OMFG! Somehow an Update came :O Praised be whatever made it happen... SO... I didnt update this a week after the last installment...In fact I failed miserably, if that was a cxoursework deadline ._. Oh dear.

You may throw pointy sticks and nasty old stale bread at me if you wish. But reviews do tend to make me update quicker ,

If I told you I was sorry WOuld you Forgive me? T^T

Mahhh...Short, Late Update Is both Short and Late.

I dont Own KKM -_-

Yuuri Shibuya, 25 year old Love sick banker from some country I still haven't named yet [I think it's England as I used the Channel]

Stood outside a lavish, large and to be honest obnoxiously over the top gate, the entrance to the largest Bielefeld estate.

After a month of searching for a certain blonde haired aristocrat in a foreign country, not seeing his children and slowly burning a large hole into his savings…

…If this particular Bielefeld residence wasn't the one Wolfram was residing in, he would give up.

In hind sight he would have come straight here, but tip offs from several 'von somethings' to smaller Bielefeld strongholds had delayed him.

At least he'd helped his business as he appeared to have won the hearts of most rich families with his quest to 'find the blonde brat that everyone knows of but hasn't a clue about where he is' and at least said blondes temper would have had time to cool.

Then again…..this was Wolfram.

He opened up the crudely drawn diagram done by someone called Gunter Von Christ, A man that seemed to think he was the best thing since sliced bread, apart from he had the strange tendency to wail and cry when he kept asking for help in finding Wolfram.

Three days of solid hard asking had gained him a drawing and an explanation that Little-Lord-Brat as the lilac haired demon called him had a strong attachment to his eldest brother Gwendal and thus they often had shared a bedroom.

Said deceased brother being a close childhood friend of the melodramatic man and therefore him knowing a way how to get up and into said room.

Because Waltorana, Wolfram's Uncle, would surely lynch him if given the opportunity, so going up to the front door and demanding to see Wolfram probably wasn't a good idea.

He glanced up at the sky and noticed that evening was on its way and his small timepiece stated it was just gone seven. Time to put his plan into action.

He walked sixty paces to the left alongside the sandstone wall that was the barrier of the estate and sure enough behind a fair bit of shrubbery was a hole where several bricks had been purposefully removed; more foliage on the other side hid it well.

He clambered through, forgetting care to his clothes and ignoring the sound of ripping as a few parts of his coat snagged sharp masonry. He was too enraptured in his quest.

Next after getting up on the other side, he darted across the finely cut lawn diagonally to the various foliage along the buildings southern wall and then quietly crawled through the undergrowth as to be undetected by a group of servant passing by, carrying what looked like laundry into a servants entrance.

As soon as the small door was neatly shut behind them Yuuri ran frantically past, around to the back of the manor and hid between box hedges at the sight of two figures sitting at an outdoor laid table.

Two blondes, one with his back to him and the other who he could partially see the face of, he was older with less vibrant beauty about him yet still stunning. Waltorana.

The other blonde turned to the side and looked across the green sorrowfully and Yuuri's heart both fluttered and stung, it was Wolfram.

By choice he would have quite happily stood and watched but rain pervaded it and came down softly at first and then increased rapidly soaking both him and the two blondes forcing them to retreat inside.


He sped past the lavish patio and its grand conservatory and made his way to underneath a large ornate balcony so he could check his reference.

Crudely scribbled was a small instruction. 'Climb the Vine' which would have been quite simple if said vine wasn't slippery from rain and the rain wasn't pummelling him.

Still he pressed forward and arduously scaled the plant. It was fortunately strong, however just about halfway one particular strand snapped and he landed in the muddy, saturated ground in a painful heap.

By god it hurt, not to mention being sodden through wasn't a pleasant experience, yet it made him more determined and so soon after he ended up on the blonde's balcony peering through the glass doors into his room.

He tried the handle and was pleased to find it opened and so he slunk in, all wet and dirty and just generally a mess in contrast to the blondes beautiful and clean room.

Wolfram was changing behind an ornate changing screen, just a silhouette of his form showing his presence, as the door clicked too he jolted and quickly changed completely.

Yuuri stood quietly in his place waiting for the blonde to come out, he was in no way well appeared, his clothes ripped and muddy, his hair and the garments dripping murky water, a few twigs probably lodged onto him, but maybe that would make Wolfram feel a little remorse.

Or not. This was Wolfram after all.

A porcelain hand tentatively grasped the edge of the screen and Yuuri decided he couldn't wait.

He traversed the room in a few short strides and came into the view of the other blonde, who looked far from impressed.

"I Uhh…Uhhh I can…"

"Explain?" Waltorana offered softly.

Yuuri felt his mouth go dry and a cold sweat broke his skin.

I will update...Thats all I promise.
reviews may speed up the process

Gomen X