village. Her name is Hikari Sakura, and she'll be teaching you lot a few things about weapons."
A brown haired menace walked in, followed closely by a black haired boy around their age. The boy had glasses, a rarety even in Konoha, and his hair had the same color as Sasuke. It appeared Naruto was right, the boy had the same air as Naruto used to have.
Sakura grinned, and introduced the boy. Immediately the Sasuke-fan-girls started squealing. It seemed they had a new target to latch onto. Sasuke pitied the boy now. He was doomed.
Emrys, the boy called himself, sat between Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke looked to him, and said, "You do realize that you're doomed, right?"
Emrys looked surprised.
"This room is full of fangirls. Seems they've abandoned me to latch onto you."
Emrys smirked, "Too bad I'm used to them. Mum is a fangirl too!"
"So is Emrys your real name?"
"Hell no. Mum said I could change it if I wanted, so I did. Originally it was Harry Potter."
Emrys sat with them, and learned with them. He seemed to find it highly interesting. When they stepped outside to eat lunch, Emrys cursed violently. A sword was attacking without an owner!
"Dammit Caliburn, knock it off! I thought I left you behind!"
Naruto and Sasuke looked at him. He KNEW this sword?
"Damn magic sword..."
"Um, Emrys?"
"I found out that my ancestors had an enchanted sword, so Mum made me learn how to use it. Unfortunately, it seems to enjoy attacking me during the lunchtime hours."
Naruto dragged Emrys to his favorite restaurant, and wasn't surprised in the least to see his Aunt there. She told the owner she would pay for Naruto and Emrys bowls, to the blonds clear delight. Soon the three were devouring the ramen, though Naruto clearly had a bottomless stomach for the noodles. Emrys stared as Naruto consumed no less than THIRTY bowls...each bigger than the boy's head!
Naruto was so stuffed afterwards that Sakura carried him back. Emrys went off to learn how to throw shuriken and kunai properly, with Sasuke's help. Meanwhile, Sakura stalked down Iruka.
"How has the runt been?"
"He's still hated...though his pranks have gotten better. He missed you something fierce though."
"Poor thing. How are his clones?"
"They're so pathetic its sad."
"I'll help him with those. After all, he'll need that skill to graduate."
Iruka turned to leave, and Sakura remembered something.
"Oh, before I forget, Aki wants your autograph. Apparently she's a fangirl of you and Kakashi Hatake."
Iruka choked at the thought, and gave her a scroll with his signature. He did NOT want Aki after him...the last person who annoyed her said she was worse than Ibiki in a foul mood!
Naruto woke up the next morning, and prayed to any Kami who would listen that his Aunt really was back, and that Emrys was real. He always wanted someone who didn't pity him...or look at him with hate in their eyes for a friend.
A knock was heard, and Naruto reluctantly answered. A boy with the wildest hair he'd ever seen said sheepishly, "Sakura-chan said breakfast was ready, and if you don't get up then she'd sneak a hundred veggies in your eggs."
Naruto knew he was gaping, and didn't care.
"Is that hair real?"
The boy laughed, and replied, "Yup. My names Yugi, and the grinning loon behind me is my girlfriend Kate. Come on, Sakura's eggs get worse when cold!"
Naruto rushed to Sakura's apartment **which was next door. Sakura always laughed when Naruto told people he had her for a neighbor. Something about people mentioning craziness...** and entered. A big black dog appeared out of nowhere and tackled him, covering him in slobber.
"Twinkletoes, knock it off or no breakfast!" yelled Sakura.
The dog gave her a clear look of betrayal. Emrys saw it, and started laughing. Remus walked in, saw the scene, and took a wild guess as to the cause. He grumbled about being too early and no caffeine.
The dog heads to the coffee maker *brand new, Sakura bought it for Remus and Sirius only. Hard-core tea drinker!~* and pushes the button.
Naruto sat down with Emrys, and they ate, joking about the day. They headed to class, and Emrys immediately tapped a stick to his ears and Naruto's. When they entered the room, Naruto heard a muffled squel!
Emrys tapped Naruto's ear again, and he could hear perfectly. He gave the other boy a questioning look.
"Silencing charm. It muffles out the fangirl squels. Dead useful when Sakura and Kate are having an all night anime marathon."
Naruto grinned, and they took their seats next to Sasuke. He got the full brunt of the shrieks, and was now wincing with every sound made. Emrys took pity on him, and tapped his ears with a stick. The sound immediately muffles, and Sasuke gives him a grateful look.
The lesson goes as planned, and afterwards, Emrys drags Sasuke to the local BBQ restaurant. Naruto joins them, and Sasuke decides to ask Emrys about his school.
"Boring...and highly annoying. The guy who runs the place wants me to turn into the equivalent of a Nuke-nin here and go on a killing spree. So naturally me and my friends prank him almost daily."
"What do you call yourselves?" asked Naruto.
"The Marauding ANBU. I'm Wolf. My friend Hermione is Nekomata, Draco is Raven, Blaise is Crow, Neville is Squirrel, Luna is Thestral, Mokuba is Dragon and the twins are FoxMoon and FoxFoot."
Naruto looked excited... "Can I be part of your group?"
"Sure. What animal do you like best?"
Naruto thought a bit.
"Fox. Or toads."
Emrys grinned, "Squirrel has a toad named Trevor, and from what Mokuba tells me, it's always trying to escape."
They talked for quite a bit, and Sasuke was invited to breakfast with them in the mornings. Much to his surprise, he found Emrys to be a fantastic cook! Soon Sasuke and Naruto were bringing bento boxes made by Emrys, who grinned like a loon. Girls swooned and boys swarmed. Seems they heard about his skills.
Emrys waited for Naruto and the final exam. This was his third time, so Sakura had taken him in for special training. Naruto had the clones down pat. As did Emrys. Emrys loved the Shadow Clone for it's practical use. Now he could get his homework done in half the time!
Naruto walked out with a smirk, his head held high. He crowed in triumph, as he held out his new headband. Emrys congratulated his brother, and joined Sasuke. The three ate at Ichiraku's, and were joined by Sakura and Sirius. He was proud of his pup, for not only did he pass the exam with the second highest overall score, he did it in six months!
Naruto looked up to Sirius, and Sasuke to Remus. As far as the two were concerned, they were family, blood or no. That night, Mizuki attempted to steal the Forbidden Scroll. Only to be stopped by Sirius and Sakura.
The third Hokage met the two, and decided that as fully trained wizards, they would be considered honorary Ninja of Konoha. Which meant they would be allowed to accompany Emrys on missions outside the village. Sakura watched Sirius wander around as a dog, and had an idea.
"What can I do for you, Panther-san?" asked Kakashi.
"Two things. One, I need to borrow Pakkun for about a month."
"And the other?"
"Aki happens to be your fan. She wants an autograph. I've already gotten Iruka's."
Kakashi was a bit surprised to find Aki was a part of his fan club, so he gave Sakura the signature. He then summoned Pakkun, who went with her.
"Welcome home, Sakura! Who's that you got there?" said Sirius.
"Meet Pakkun. I had a brilliant idea concerning you and Remus. As you know, you two are honorary Leaf nin. However, what you didn't know is that they can summon animals to aid them...like Pakkun here."
"Yo," said Pakkun, raising a paw.
Sirius' eyes raised a bit, and she grinned.
"Summons can talk...some of them anyway. Pakkun will show you how to act like a summoned dog, which would give you the ability to fool enemy nin outside the village."
Sirius grinned. She was giving him the perfect chance to help his godson in this world. Who was he to deny such a chance?
"So when do we start, sensei?" he grinned. Pakkun gave him the doggy equivalent of a smirk.
Remus walked in, and stopped to a dead halt. He sniffed, and said "Where's Sirius? He isn't off with Naruto pranking the ANBU again is he?"
"I wish. I sent him off to train with Pakkun. You'll be joining him when Moony comes out to play."
"Moony wants to know what you have planned for us."
Remus and his werewolf form seemed to have come to a truce about certain subjects. Harry, Sakura, their surrogate clan, and anything Sakura had planned. Moony seemed to know who the leader of their pack was.
Sakura grinned, and explained about summoned animals. Interested, the werewolf decides to join Sirius early, to protect his pup...and the pack.
Two months since Team 7 was formed, Naruto, Sasuke and Emrys were fed up. Sakura, the only female in the group, was regarded with a great deal of jealousy by the rabid fangirls. That is, until she had her fantasy handed back to her by Emrys for not pulling her weight. Even Sasuke was annoyed with the girl. So when they had a C rank mission, they begged to keep her there for re-training.
No such luck.
Tazuna the bridge builder. A drunk who didn't put much faith in their team. So naturally, Naruto tried to liven things up. They were told to meet at the gates the next day, and to pack light.
Emrys told his family about the mission, and was given two scrolls. One had a full moon emblazed on it, the other had a familiar paw print. He gave them a questioning look.
"Padfoot will accompany you as a summon animal. Moony will stand-by as a secondary summon. The moon is Remus, Paw is Sirius. If anyone asks, Kakashi showed you how to do it."
Emrys smiled widely, happy that his godfather and guardian would come with him. Naruto looked thrilled, as the two would keep them alive.
"Emrys, tell Kakashi that I heard rumors of some nuke-nin operating in the Land of Waves. Zabuza of the Mist has been reported in that area, as have the Demon Brothers. Keep an eye out, and don't let your guard down."
Sakura handed Naruto and Sasuke scolls as well. Naruto had a Sakura flower, Sasuke a star.
"Naruto, your scroll summons my panther form, Sasuke your's summons Tasogare in her true form. Use them only when you truly need it. Emrys can summon Moony and Padfoot easily, but yours cost blood during battle. Got it?"
They gave her a salute.
A grim-like hound walked in step with Emrys, grinning. His tail wagged as Naruto approached, and did his best not to jump him and lick him to death. He contained his urge barely. Kakashi hid his grin at the sight, as he figured this was the one Sakura wanted Pakkun to train.
They left Konoha, upbeat but on guard. Emrys had warned Kakashi of the reports, and the Copy Nin heeded them. When they passed a puddle, Emrys drew his weapon. Naruto, Sasuke and Padfoot sensed this, and prepared for battle. Only Sakura was oblivious.
Clang! A crash of metal on metal, as Emrys blocked the claws of the nuke-nin. Naruto goes to Tazuna, Padfoot as well, hackles drawn. He knew how to fight as a dog, and was prepared to protect his pack. Sasuke fought alongside Emrys, as they parried the Demon Brother's assault. Caliburn, sensing battle, appeared in Emrys' hand as he calmly held his own. Sakura screamed, in shock, before coming to her senses and standing next to Naruto, kunai drawn.
Finally, Kakashi stepped in, and captured them. Emrys stayed alert, until Kakashi gave them the order to stand down. Emrys could sense Caliburn's joy, as it's master passed the test of true battle of blade on blade.
"Seems Panther's information was correct. And you have some explaining to do, Tazuna."
In the end, they continued on. Padfoot scouted ahead, with Kakashi's blessing. He knew about Sirius, and though the animagus didn't possess as strong as a real dog, he could still wander around unnoticed...so long as he acted like an actual dog. (He silently thanked Pakkun for showing the man how to act properly.)
They boarded the boat with no problems, though Emrys did flinch at how loud Sakura was being. Naruto at least whistled quietly at the sight of the bridge.
Sakura, determined to prove herself after the disaster with the nuke-nin, threw her kunai at a random bush. A strange cry was heard, and Emrys investigated. Sakura had nearly impaled a white rabbit! His silently chided the girl. Padfoot growled, and he went immediately on alert. Caliburn appeared in his hand, and the boys took note. Immediately they took battle positions, and ducked when they heard the whistle of a blade flying overhead.
They all ducked, though Kakashi had to push Sakura down. Immedaitely, they took positions around the client. A chuckle is heard, and the missing nin called Zabuza appeared. He gave a silent approval to the boys, who at least acted like a proper ninja. The girl...was a lost cause. Kakashi revealed his Sharigan, and Sasuke explained it to the others. The battle between nuke nin and Copy nin began with a bang!